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To view and print the PhilGEPS Certificate on the supplier organization profile (Only the Supplier
Coordinator can print the organizations Certificate), please perform the following:
1. From the My Organization page (see Figure 1), click on the View Certificate


Figure 1

2. The View Certificate window will appear and a preview of the organizations
certificate will be displayed (see Figure 2).

Figure 2
Note: For best viewing, the user may use Mozilla Firefox version 19.0.2 browser.
PhilGEPS Supplier User Guide

Page 1

In some cases, if the user experiences difficulty in viewing their organizations certificate
because of the use of an incompatible browser (i.e. Google Chrome, Internet Explorer, and
Safari), he may perform the following:
1. Upon clicking the View Certificate link, a pop up window will appear (see Figure 3)
prompting you to open in Adobe Reader. Click X at the uppermost right corner to
close this window.

Figure 3

2. Upon closing the window, the View Certificate Pane will be displayed. Click the Print
button (see Figure 4).

Figure 4

PhilGEPS Supplier User Guide

Page 2

3. A pop up window will display again, then select Open with and click OK button
(see Figure 5).

Figure 5

4. The Print Dialogue Box will appear with the display of the certificate. To print, simply
select the Print button (see Figure 6).

Figure 6

Note: The PhilGEPS Certificate is best printed using A4 size paper

PhilGEPS Supplier User Guide

Page 3

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