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‘tom Discussion 2: Scientific Methodology and Its Limitations ‘Seo 8.2016 11:230m © ¥p, Alicia Chang and Seth, Borenstein. “Experts: Westem Wilefires Are Becoming More Immense And Explosive Than In The Past.” Canadian Press, The (n.d.): =~ Newspaper Source Pus. Web. 9 Sept. 2015. Inths article, it explained how the US was seeing increases in temperatures over the years, Italso mentions how places such as Arizona had three digt temperatures that caused wild fires. The 10 year average temperature in Arizona increased 2.3 degrees in contrast from 1977's tomperature. Specialisis in the climato field, elaborated that slight tomporaturo differences makes a big distinction in the environment. With the increase temperature it ‘would create a dry environment and increases the chances of wid fire. Furthermore, wid fires were more common as compared to forty years ago, when temperatures were not that server. Jonathan Gverpeck. a climate scientist. stressed the need to control greenhouse gas ‘or face more fires in the future. The artcle pointed out that wild fires generally occur during ‘summer when temperatures are high and could last to up to winter. | think that one limitation in this research is thatit does nat study the linkage between wild fires and temperatures in other parts of the world, which has different terrains. Although it ‘does not study how other parts of the world are affect by temperature, | think itis a good research finding that could be use as future reference for future studies. ‘tom Discussion 2: Scientific Methodology and Its Limitations ‘Sep 12, 2015 120m Ag Uy H Ea, ts inerestng to see that CO? acts diferent ypes of plants. Ks ¥ ‘surprising how wet green plants take in more CO2 then dry plants. How can => grasslands that are over indulged in CO2 be inedible for arimals? Arent ll plants ‘except wood take in CO? and produce oxygen and sugar? If grassland that are overindulged inCO2 are inedble, then how wil it affect crops such as apples or tomatoee? ‘tom Discussion 2: Scientific Methodology and Its Li tations ‘Sep 12,2015 200m AEM, Hi Margie, find itinteresting how there is a correlation between CO2 and El Nino, oes ‘The article is right about El Nino changing the atmosphere gas exchange. in ‘SS Califomia, EI Nino would be a great help especially when we are in a drought It ‘would fx the plant to atmosphere gas exchange that the drought took away. Although El Nino is great for California's current situation, how does it affectthe rest ofthe world? Will pars of the worid be affected negatively or positively?

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