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Because You WatchedCharade

Netflix Guides a Millennial Through the Golden Age of Cinema
By Hannah Koeller
For my next movie, I chose Charade!

What's your favorite way to eat
Thanksgiving leftovers?
Turkey sandwich
Kitchen sink sandwich (all the leftovers
on a roll)
Turkey soup
Turkey pot pie
Same holiday meal, reheated
I don't eat leftovers

Charade came out in 1963 and received mostly positive reviews. Some of the reviews were negative,
criticizing the movies violence. I agree that it was pretty violent for 1963 but, of course, thats
nothing compared to what they show on screen today. (I just saw Mad Mad: Fury Road in theaters
Remember when I said Cary Grant turned down Roman Holiday because he thought he was too old to
play Audrey Hepburns love interest? Well, ten years later, he did it anyway! And lets all be so happy
he did. Even though he still felt uncomfortable about the age difference, writers added lines to the
script where his character comments on his age and Audrey Hepburns character becomes the

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So far, I would rank this movie as my second favorite Golden Age movie Ive watched. It probably
helps that it stars two of my new favorite people. And Charade is definitely my favorite Cary Grant
movie of the three I have seen. He would only make two more movies after this one.
Since the Golden Age of Hollywood ended roughly around 1963, Charade just made the cut off,
making this the most recent movie Ive watched. Through the years of movies Ive watched from the
Golden Age, I have seen the writing get better and better. The story lines have become more
complex, especially in Charade. There is so many layers and constant twists and turns. Every time
you think you might know whats going on, you dont. My roommate and I had so much fun watching
this movie, trying to figure out what was going on, who was who, who did it. It was awesome.

Upcoming Events
October 23 Little Big Town
October 23 Actual Wolf
October 23 Metalween
October 24 NMM at the Movies: Some
Kind of Spark
October 24 Hillcrest Craft Bazaar &
Bake Sale
October 24 Hillcrest Craft Bazaar &
Bake Sale
October 24 The Sioux Valley Optimists
Annual Shopping Fair
October 23-24 Halloween Night Hike
October 24 Bob Bartling Hobo Day 5k
October 24 Little Big Town

59 years-old and still killing it!

Top 3 Takeaways
1. Generally speaking, people are pretty hard to trust.

August 7-October 25 Heartland Country

Corn Maze
October 23-25 2015 Autumn Festival,
An Arts & Crafts Affair
October 25 Lazy

2. Money makes people do really crazy things.

Weekends through October 25

Heartland Country Corn Maze

3. Audrey, we are not worthy!

October 28 Downtown Harvest Festival

Favorite quote:

October 28 Twenty One Pilots

October 28 Immortal Birds

Whats the matter? Oh, youre probably weak from hunger, youve only eaten five times today.
Alexander Dyle (Cary Grant)

October 29 Ego Death

Hannahs rating:

October 30 Pre-Halloween Bash


October 30 Remember to Breathe EP

Release Show

As always, Cary Grant and Audrey Hepburn come highly recommended. Charade is a great look at
how the world of cinema began changing right at the end of the Golden Age. It has wonderful
suspense and comedy and really makes you think. I would definitely add this movie to your list!
Following Charade, Netflix suggested:

October 29 Manic Focus

October 15-31 Sioux Falls Jaycees

Haunted House.
October 17-31 The Haunting of
October 29-31 Joseph and the Amazing
Technicolor Dreamcoat
October 31 Night at the Museum
Sioux Falls Stampede October 10, 13,
16, 17, 23, 24, 30, 31
October 10, 23, 30, 31 Rapid City Rush
October 31 Keelan Donovan with Elliott
Graber & The Family Vines
October 31 Michael Rault
October 31 Prof
October 30-31 Deadweird
October 31 Scare in the Square
Through November 1 Jellystone Park
Corn Maze
View All Upcoming Events

Stay tuned to see which movie I choose!

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