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Form a Friendly Letter

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10/6/2015 or October 6, 2015

Dear Emily,
I am learning so much about the Seminole Native Americans. They
are cool because they use their environment to get shelter, they use animal
skins to get clothes, and they gather and hunt food.
The ______ people lived in North America in what we now call
____________. The climate there is _______________. The types of clouds
that can be found there are _____________. Based off what I have learned
about the water cycle it takes a __________ time for water in that region to
complete the water cycle. This is because ____________________________
The type of shelter that the __________people lived in was called
______________. _____________ are houses that are made of
_______________ and they live there for ______________ portion of the
year. The rest of the year they lived in _____________ houses. The type of
food they ate was __________________. They got food by men
____________________ and women ______________________.
Before I close the last thing I want to share with you about the
___________ people is the type of clothing they wore. Women wore
_________________________. Men wore _____________
______________________________. Both men and women wore
I think it would have been ______________ to grow up like a
_________________ Native American because ______________
I hope you learned something new from me today.

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