Evaluating Class Feedback

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class feedback

This was the feedback from my rst pitch, which could have been
be=er but there was not enough detail. I then used the feedback to
improve my pitch. Here is that feedback

Your pitch needs some more detail on the reader prole to tell us
more about the reader and why your magazine would be right for
them, but the informa'on you gave was clear and understandable

The name of the magazine gives an idea of what the magazine is

about, and the weekly part of it lets the reader know when your
magazine is published

You need more detail explaining what your magazine has to oer

The fonts and colour pale=es that you are considering using should
be shown in your pitch

Judging by the feedback I received, it appears that the class knew

what my magazine was about, how much it costs, and when it is
published, but the class wanted to know more about what type of
audience will be reading my magazine, which I will include in my
improved version of my pitch.

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