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How to post Alternative Methods of Procurement (AMP)

Direct Contracting (Section 50)

Negotiated Procurement Agency to Agency (Section 53.5)
Negotiated Procurement Defense Cooperation Agreement (Section 53.8)
Negotiated Procurement Emergency Cases (Section 53.2)
Negotiated Procurement Highly Technical Consultants (Section 53.7)
Negotiated Procurement NGO Participation (Section 53.11)
Negotiated Procurement Unforeseen Contingency (Section 52.1.a)
Negotiated Procurement Community Participation (Section 53.12)
Negotiated Procurement Lease of Real Property (Section 53.10)
Negotiated Procurement United Nations Agencies (Section 53.13)

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1. Log in to PhilGEPS website.

2. System displays the Pending Task Page. Click Award Notices submenu.
3. The Award Notice List page is displayed. Click Create AMP button.

4. The AMP Award Creation page is displayed. Select a Procurement Mode from the dropdown list.

5. Once an AMP has been selected, system displays the creation page.

6. Fill out all the mandatory fields.

7. System will require the user to input the Line Item details. Click Add button.
Note: The system only allows the user to add one Line Item per AMP Award.

8. The Line Item page will be displayed. Fill out all the fields that are displayed in the window.
9. Click Select link to attach a UNSPSC Name and Code.

10. The UNSPSC window page is displayed. Select from the list.
11. Upon selecting a UNSPSC, click Attach button.
12. Line item window displayed. Click Save button to complete.
13. The AMP Award Creation page is displayed.


System will require the user to Attached file in Relevant Document. Click Upload link.

15. The Relevant Document window will be displayed.

16. Click the Document name link to proceed.

17. The Relevant Document upload window will be displayed.


Click Add button to upload file.

Pop-up window will be displayed.
Click Add button
Browse the File from computer and Select.
Once the file was uploaded, click the Submit button.
Click Save button to successfully attach.
The Relevant Document window displayed.

25. Tick the Checkbox of the Document.

26. Click Accept Button to complete.
27. Click Close button, to exit the window.

28. The AMP Award Creation page is displayed.

29. Click Post Award button to post the notice.

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