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0 No evidence to score / Not assessed

This score is assigned when a student leaves an item blank (no response), when the response in
no way is reflective of the skill being assessed, or when the student doesn't take an assessment.
1 Not meeting expectations
This score is assigned when the student has written something down as a response to the
question or problem. What is written must at least show some evidence that the student has made
a solid attempt, although the work is incorrect and incomplete. What is shown does not follow the
proper technique.

2 Evidence of understanding
Although a lot of the work may be incorrect or incomplete, this score is assigned when the
students response shows some understanding of what needs to be done to complete the task
correctly. This might include a correct first step, or some other logical step in the full process.


2.5 Approaching expectations

This score is assigned when a students response shows a solid degree of understanding
multiple steps involved in completing the task. Although some work is wrong, or the process is
flawed in some way, the student has a general sense of what the problems solution requires.

3 Meeting expectations
Although some minor errors or oversights might have been made, a student who earns this score
has provided a response that demonstrates they have a strong familiarity with the solution process
needed. Most of their work follows appropriate mathematical logic and conveys that the student
has an adequate grasp of the course skills.

4 Demonstrates mastery of Concept

This score is assigned when a students response solves a problem in full, with appropriate
reasoning skills and with accurate calculations. All of the students work is shown without flaw,
including units (if applicable). A solution earning a 4 clearly shows that the student knows exactly
what to do and how to do it, and understands the concept completely.

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