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Comprehension Strategy Connection

Content Area: Science

Grade Level & Grade Level Topic: 4th Grade, Organisms and Environments.
Units Corresponding Text: The Wolves are Back by Wendell Minor

Comprehension Strategy BEFORE Reading:

Observed during field experience in a 3rd grade classroom.
Before reading the text, I would start off the lesson with an interactive activity called
Back to Back. In this activity, I would create five to ten general statements about the
topic of organisms and the environment. For an example The sun is the main energy
source for plants and animals. The students will be partnered up with their backs facing
one another. As I read out loud the statements, the students will give thumbs up or thumbs
down to show if they agree or disagree with the statement. Once the students give their
answers I tell them to turn around and face their partner. If the both agree they would
high five each other; if they disagree they would have to give an explanation to why they
agreed and/or disagreed. At the end of their discussion I would continue to tell the
students why the statement was correct or not. Then the students would turn back around
and I would read a new statement. This gets the students involved and allows for them to
explain their thoughts.

Comprehension Strategy DURING Reading:

Questioning the Text w/ Think Aloud
Throughout the book, the narrator gives examples of how one organism (the wolf)
impacts the entire environment that it lives in. The narrator goes on to describe how
several animals rely on the existence of wolves, and gives specific examples of how the
wolf impacts each of the specific animals. After reading the first few pages of the book, I
would ask students questions like, Do you think that a wolf is necessary in a forest?
Why or why not? We would discuss the interdependence of the animals and how they
affect the food chain. Another question I would ask would be After the wolf kills the elk
what other animals might also eat the elk? I would have different questions throughout
the book targeting specific TEKs objectives. At the end of the book, I would ask if we
had answered all of the questions. If we had successfully answered the questions, I would
go back to my sticky notes and write an A on it for answered. If the student had any
further questions I could tell them that they could research those questions independently
after we were done with the lesson.
Comprehension Strategy AFTER Reading:
Exit Slip
After reading the text, I would hand out a 3-2-1 exit slip. The exit slip will require the
students to write down three facts they have learned from the text, two questions that they
still have, and one opinion that they have about the topic. This allows the students to
share information about what they have learned from the lesson and what we still need to
cover. This gives me the ability to assess the students grasp of the content and determine
if there is more re-teaching that needs to happen. Each student will have to fill out the
exit slip to be able to be done with the assignment for the day. I wouldnt use this as a
grading tool because I want to use this as a tool to determine if my teaching strategies are

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