Unit 16 and 22 Post Production Booklet

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Unit 16: Video and Editing Techniques


Unit 22: Single Camera Techniques

Post-Production Booklet for 5-minute Drama

Name: Byron Plumridge

Order of contents

Edit Decision List

Screen Shots of the Footage Folders

Screen Shots of the Editing Process

Complete this booklet as you edit your

final production.

Running order
Running order for production


Running Time

25 seconds

Stevens parents are walking

25 seconds
through the woods being followed

Steven has a call with gordon

finds out parents have died

15 seconds

40 seconds

Steven and Gordon meet at the

park to discuss everything

55 seconds

1 minute 35

Steven call malcolm and then they 1 minute 15

meet at the park too discuss
investigating the murder

2 minutes
50 seconds

Malcolm meets Steven at his

1 minute
parents house and they look for
clues and find a note from Gordon
to George Stevens dad

3 minutes
50 seconds

Flashback to Gordon having a

discussion with George and then
beating him up

20 seconds

4 minutes
10 seconds

Montage of steven running back

to the house after receiving a call
from malcolm and malcolm
panicking and cutting of mid

1 minute

5 minutes
10 seconds

Steven walks in to find Malcolm

20 seconds
dead on the floor he calls for back
up then proceeds through the

5 minutes
30 seconds

house where the killer lunges at

him and it cuts to black

Screen Shots of Footage Folders

Screen Shots of Editing Process

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