Bluebot Lesson Plan

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Lesson Plan Template /Teimplad don Phlean Ceachta

Froebel Dept., NUIM /Roinn Froebel

Subject(s): SESEGeography/Science

Title of Lesson: Beebot joins Greenschools

Date: 15 October 2015

Class: 1st Class

Environmental Awareness and

Strand unit(s):
Geography: Caring for my locality

Time: 1:30-2:00
Duration: 30 mins

Learning Objective(s): The child will be enabled to:

Discuss prior knowledge of how we care for the environment through use of a brainstorm.
Engage in pair and group work to discuss methods for environmental conservation.
Investigate methods for how Bluebot could become environmentally friendly.
Resources/Materials/Equipment: Beebot, Beebot posters, map, video
Open with a question: (Progress lower to higher order). Use of a brainstorm to establish
childrens prior knowledge on caring for the environment. (Wordle Display).

Children will engage in think, pair share activity based on the question, what things we
can do to be more environmentally friendly and will document these suggestions on a

I will recap on how to use Bluebot and I will explain his new challenge to the children, i.e.
to help our school get the green flag and become a green school: Bluebot will be our
Greenschool ambassador.

Station work: Children will work in groups to explore how Bluebot could help to raise
awareness in the school about Greenschools: Oral language.
Group Map work: Bluebot used to generate questions/ scaffold discussion about
transport, resources, activities and recycling.
Individual Activity: Poster based on Bluebot as the environmental ambassador i.e.
Focus: What could Bluebot do to be environmentally friendly?
Interim evaluation: Oral discussion re: childrens ideas about how they could help Bluebot
as a class- (scaffold ideas for posters).
Class action project: Plan and vote for class activity to help raise awareness in the
school about the Greenschools project.
Assessment for Learning:
Teacher observation oral language and monitor questioning.
Questioning higher and lower order questioning
Conferencing: Teacher and groups, Teachers and Individuals

Lesson Plan Template /Teimplad don Phlean Ceachta

Froebel Dept., NUIM /Roinn Froebel

Lesson Plan Template /Teimplad don Phlean Ceachta

Froebel Dept., NUIM /Roinn Froebel


Teideal an Cheachta:





Bain sid as na ceannteidil thos agus dan an spsil a mhad mar is g

Cuspir() Foghlama
Measn i gcoir Foghlama:
Machnamh ar Theagasc agus ar Fhoghlaim:

Fad an cheachta:

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