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Con Nullification Points

Common good of the nation vs personal interests of the states

Articles of Confederation
Previous accounts of lack of taxes- bad result
The Constitution: State Rights vs. Congresss
The Constitution gives Congress the right to make laws and enforce them
John Calhouns argument for nullification-- He went beyond the established states rights by
basing his argument off of absolute state sovereignty.
Jacksons Proclamation to South Carolinas demand to nullify
He takes examples from the Constitution and Congress in order to show that South Carolina is
wrong in their demand to nully.
The Great Compromise ---> Senate and House; Result of compromise... states needed to put
aside their own desires... long-term advantage and strengthening of the Union.
The Constitution: Article 4 : benefits of tariffs
1st Inaugural Address as supporting evidence for the execution of laws by the U.S. gov
Benefits of tariffs
It would be unfair for Charleston alone to abolish taxes
transportation to improve trade and benefit the country

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