The Debating Skills

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Myriam Karina Bustillo Rubio A01186521

ITESM Campus Chihuahua

Comprehending the Cultures of the World
2nd Period

The debating skills


First debater argues the affirmative

Second debater argues the negative
The second debater that argues the affirmative refutes utilizing his
opponents arguments and asks questions.
The second debater that argues de negative does the rebuttal of their
argument and their questions
The second debater that argues the affirmative defends he/her teams
point of view and does a rebuttal
The first debater of the affirmative party gives his summary and
The first debater of the negative party gives his summary and conclusion


The first thing you must do is investigate the best you can to build
You must do what you have to do in order to do what you want to do
Always finish your arguments
No fallacies. Do not make faulty premises.
Speak loud and clear (Who is God scene)
Leave the best argument for last
The winner is the one who can make the biggest impact.
Willy Lynch

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