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Giselle Brito
LBS 400
Ms. Teri Abbott
September 23, 2015
Philosophy of Education Statement
Purpose of Education
I believe that education will help students be successful in the future and it will prepare
them for the real world. Children are the future; therefore, it is important that as future teachers
we will teach and prepare them as much as we can so they can be ready and become very
successful. We educate children because we want them to learn and develop their greatest
abilities in order for them to accomplish their goals in life. Also, children should have the desire
to learn in order to develop and strengthen their critical thinking skills. According to Stripling,
the new standards emphasize that the questioning, critical thinking, and creative generation of
new knowledge are as important to students learning as their information finding (pg 1). The
purpose of education is to inspire children to love education even though it can be tough at times.
We need to let them know that it is acceptable to make mistakes while learning because from
those mistakes its how they will learn and improve their critical thinking skills and abilities. As
students become adults, I would want them to appreciate their education because without it they
wouldnt be successful. I would also love for them to change the world in a positive way.
Learning Environment
I believe children learn best under certain conditions. The features of an environment that
promote learning are having an ideal classroom in which it can motivate students to learn more
each day. For example, having a positive attitude everyday when coming in to class will make a

difference because students will feel comfortable and motivated to learn. It is also great to have
the classroom decorated with motivational quotes, bulletin boards, posters, and information on
the walls so that students can refer to it. Children learn best when they collaborate with one
another in groups or in partners because they have the opportunity to learn from each other. Also,
they learn best when they are interested, motivated, and are in a comfortable environment. I
know children want to feel comfortable and confident to raise their hand and give out an answer
without being criticized. Children just want to feel safe and know that the teacher will be there
for them to help them out in anything they are having difficulties in.
Commitment to Social Justice
In order to address issues of diversity and equity, teachers need to be flexible with their
students and make time for every student who has extra needs. They also need to treat every
student equally regardless of their race, ethnicity and culture. Every student should receive the
same amount of help and guidance from the teacher. Wilson and Peterson (2006) states how
teachers need to give learners reason by respecting and understanding learners prior
experiences and understandings, assuming that these can serve as a foundation on which to build
bridges to new understandings (pg 5). An excellent education should consist of set goals,
standards, discipline, and equal opportunity. Students should be given equal access to learning
and feel comfortable being in a classroom setting with their teacher and classmates. Furthermore,
a major core value in education is being able to accommodate and modify students needs.
Students who have trouble on a daily basis should never be ignored but instead give them
absolute attention and help them to succeed day by day.
I believe every subject should be taught according to their standards but also include

creative ways in how to teach each of the subjects in order for students to grasp the concept in a
much easier, enjoyable way. Wilson and Peterson (2006) stated that students need to learn about
the ideas, theories, facts, and procedures of a disciplinethey need extensive experience with
the ways in which ideas are argued and proved disciplinary fields as well as a deep and thorough
understanding of the facts and concepts of each field (pg 8). During the school day, teachers
should encourage students to participate and get involved. Teachers should also include hands-on
activities that will enable them to interact with one another. For example, having the students
work in groups is very beneficial because they get the chance to help others but they also learn
how to work as a team. Various subjects such as; literature, history, science, math, visual and
performing arts, health, and physical education should be taught competitively in order for
students to be challenged and be successful.
I believe an effective teacher should be compassionate, motivational, inspirational,
encouraging, and self-disciplined. Effective teachers set high expectations for their students
because they believe in their students. If teachers believe in the students, then the students will
start believing in themselves. The responsibilities that a teacher need to continue to learn and
develop professionally is being an organized teacher. For example, always having their lesson
plans and materials ready. Teachers should always motivate students to keep striving for the best
and to have the desire to learn more each day. As a future teacher, I will try my very best to be an
effective teacher because I want my students to feel comfortable and assured that I will help
them in anything in order for them to be successful in the future.

Works Cited
Stripling. B (2008). Inquiry: Inquiring minds want to know. School Library Media
Activities, 25 (2).
Wilson, S. M. & Peterson, P. L. (2006). Theories of learning and teaching what do they
mean for educators? Washington, DC: National Education Association.

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