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By: Hannah Lapeyrolerie and Arshama Dehghan


Northeast Landforms: The Northeast region of the United States is
famous for its mountain ranges, valleys, and rivers. A few examples of the
major landforms in the northeast are the Appalachian Mountains,
Shenandoah Valley, Catskill Mountains, and Adirondack Mountain.
Midwest Landforms: The Midwest region of the United States have steep
hills, rivers, and vast grasslands.
South Landforms: The South region of the United States have mountain
ranges, fields, rivers, plains, and hills.
West Landforms: The West region of the United States have mountain
ranges and vast, dry plains. The Rockies are famous here.


Northeast Resources: Natural Resources are coal, gravel, iron, natural gas, oil,
sand, stone, zinc, fruits, vegetables, poultry, and cattle. Manufactured Resources
are foods, syrups, paper product, chemicals, clothing, electric equipment,
lumber, medicine, printed materials, and plastic.
Midwest Resources: Natural Resources are oil, coal, gold, copper, iron, lead,
natural gas, limestone, hay, timber, crops, and cattle/ livestock. Manufactured
Resources are books, processed foods, packaged meats, dairy products,
automobiles, chemicals, machinery, paper product, electrical equipment, and
metal products.
South Resources: Natural Resources are sulfur, salt, coal, oil, shellfish, cotton,
timber, fruit, sugar cane, fish and iron. Manufactured Resources paper products,
metal products, glass, chemical, electrical equipment, and dairy products.
West Resources: Natural Resources are fish, shrimp, crabs, dairy cows, cotton,
coffee, barley, sugar cane, vegetables, fruits, coal, copper, gold, lead, natural
gas, oil, silver, uranium, and zinc. Manufactured Resources are chemicals, dairy
products, electrical equipment, jet airplanes, lumber, metal products, and paper
products, processed foods, and machinery.



Northeast Climate: They tend to have cool to hot summers and cold
winters. Yearly Precipitation is about 46 inches of a combination rain and
snow. It is around 70 degrees(F) in the summer and around 20(F) degrees
in the winter.

Midwest Climate: Summers tend to be very hot and humid and winters
tend to be cold and dry. The average Yearly Precipitation is about 36 inches.
It is about 100 degrees(F) in the summer, 30 to 40 degrees(F) in the winter,
and 50 to 70 degrees(F) in the Spring and fall.
South Climate: Summers tend to be hot and humid and winters are mild
and cool. The average Yearly Precipitation is 32 inches, most of the
precipitation happens in the spring or winter. It is about 100 to 110
degrees(F) in the summer and 30 to 50 degrees(F) in the winter.
West Climate: Summers tend to be very humid and winters tend to be
cold and dry. The average Yearly Precipitation is about 32 inches. It is about



Northeast Economy: The northeast regions economy is largely driven by

industry. They are also know for their prestigious education systems,
biotechnology, and microelectronics.
Midwest Economy: The Midwest regions economy is farming and
manufacturing. Power plants, wheat, corn, cattle, and mining.
South Economy: The South regions economy is manufacturing, farming,
fishing, mining, and industry.

West Economy: The West regions economy is wind farms, tobacco, wheat,
and corn farming, and gold mining.

Northeast Severe Weather: The Northeast tends to get heat waves in
the summer, snow storms in the winter, and floods and hurricanes tend to
be in mid-spring.
Midwest Severe Weather: The Midwest tends to get most of the severe
weather in the spring time. Their sever weather consists of severe
thunderstorms, tornados, and floods.
South Severe Weather: The South tends to have the worst storms and
severe weather in the seasons spring and summer. Their storms consist of
tornados, heat waves, floods, hurricanes, and severe weather.
West Severe Weather: The West does not have any specific severe
weather season. They have hurricanes, thunderstorms, earthquakes, rain,
and floods.


Northeast Vegetation: This region of the United States contains needle
leaf trees, broadleaf trees, ferns, fungi, and mosses.
Midwest Vegetation: This region of the United States contains deciduous
trees, tall grasses, short grasses, and a variety of crops.
South Vegetation: This region of the United States contains maple trees,
pine trees, mosses, grasses, and shrubs.
West Vegetation: This region of the United States contains high elevation
trees and crops like corn, soybeans, and berries.



