Online Assignment Topic: Importance of School Library: Space

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A school library is a library with in a school. Where students, staff and often,
parents of a public or private school has access to a variety of resources. The goal of
the school library media centre is to ensure that all the members of the school
community have equitable access to book and reading, to information and to
information technology. A school library media centre uses all types of media is
automated, and utilises the internet for information gather. School library is distinct to
from other libraries because they serves as learner oriented laboratories which support,
extend and individualize the schools curriculum. A school library serves as the centre
and co-ordinating agency for all material used in the school
Researches have demonstrated that school libraries have a positive impact on
student achievement through the more than 60 studies have been constructed in yours
states and one Canadian province. The major findings of these studies was that school
library programmes and services seek to
Create and develop motivating, flexible physical and digital learning
Run independent learning programmes, which integrate information
resources and technologies
Equip students with the skills necessary to succeed in a constantly
changing technological, social and economic environment
The collaborate with classroom teachers to plan, implement and evaluate
enquiry based programme with ensure students acquire skill to collect,
critically analyse and organise information problem solve and
communicate their findings.
Provide and promote quality fiction to develop and sustain in students
the habits and enjoyment of reading pleasure and to enrich students
intellectual, aesthetic, cultural and emotional growth.
Cater for differences in learning and teaching styles through the provision
of and equality of access to a wide range of curriculum resources fiction,
digital, print, audio and video
Provide teachers with access to relevant curriculum and professional
development materials with in and outside the school and opportunities
to co-operatively plan, implement and evaluate learning programmes


School libraries are similar to public libraries in that they contain books,
films, recorded sound, periodicals, realia and digital media these items are not
only for the education, enjoyment and entertainment of all members of the school
community, but also to enhance and expand schools curriculum


Collaboration is important among school librarian, emphasizes that it isnt
enough to just co-exist in the same community, but to ensure that communication
is ongoing during the school year. Exposure to another perspective or outlook can
lead to strong, through-provoking discussions, ideas and activities and Harvey
points out that by working together as educators, teacher librarians and classroom
teachers can learn from each other. There is a need to create a culture where
collaboration is a foundation for however schools work and operate. School
librarians can take lead by modelling this behaviour as they work with teachers to
ensure communication is ongoing during the school year.


There is a value for schools offering the ability for an e-book lending system.
Wheeler books, a leading supplier of books to schools and libraries, has created an
e-platform that provides schools and libraries the ability to lend out e-books in a
secure manner. It also allow users to load their materials one to their computers or
mobile devices, such as the teachers notes. In an article supporting e-lending
systems in school, temple argues that they add value, stating Students may know
longer have to carry around the same volume of paper based materials : it put
completely change the way a student works


School libraries are necessary for natural science learning. Because through
the help of libraries promote teachers and pupils alike update scientific knowledge.
The importance of libraries in science learning are
To facilitate self studies and learning to learn
To enrich curricular experiences
To enables pupils participate in discussion and project work
meaningfully and dynamic
To develop the habit of concentrated reading of knowledge book, with a
To create interest in science as a subject of study

To develop in the students critical attitude and capacity for independent


From the study we get a detailed picture about the importance of school
library. Without a library in the school is utter failure. Main resource unit in the
school is library itself. The goal of the school library media centre is to ensure that
all members of the school community have equitable access to books and reading,
to information, and to information technology. In the future school libraries gave
value for schools offering the ability for an e-book lending system. Wheeler books,
a lending supplier of books to schools and libraries has created and e-platform that
provide school and libraries the ability to lend out e-books in a secure manner.
School libraries serves as the centre and co-ordinating agency for all materials used
in the school

Morris, B,(2004), Administrating the school library media centre. Westport,
CT: libraries unlimited
Centre for national policy, Washington, DC, what states can do, May 2 2012
Harvey II C.(2012) Collaboration-its not a library thing. Knowledge quest,
40 (4), 4-5
Du Temple, T. (2011) E- books in School libraries . Access(10300155),
25(4), 38

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