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Multiculturalism in Macedonia

Multiculturalism is an increasing phenomenon around the world in present day

society. To be a part of a modern society means to live in a society where cultural pluralism
has dominance, in other words, where there is coexistence of many different cultures. There
are many countries that have developed a system of cultural and lingual diversity, like
Switzerland, Belgium, Macedonia, United States of America etc. In this essay i would like to
foccus on the multiculturalism in Macedonia.
Macedonia is a country with ethnical and cultural mixed population, with a specific
multiculturalism, since it is a fruit of the historical, socioeconomical and political specifics of
the Macedonian society. People from this country have developed a way of living in a
cultural diversed society, while living with people from diffrent nations and religions. But,
the path to achieving this kind of lifestyle wasnt easy.
For many years Macedonia was in ethnical conflict with the Albanian population
living in this country, until the Ohrid Framework Agreement in 2001 where an end to the
conflict was put. Since then, there is a big improvement in social life between the different
nations of this country and the citizens have achieved peace between them. Albanian
language became an official language in the country and now it is spoken everywhere.
For many years the goverment has attempted to put an end to these issues, but the
battle for political stability, economic progress, democratic reform and interethnic
cooperation is not yet won. In order to build a solid ground for achieving a sustainable
development, there is a need to implement the principles of multiculturalism and multiethnicity in every field of the social and the political life. Yet, this country has made its way
to a better, multicultural society and its in the procces of eolving even more.

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