Week 1

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Focus for Student Activities: The following 10 lessons will be focussed on the picture book Rose Blanche.

The focus of the

activities is on developing reading, in particular comprehension, fluency and vocabulary.
Week 1:



EN3-3A: Uses an integrated range

of skills, strategies and knowledge
to read, view and comprehend a
wide range of texts in different
media and technologies alleviate.
- Understand that the starting point of
a sentence gives prominence to the
message in the text and allows for
prediction of how the text will unfold
- Navigate and read texts for specific
purposes applying appropriate text
processing strategies, for
example predicting and confirming,
monitoring meaning, skimming and
scanning (ACELY1702)
- Use comprehension strategies to
interpret and analyse information and
ideas, comparing content from a
variety of textual sources including
media and digital texts (ACELY1703,
- Compare texts including media texts

Designing, Selecting
and Sequencing
This lesson has been
chosen as the master
lesson because the
activities in the unit will
not be able to be done
without doing this lesson
first. The lesson will be
outlined here, please see
lesson plan for greater
detail. The lesson will
begin with a short
introduction to the text.
This lesson will be on
shared reading and
involve a think aloud
which will assist students
in comprehending the
text. The teacher will
have the picture book
Rose Blanche displayed
on the Smartboard.
Students will remain at
their desks. Students will



Online picture book

List of
questions to
Smartboard to
display the

Checklist and rating

scale- to keep track if
all students are
participating in
answering the
questions and the
frequently students
are answering
questions. Checking
whether or not
students understand
the book.
Anecdotal and
running records- to
keep track of
students progress
throughout the unit.

that represent ideas and events in

different ways, explaining the effects of
the different approaches (ACELY1708)
- Analyse how text structures
and language features work together
to meet the purpose of a text
EN3-1A: Communicates effectively
for a variety of audiences and
purposes using increasingly
challenging topics, ideas, issues
and language forms and features
- Participate in and contribute to
discussions, clarifying and
interrogating ideas, developing and
supporting arguments, sharing and
evaluating information, experiences
and opinions (ACELY1709)

take turns in reading a

page of the book. Before
reading Rose Blanche
from the Smartboard, the
teacher will ask the
questions under before
reading in the lesson
plan and students will
answer. During the book,
the teacher will stop at
each page and ask the
questions under during
reading in the lesson
plan and same with after
reading. For homework,
students will look up the
meanings of the words in
the language demands
template and write them
in sentences. The
students will again read
the book next lesson so
they can better
understand what they are
reading through
understanding difficult
vocabulary in the book.


EN3-3A: Uses an integrated range

of skills, strategies and knowledge
to read, view and comprehend a
wide range of texts in different
media and technologies alleviate.
- Understand that the starting point of
a sentence gives prominence to the
message in the text and allows for
prediction of how the text will unfold
- Identify the impact of first-person and
third-person narration on the
- Recognise how grammatical features
help to build meaning in texts,
including reference links and adverbial
and adjectival phrases
- Recognise evaluative language,
including emotive language and
- Navigate and read texts for specific
purposes applying appropriate text
processing strategies, for
example predicting and confirming,
monitoring meaning, skimming and
scanning (ACELY1702)
- Use comprehension strategies to
interpret and analyse information and
ideas, comparing content from a
variety of textual sources including

This lesson will begin

with students being
provided with a series of
pictures from the picture
book. In groups of 4,
students will be asked to
try recall as much as
they can from reading
the book in the previous
lesson and to sequence
the pictures in the
correct order. Students
will be asked to get their
picture book Rose
Blanche out. In the same
groups, students will take
turns in reading the book.
As they read, they will be
asked to see if they
sequenced the pictures
in the correct order and
ask each other questions
if they do not understand
something and see if
anyone can answer. At
the end, students will
form pairs (split their
group of 4 in half) and do
a think pair share activity.

Sequencing pictures
Rose Blanche
picture books
Paper strips
Pin board

Checklist and rating

scale- to keep track if
all students are
participating in the
group discussions and
group work and how
participation occurs,
making sure one
person is not doing all
the work. Checking
whether or not
students understand
the book.
Anecdotal record- to
keep track of
students progress
throughout the unit.
techniques- making
sure students are
collaboratively as a
group and equal
participation. How
students speak about
the book when
answering questions.

media and digital texts (ACELY1703,

- Analyse how text structures
and language features work together
to meet the purpose of a text
EN3-1A: Communicates effectively
for a variety of audiences and
purposes using increasingly
challenging topics, ideas, issues
and language forms and features
- Participate in and contribute to
discussions, clarifying and
interrogating ideas, developing and
supporting arguments, sharing and
evaluating information, experiences
and opinions (ACELY1709)


EN3-3A: Uses an integrated range

of skills, strategies and knowledge
to read, view and comprehend a
wide range of texts in different
media and technologies alleviate.
- Understand that the starting point of
a sentence gives prominence to the
message in the text and allows for
prediction of how the text will unfold

Students will be required

to form a list of key
words, words that are
important, words that
they dont understand
and adjectival phrases.
The class will then come
back together and create
a Rose Blanche word
wall to finish the lesson.
This will be referred to
when appropriate
throughout the lesson.

The lesson will begin with

some tongue twisters to
warm-up the facial
muscles and get ready
for reading including oneone and Peter Piper and
in do this a few times. In
groups of 4, students will

PPT which displays

tongue twisters
Rose Blanche
picture books
Timeline template
displayed on the
board for students to
copy and complete.

