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Class: _______

PDH (Health) Term 3 Assessment

Students were assessed ongoing throughout the course of term 3 for 10
weeks based of class work activities.

COES1.1 Expresses feelings, needs and wants in appropriate ways.

DMES1.2 Identifies some options available when making simple decisions.
PHES1.12 Displays basic positive health choices.
SLES1.13 Demonstrates an emerging awareness of the concepts of safe and unsafe living.
Identify what is
safe and unsafe
in various
Identify and
explain WHO
keeps me safe in
the community
and how.
Identify and
explain WHAT
keeps me safe in
the community
and how.

I can identify what is safe

and unsafe in various
settings most of the time,
with confidence.
I can identify and explain
WHO keeps me safe in the
community and how they
do it, most of the time
with confidence.
I can identify and explain
WHAT keeps me safe in
the community and how it
keeps me safe, most of
the time with confidence.

I am working towards being

I can identify what is safe
able to identify what is safe
and unsafe in various
and unsafe in various
settings some of the time.
I am working towards being
I can identify and explain
able to identify and explain
WHO keeps me safe in the
WHO keeps me safe in the
community and how they
community and how they do
do it, some of the time.
I can identify and explain I am working towards being
WHAT keeps me safe in
able to identify and explain
the community and how it WHAT keeps me safe in the
keeps me safe, some of
community and how it keeps
the time.
me safe.

Identify and
explain the
between being
sick and well.
Explain how
should be stored
and why.
Identify and
recall who can
give me
medication and
why this is so

I can identify and explain

the difference between
being sick and well, most
of the time with
I can explain how
medication should be
stored and why, most of
the time with confidence.
I can identify and recall
who can give me
medication and why this is
so important, most of the
time with confidence.

Working Towards

Beginning ES1

I can identify and explain

the difference between
being sick and well, some
of the time.

I am working towards being

able to identify and explain
the difference between
being sick and well.

I can explain how

medication should be
stored and why, some of
the time.

I am working towards being

able to explain how
medication should be stored
and why.

I can identify and recall

who can give me
medication and why this
is so important, some of
the time.

I am working towards being

able to identify and recall
who can give me medication
and why this is so important.

Middle ES1

Late ES1

Working Beyond


Miss Elise Geekie, Miss Stephanie Musgrave & Miss Sarah Said Date:______________________

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