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Road Safety

Documentary Idea 3
What is road safety?

Road Safety focuses on reducing harm, death

or a accident which can be caused by vehicles
Colliding on a road.
The Governments Road Strategy
The Government have decided to make
a road strategy in order to make the
roads in Britain
more safer. Their target is to reduce the
amount of road death’s and injuries by
If you are interested in this topic you
can visit this website:
which will give you enough
information on road safety. There is
also a Consultation
The idea of Traffic Management Technical document on this website
Service, will be also introduced, so that there is
a solution to traffic logistical needs. Their aim is roadsafetyconsultation/
to reduce disruption on the roads and make
sure it’s suitable for road users especially which seeks to, as well as target to
pedestrians. improve the safety on the roads.
What can happen if you are not safe or
off the road?
If you are not off the road you are definitely going to put your life in danger or even
cause your own death. That’s why the Prime Minister said this “we “we set ourselves a
challenging target to halve the number of children killed and seriously injured on our
roads by 2010. I’m pleased that we are already more “ . Because the issue has become a
real problem over the years , so there should a way to deal with this problem.
Did you know more than 3,500 people are killed in the 250,000 road accidents that
happen every year in the UK. Fear of road accidents has led to a decline in the number
of children, who allowed out and end up wandering about.
Research shows that most road accidents happen on our roads nearly everyday and
are caused by the drivers error.
Statistics show that road accidents are most common to cause death amongst young
people in Britain today.
Three quarters of road traffic accidents where the person is reported dead , are youths
between the ages 15-24.As well as that , for every death in a road accident, between
two or three are permanently disabled.
Young drivers from 17-21 make up 7% of all license holders yet involved in 1 out 7
accidents where someone ends up injured.
Alcohol also plays a key role in road accidents especially at night.
“Four teenage crash victims: friends criticize
late paramedics”

The number of children killed or seriously

injured dropped from 3,294 in 2006 to 3,090
in 2007

Facts and Figures –

The total number of children killed or
Latest News on
seriously injured fell by 28% (169: 2006) to Road Safety
121; There were 646 pedestrian deaths (675:
2006). Killed or seriously injured casualties
fell to 30,720 (31,845: 2006).

The first recorded road death in a motor

accident in Britain was in London 110 years
ago on Wednesday. More than a century on,
roads may be busier than ever - but are they
any safer?
Who are the victims when it comes to
road safety?
Any one can be the victim when it comes to road safety. I could be a child,
teenager, adult or an elder. But the government wants to target children under
the age of 16 years because they feel, that they are mostly vulnerable.

Even though these people are a bit older than the target audience or
died years ago, the point is road accidents have been happening for a
long time and has increased so much. But victims have decreased in age.
What can we do to stay safe?
• We should make sure that we should use the zebra crossing
at all times.
• Obey the Traffic Laws
The state makes prospective drivers pass a test before they
get behind the wheel for a reason, automobiles can be very
dangerous if they aren't operated properly and according to
the laws of the road. Speed limits, traffic signs and all other
traffic signals should be closely adhered to every single time
someone gets behind the wheel, traffic laws are put in place
to protect all of the travelers who are sharing space on the
What do parents think about road safety?
• On average, 37 children up to the age of 16 were killed or seriously
injured every week on our roads in 2007. THINK! campaigns aim to
contribute to the Government's objective of halving the number of road
deaths and serious injuries for children by 2010.
• Not a lot of parents are not aware of how their children are crossing
the road or even driving if they are over 17.
• Most children imitate what their parents do, so it can apply to road
safety. But the government have decided that they want use parents,
teachers, to explain what road safety is all about.
Teenage Drivers
• Teenage drivers 'die showing off‘ – it seems that teen drivers are the one’s who are
responsible for road accidents.
• “ It is a known problem that where young drivers are out with their mates, they are far more
likely to egg each other on, and drive in dangerous ways, for instance drinking and speeding”
• This document shows that teenage drivers
are responsible for their deaths and other too.
How do we stay aware of the road and
our safety?
• We need to look out for when a car is coming
before we cross the road because you don't who is
driving, it. could be a drunkard.
• We need to make sure that we are in a car where
the person who is driving is well enough to drive.
They shouldn’t be drunk or high on drugs, because
you don’t have to be crossing the road to get killed,
you can be in a car too.

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