Checklist and rating

scale- to keep track if
all students are
participating in the
group discussions and
group work and how
participation occurs,

- Identify the impact of first-person and
third-person narration on the
- Recognise evaluative language,
including emotive language and
- Navigate and read texts for specific
purposes applying appropriate text
processing strategies, for
example predicting and confirming,
monitoring meaning, skimming and
scanning (ACELY1702)
- Use comprehension strategies to
interpret and analyse information and
ideas, comparing content from a
variety of textual sources including
media and digital texts (ACELY1703,

again take turns in

reading the picturebook.
After reading the book,
students will design a
timeline on the iPads
supplied to illustrate how
a characters emotion of
their choice changes
throughout the book
(please see resources for
timeline template).
Students will then
present their time line to
the class using airplay
and explaining why they
chose the selected
emotions at the different


making sure one

person is not doing all
the work. Checking
whether or not
students understand
the book.
Anecdotal record- to
keep track of
students progress
throughout the unit.
techniques- making
sure students are
collaboratively as a
group and equal
participation. How
students speak about
the book when
answering questions.
A rubric to use to
assess whether or not
students understand
how emotions of
particular character
change throughout
the book.

EN3-7C: thinks imaginatively,

creatively, interpretively and

This lesson will be based

on the question what

PPT of pictures of
people in trouble.

Checklist and rating

scale- to keep track if


critically about information and

ideas and identifies connections
between texts when responding to
and composing texts.
Create literary texts that adapt or
combine aspects of texts students
have experienced in innovative ways
(ACELT1612, ACELT1618)
EN3-4A: draws on appropriate
strategies to accurately spell
familiar and unfamiliar words
when composing texts
EN3- 6B: uses knowledge of
sentence structure, grammar,
punctuation and vocabulary to
respond to and compose clear and
cohesive texts in different media
and technologies
EN3-1A: Communicates effectively
for a variety of audiences and
purposes using increasingly
challenging topics, ideas, issues
and language forms and features
- Participate in and contribute to
discussions, clarifying and
interrogating ideas, developing and
supporting arguments, sharing and
evaluating information, experiences
and opinions (ACELY1709)
EN3-3A: Uses an integrated range

would I do if I saw
someone in trouble? The
teacher will start off by
showing students a
number of pictures that
shows people in trouble.
It could be a starving
child in Africa, someone
being hit or people
stranded in a flood
(please see resources
section for some ideas).
In groups of 2, students
can either choose one of
the pictures displayed or
choose one of their own
to research and read
about that picture using
their iPads, to list facts
about the picture and
describe what they would
do to help (about half a
page). To finish the
lesson, students will
present and read their
work to the class.
For homework, students
will research World War II
and create a timeline of
the important events and

Airplay to show work
to students.

all students are

participating in the
group discussions and
group work and how
participation occurs,
making sure one
person is not doing all
the work.
Anecdotal record- to
keep track of
students progress
throughout the unit.
techniques- making
sure students are
collaboratively as a
group and equal
Observing whether or
not students
understand suffering
comes in a variety of
ways and just isnt
through war. Books
can be collected for

of skills, strategies and knowledge

to read, view and comprehend a
wide range of texts in different
media and technologies alleviate.
- Navigate and read texts for specific
purposes applying appropriate text
processing strategies, for
example predicting and confirming,
monitoring meaning, skimming and
scanning (ACELY1702)
- Use comprehension strategies to
interpret and analyse information and
ideas, comparing content from a
variety of textual sources including
media and digital texts (ACELY1703,
- Navigate and read texts for specific
purposes applying appropriate text
processing strategies, for
example predicting and confirming,
monitoring meaning, skimming and
scanning (ACELY1702)
- Use comprehension strategies to
interpret and analyse information and
ideas, comparing content from a
variety of textual sources including
media and digital texts (ACELY1703,

all timelines will be

uploaded to the class
website for students to

EN3-7C: thinks imaginatively,

creatively, interpretively and
critically about information and
ideas and identifies connections
between texts when responding to
and composing texts.
Create literary texts that adapt or
combine aspects of texts students
have experienced in innovative ways
(ACELT1612, ACELT1618)
EN3-4A: draws on appropriate
strategies to accurately spell
familiar and unfamiliar words
when composing texts
EN3- 6B: uses knowledge of
sentence structure, grammar,
punctuation and vocabulary to
respond to and compose clear and
cohesive texts in different media
and technologies
EN2-3A: Composes, edits and
presents well-structured and
coherent texts
- Plan, draft and publish imaginative,
informative and persuasive texts,
choosing and experimenting with text
structures, language features, images
and digital resources appropriate

Students will be building

on the following
statement. A year one
student is being bullied
in the playground by a
students in year five.
They pushed the child to
the ground, swore at him
and kicked him. Soldiers
in concentration camps
bullied children. Students
will be required to write a
page on how they would
respond to this situation
and students will be
asked if anyone wants to
share with the rest of the
class. Students can
discuss some ideas with
the student they are
sitting next to. These will
be typed and put on the
literacy wall. Students
can add pictures if they
wish. The aim of this
activity is not on writing,
but to understand what it
is like to be bullied and
suffer just like children
did in the war.

Access to computers.
Pins to pin to wall
Butchers paper for
graffiti activity.
Colouring pencils and

Anecdotal record- to
keep track of
students progress
throughout the unit.
techniquesObserving whether or
not students
understand suffering
comes in a variety of
ways and just isnt
through war. Books
can be collected for

to purpose and audience (ACELY1704,


To finish the lesson,

students will individually
create their own graffiti,
this is shown repetitively
throughout the book.

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