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Music video proposal

By Harry Burbidge


Who and why do they matter?

Youths aged 16-18.

According to a rather large percentage of youths and young adults are
known to convey signs of depression. My music video uses the story of a
depressed youth forgetting about his grey past and taking on new opportunities.
Hopefully this music video will influence youths to try and focus on the positive
aspects of life and move on.

Target audience?

Age? 16 to 18. However ages over can relate to the scenario of a relationship
break up.

Gender? Mainly both males and females as relationship break ups are a factor
both genders can relate to.

Demographic? (Socio - economic, possibly ethnic background)

How are you going to make it appeal to your target audience? What kind of
people listen to this kind of music.
According to:
Many youths like to watch music videos, so they can define themselves. For
example, youths in music videos often like to see people their age, who they can
relate to.
My music video meets this, as the protagonist is an 18 year old, conveying
familiar traits of depression and a broken up relationship, which many young
audiences can relate with and thus define with themselves (as they may have
had a broken up relationship too).
Additionally, he is depressed and on his own throughout most of the music video.
Many youths enter phases where they feel down and want to be on their own.

The music genre of this music video is Electronic music.

According to a website:
Many youths enjoy electronic music due to its quick paced beats, its futuristic
vibe, energy and uplifting and freedom based mood.
Therefore, we can see audiences feel free and very uplifted from listening to this
type of music.
In my music video, I will incorporate wide field areas and rural countries, which
are symbolised with freedom, to enhance the freedom vibe in the song Feelin
I will also incorporate bright lights (e.g. from the sun) to give a rather happy and
uplifting feel, of which many audiences obtain from listening to electronic music
Audiences apparently feel Chilled when listening to this music. The song in its
self has a relaxing tone to it also and the scenario shows the protagonist
begining to relax and enjoy himself.

Refer to primary research and how will these factors influence your
For my primary research, I asked characters which of the following factors upset
them the most.
The most popular were a family argument and broken up relationship.
For factors of what they like doing to cheer themselves up, most opted for
Spending time with friends.

For factors they would like to do if they could do anything one person chose
I have taken the broken up relationship and spending time with friends and
incorporated them into my narrative.
My survey was posted to people on my Facebook account. The majority of which
were youths aged between 16-18.
The factors chosen were common for Youths as they usually have loads of
relationship break ups and like to spend time with friends to cheer themselves
up. Although this is also something adults can appeal to also and therefore relate
to the story line.

How does your idea support the performers image?

The performer Avicii is represented in the video as himself and starting a new
beginning for himself by going to a solitude country, spending time with family
and getting to be himself.
This conveys the image of Avicii not having a chance to be just himself and just
represented as this big famous D.J

In my music video, we see the protagonist acting as a drunk and depressed

However we see that deep down that he favours the simple things in life and
likes to just get away from the fans and spend time with those closest to him (I.e
family and friends).
When the youth goes to the country, we see him to exhibit more happiness in
appreciating the things that he does have (e.g. the sun) and exhibits a more
optimistic, sociable and determined personae.

How does it portray the performer?

The performer's voice has a rather ambient and bleak tone to begin with, but
suddenly becomes optimistic and driven.
The performers ambient voice to begin will help add value to the bleak and
depressing scenario the youth is in (broken up relationship).
Her ambient tone will convey a tone of emptiness to emphasise how sad the
protagonist feels about his break up.
Avicii will be portrayed as contempt in appreciating the simple things in life, due
the protagonist beginning to smile at the sight of the sun and become more
happier and optimistic from simple things such as beauty of the country, trees,
splashing about in the water and taking up bike riding.

Hopefully the music video will portray a carefree and optimistic personae to the
performer, due to the use of secluded settings around the country (e.g.
woodland) as well as actions of the Youth doing positive things and usually
smiling whenever he does.

How does it portray the song?

The music video will portray a positive and optimistic mood to the song,
reinforcing about feeling good a new day as being opportunities to do
something new and good, due to the youth taking on new challenges such as
quitting to drink and doing a part time job.
It will portray a literal context to the song, that you should take each new day as
an opportunity to do something new and feel more positive about yourself.

The music video of Avicii's Feelin Good shows beautiful and tranquil settings,
with the car smoothly driving through them, as well as the performer Avicii
feeling relaxed with his head phones.
This gives the song a relaxed, calm and withdrawn vibe, meaning audiences can
listen to it at ease.
With my music video, we see the protagonist beginning to feel calm and more
eventually relaxed and happy, after spending time around a tree and feeling the
sun on his face.
Throughout most of the music video, he is shown to be rather introverted
spending time on his own, with exception to spending time with a friend and
helping someone cut the grass.
Hopefully it will also trigger audiences into wanting to do new things with their
life and forget about anything bad in their past.
The song has a rather happy and chilled out tone. The music video shows the
protagonist relaxing by the tree and enjoying himself by splashing his feet
around the water and dancing.
Therefore we can see that similar moods and vibes sequentially occur in both the
music video and the song.


