Chapter 5 D: A. 1. Decisions in Sales Promotion

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Chapter 5 D:

Advertising and Promotion

A. 1.

Chapter 5 D:
Advertising and Promotion

A. 2
4. Decide where to promote
5. Decide when to promote
6. Decide how much to spend

Chapter 5 D:
Advertising and Promotion

Chapter 5 D:
Advertising and Promotion

Decisions in Sales Promotion

Determine the policy on your image
Determine your market area
Decide what to promote

B. Functions of Advertising
1.Selecting advertising media
1.2Radio and Television
1.3Flyers and Leaflets
1.4Direct Mail
1.5Handling your own advertising or
Using outside help
B. Functions of Advertising
1.Selecting advertising media
1.2Radio and Television
1.3Flyers and Leaflets
1.4Direct Mail
1.5Handling your own advertising or
Using outside help

Chapter 5 D:
Advertising and Promotion

C. 1.

Writing a good advertisement

Make it easy to recognize
Use a dominant element
Express a benefit

Chapter 5 D:
Advertising and Promotion

C. 2
4. Make use of white space
5. Make sure the copy is complete
6. Practice on other advertisements

Chapter 5 D:
Advertising and Promotion

Chapter 5 D:
Advertising and Promotion

Chapter 5 D:
Advertising and Promotion

Chapter 6: Financial and Financing Aspects

D. Budgeting for advertising

E. Personal selling

F. Why people do not buy?

A. What is cash flow?

6 A: Capital Management

Chapter 6: Financial and Financing Aspects

B. The five steps of cash flow planning

6 A: Capital Management

C. Definitions of financial terms:

1. Capital

Chapter 6: Financial and Financing Aspects

2. Types of capital
Sources of capital

6 A: Capital Management

Chapter 6: Financial and Financing Aspects

D. Problems in Obtaining and Managing


6 A: Capital Management

E. How to Utilize Capital Properly

Chapter 6: Financial and Financing Aspects
6 A: Capital Management

Chapter 6: C

A. Financial Ratio Analysis

1. Profitability Ratio

A. 2. Liquidity Ratio
Chapter 6: C

Chapter 6: C

A. 3. Efficiency Ratio

Chapter 6: C

Chapter 6: C

A. 4. Financial Structure Ratio

B. Business Performance Analysis

1. Analyzing return on Assets

B. 2. Analyzing the Ownership Ratio

Chapter 6: C

Chapter 6: C

Chapter 6: C

C. Analyzing Changes in Financial Position

1. Setting-up the worksheet

C. 2. Procedures

Chapter 6: C

c. 3. Using the Funds Flow Statement

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