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By Nduaguba Anulika Lucia

UNIVERSITY ing care of the affected
organized ones.
Health Fair to raise awareThe vice President of
ness about mental illness.
Mental Health Association
Curtin University visit- Dr. Adeline Wong said
ed mental health services to Mental Health Awareness
mark World Mental Health this year focused more on
living with depression.
There are many awkward
Curtin University Mamythologies concerning delaysia spread the message
pression which states that
about mental health by
having depression means
opening booths in the mall
that you are just weak.
and handing flyers to peoThis misinformation can
ple about mental health serprevent those suffering
vices in the area as well as
from depression not to care
getting people to think
about seeking for proper
about the symptoms of
health care.
mental health and also tak-

Raising awareness about

the facts and where to get
help is precarious for people who live with depression, their friends, relatives,
families, doctors and society at large. Each and every
one of us have a role to
play in raising depression
awareness. The aim of
World Mental Health Day
is to promote about mental
as well as let people know
that they can also seek for
medical care. It is also to
point out ways to prevent
them and the where treatment is available.

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