A depressed youth walking up to a bridge he looks at a picture of him and his
girlfriend and tear it in half (being broken up) and drinks a lot of his beer to try
and be happy again.
This immediately meets us with the stereotype of a youth who goes around
streets drinking and not bothering to do anything in life. This will allow for
audiences to hopefully be put of guard when seeing his character turn more
Seeing the character drink beer and try to be happy can act as an educational
tool, in conveying to audiences about how some people drink a lot to hide their

This allows for the audience to hopefully feel pitiful for the character in realising
how upsetting the scenario is for his character.
However, he becomes sad again and stares into a fish tank feeling very low. He
then looks at a picture on Facebook of his ex girlfriend with a new boyfriend.
Seeing the character pressed against a small fish tank can convey the character
to feel low, being reinforced by the rather plain and repetitive movements of the
fish, hopefully emphasising the youth to have no life in himself either.
The youth then sees a picture of his girlfriend with a new boyfriend on
This will trigger the character into wanting to escape from his past.
The youth becomes very distressed by this and gets on a bus where he goes to a
country woodland area. There he puts the picture of him and his ex down the
This will convey to audiences the protagonists regretful decision to let go of his
past and beginning to come to terms with it.
This will imply the character is now letting his past literally flow away and to
never come back.
The idea of the youth moving from a town to a country and convey a great
contrast in mood as before he was depressed and drinking whereas now he is
beginning to calm down in the country.
He climbs up a tree later on and looks at the sun. He begins to feel slightly more
free and happy and the next day decides to change himself by quitting his
drinking problem, making new friends, earning money and in the end does a new
hobby, which is cycling.
This enables for the audience to now feel prideful for the protagonist and
assisting their need for fulfilment in seeing someone succeeding in making his
life better, no matter what happened to him before hand.

Seeing the youth depressed and willing to do more positive things can be an
encouraging thought for people who may be depressed or lacking optimism, as
they would be able to see that by forgetting the past and moving on with things
they would feel much better.
The use of multiple settings gives varied appeal to different audiences and
continues retaining their attention span.

Your idea?
A depressed youth who has recently broken up with his girlfriend and has
exhibited a drinking problem.

However he decides to travel to a rural country area where he manages to feel

more free and suddenly gains optimism in doing new things, from quitting his
drinking habit, to making new friends and earning money.

A narrative due to there being the plot of a youth trying to forget about his
broken relationship by traveling to the country. Later he becomes happier and
tries to change his life by quitting to drink, making a new friend, getting a small
job and doing a hobby of bike riding.
It will also incorporate mainly an interpretive style, as many of the shots content
will be reasonably specific to the lyrics. For example when the Fish in the Sea
lyrics occur, there will be a shot of the youths face pressed against the tank and
giving of the illusion he is in the water (A.K.A sea) along with a fish swimming
Although he is not literally in the sea.

To forget about the bad things in your life and focus on doing new positive things.

Similar to Avicii's video there will be a blend of quick cuts and lengthened shots
depending on the beat. If there are quick beats the clips will have a very short
duration applied.

Do it on Excel Spreadsheet and base it realistically, as though you are doing it
professionally (I.e cost of hiring costume designers).
Go to Bectu website for accurate salary for each crew member.




Legal and ethical requirements?

There are two major factors in my music video which can be quite sensitive or
They are both depression and drinking.

Showing the youth commiting suicide due to his broken up relationship, would be
very sensitive and upset many audiences, particularly those who may have
known someone who did.
Drinking can be portrayed negatively, with the risk of audiences being offended.
For example, showing the youth smashing windows or cursing audiences would
form a negative stereotype with people who drink, or are seen carrying cans of
alcohol around the street.
It can also anger
In my music video, we see the protagonist spinning around happily. At first this
forms us with a familiar stereotype of people acting very hyper and happy.
However, we then see the protagonist turn rather sad and become upset.
This shows the audience the protagonist was trying to make himself happy and
forget about the relationship. Thus making us feel more pitiful for the character
and understanding of his drinking problem.
Additionally it can educate audiences into hopefully understanding why people
sometimes drink excessively and rather than finding them a nuisance, to
hopefully feel more sorry for them.
People drinking alcohol can sometimes be represented as unhealthy. However in
my music video

With depression meanwhile, showing the character considering suicide, or

otherwise doing so, can be very sensitive and distressing for audiences.
Additionally it would represent a very bleak and hopeless nature toward people
with depression.
However my music video shows the protagonist deciding to do exercise (I.e
cycling), get a part time job and quit his drinking. This represents people with
drinking problems more positively and reinforces the negative factor drinking
has. It does not make the youth any happier and by quitting to drink, he does
better things with his life.
This reinforces the negative side effects of drinking and that it is better to quit.

Invasion of privacy?
The locations are publically legal to film around.
The first shot takes place in a roadway with a set of houses.
To prevent this I will ensure to only have the road in sight and try to keep any
houses or people out of frame.
The bridge scene is a public area also, but I will ensure to keep the angles
focused on the character parts of the bridge and will cut whenever people walk

In this scene the main protagonist is also shown drinking beer posing the risk of
people suspecting the actor (I.e myself) to be drinking alcohol. However to
prevent this I may either empty the contents and fill it with water or just keep the
lid on and ensure to not show the lid in frame.
For the pets at home scene there is the risk of customers complaining about the
me being by the fish tanks as they may want to walk there. Therefore whenever
they ask us to move we will do so and just wait when there are not so many
people walking around.

Access restrictions and rights?

Most of the settings take place in country and local parts which do not have
restrictions. for the fish tank scene, I will have to ask permission from the store
owners to film by the fish tank and assure them of none of the staff or customers
being in shot.

Due to the variety of angles there is no specific staging as the camera will be
maneuvered around a variety of places around the setting.

However, because the music video is strictly for a College project and no
entertainment or advertising purposes, a license for the song is not required.

Talent and Location releases?

Will need to gain a talent release form for the people acting in the music video,
which confirms their agreement for any visual content of them to be used and
uploaded publicly (e.g. to Youtube) for people to view.

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