Northeast Cities: New York City (New York), Buffalo(New York),

Baltimore(Maryland), Boston(Massachusetts), Pittsburg (Pennsylvania),
Philadelphia(Pennsylvania), and Hartford (Connecticut)

Midwest Cities: Chicago (Illinois), Detroit (Michigan), Cincinnati (Ohio),

Cleveland(Ohio), Columbus (Ohio), Indianapolis (Indiana), Kansas City
(Missouri), St. Louis (Missouri), Milwaukee (Wisconsin), and Minneapolis
South Cities: Atlanta (Georgia), New Orleans (Louisiana), Miami (Florida),
Orlando (Florida), Nashville (Tennessee), Memphis (Tennessee), Charlotte
(North Carolina), Louisville (Kentucky), and Tampa Bay (Florida).
West Cities: Seattle (Washington), Oakland (California), Sacramento
(California), San Francisco (California), Austin (Texas), Dallas (Texas),
Houston (Texas), Arlington (Texas), San Antonio (Texas), Denver (Colorado),
Salt Lake City (Utah), Boise (Idaho), Phoenix (Arizona, and Portland



Northeast Culture: If you ever go to the Northeast you will probable notice that
the people there are very loud and the streets are always crowded. They have a
large group of Italian- Americans and Irish- Americans but still have a large
diversity in people. Religions are very diverse as well. The states in this region are
mainly made up of big cities.
Midwest Culture: The people who live in the Midwest are always thought of to be
hard-working people. Religions are very diverse here. People who live in the
Midwest are known for there love for music, they listen to jazz, blues, rock and roll,
South Culture: The people who live in the South region of the United States
really do have a culture of their own. There is a huge diversity in religion and
people. Southerners are know for there cooking and music. There food is full of
flavor and they listen mostly to country music.
West Culture: The people who live in the West are more reserved than those of
the Northeast region. They are a very diverse group of people. They are mostly
known for living in the desert. They are also known for making lots of movies in

You can travel about the same in each region, you can travel by bus, train,
taxi, airplane, car, etc.


Northeast Brief History: This is where the first Americans settled. These were
the leaders of education, farmers, etc. During the Civil War they were part of the
Union Army.
Midwest Brief History: Europeans started settling in the Midwest in the seventeen hundreds during the French exploration. Most of the region was part of the
Confederate Army during the Civil War.
South Brief History: After the Louisiana purchase is when the South really began
to gain settlers. The settlers were simple farmers looking for land to farm. During
the Civil War most of the south was a part of the Confederate Army.
West Brief History: Most of the West gained settlers during the Westward
expansion and then again later during the California Gold Rush. Most of this
happened after the Civil War, the West Region really didnt contributed during the
Civil War.

Northeast Government: Mostly Democratic region.
Midwest Government: Supports both Democrat and Republican parties, it all
depends on the specific state that you are in.
South Government: Mostly Republican today. It used to be highly democratic.
West Government: Interior of this region is Republican, but the exterior of the
region is Democratic.
The overall United States government is a democracy. Every four years the United
States elects a new President.



What you should know about the Northeast: 1.) Prepare for lots of walking, so wear comfortable shoes.
2.) The streets will be busy so plan your schedule early so you dont get stuck in traffic. 3.) The cities are loud,
bring noise canceling headphones if you dont like loud places. 4.) Dont try to drive there, take a plane or a
bus, having a car is more of a burden. The city is so crowded you will have to always worry about where you
need to park it when you could be already at your destination. 5.) Bring warmer clothing, it is colder there
then any other region.
What you should know about the Midwest: 1.)They are big in manufacturing, so prepare for factories and
industries. 2.) Farming is also big there. Lots of land and crops. 3.) Dont plan a long trip there, there isnt all
that much to do there. 4.)If you are going to get away from all the technology, this is the place to go. 5.) There
is a lot of manufacturing, especially in Michigan, if you are into that kind of thing, you should go and see it.
What you should know about the South: 1.) Prepare to eat a lot of food there. 2.) Plan at least one day to
go and listen to there world famous music. 3.) Bring lighter clothes, these are warmer states. 4.) Plan at least
a week if you are going on vacation. There is so much to do that you wont be able to cram it all in a couple of
days, to get the full experience plan a longer trip. 5.) The south is ideal for road trips.
What you should know about the West: 1.) There will be a lot of walking here, bring comfortable tennis
shoes. 2.) Bring a camera! There is so much to see, the view is amazing. 3.) If you are going in the summer
pack lighter clothing, it is really hot. 4.) Keep you wallet close, since it is crowded in major cities there is
bound to be one person that will attempt to steal your money. 5.) Plan your whole day out, there is so much
stuff in the cities to see!


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