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Professional Interview

By Hannah Lapeyrolerie

Interviewee: Bill Grattendick

Bachelors degree in Chemical engineering

Exxon/Mobil and Purvin and Gertz
Personal email-
Personal phone number- 281-363-0310

Chemical Engineering- oil and gas; Petroleum refining
Exxon- Process Engineer
Purvin and Gertz- Managing Partner Consultant
Process Engineer- Technical engineer on various refining
processing units
Managing Partner Consultant- to be a consultant to clients in
the energy field.
8:30 am to 5:30 pm 5 days a week

Questions Continued

High School- Math, Chemistry, Physics, English, and

College- Chemistry, Math, Physics, Philosophy, Lab,
I might have gone back and gotten my MBA, but besides
that, no.
*MBA stands for Master of Business Administration*
My advice I would give to anyone who wants to become a
Chemical engineer is to take lots of math and science classes
and stay dedicated to it (engineering) because engineers are
always needed.

Personal Reflection
I was surprised to know that your math classes are actually

more important than your science classes when it comes to

Chemical Engineering.
Stay focused on you classes and dont fall behind, that it key!
This interview sparked my interest in becoming an engineer, I
definitely want to research Chemical engineering more.

Career Field
Hannah Lapeyrolerie
Nuclear Engineering

Nuclear Engineer Information

Nuclear Engineering
Many responsibilities of a Nuclear Engineer include:
Accident Prevention awareness, this is where they do everything
in their power prevent accidents in the work area.
Keep up with changes in the Nuclear field, constant research and
reading technical journals.
Prepare for lots of experiments that will expand your knowledge
about nuclear usage and nuclear waste disposal.
Design and construct nuclear systems and reactors.
Design equipment. (CAREERPLANNER, 2013)

Work Environment
Working conditions vary depending on the job you have in the

Nuclear business. But usually, you will be working in the

Power Plant and/or Factories.
The Location of Nuclear Power Plants is generally away from
neighborhoods and major businesses.
As a Nuclear Engineer, you have a forty hour workweek
schedule, but you end up working overtime in many cases.
(Unknown, 2014)

Specialized or General?
You can go either way in Nuclear engineering.
Specialized jobs include: finding power sources for space

crafts and computing. It doesnt have as many specialized

jobs because there is more need for work in other areas.
Everything else is usually general, for example: electronics,
waste disposal, maintenance, etc. (Sloan Career Cornerstone
Center, 2014)

Operating Nuclear Power Reactors

and their location


CAREERPLANNER. (2013). Discover the Keys to your Job Satisfaction. Retrieved

from Career Planner:
Sloan Career Cornerstone Center. (2014). Nuclear Engineering Overview.
Retrieved from Career Corner Stone:
Unknown. (2014). Nuclear Engineer Job Description, Career as a Nuclear
Engineer, Salary, Employment - Definition and Nature of the Work, Education
and Training Requirements, Getting the Job. Retrieved from State University:

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