Issue 5

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HCSO Club Feature






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Posted: Wednesday, September 23, 2015 9:57 am


The Honors College Student Organization seeks to

enhance the experience of Honors College students by
providing a welcoming environment to build community
and opportunities for socialization, service, personal,
professional and leadership development and fun.
Club president Jacob Ailts said he believes students
Ian Lack - The Collegian

should get involved in the HCSO because of the

welcoming community of students who attend.

Professor Nichols talks with students at the Wednesday HCSO
meeting, detailing upcoming events for the organization.

We strive to provide an inclusive atmosphere where

everyone has a chance to connect, Ailts said.

While active membership and the clubs target audience

is limited to students who have taken an Honors
courses, club members would encourage any students to attend the events the club puts on during the school

Kaya Borg, HCSO vice president, said their goals as an organization are to commit themselves to academics,
service and community.

We strive to provide a social outlet for Honors students to engage in and get involved within the Fishback Honors
College as well as other areas on campus, Borg said.

HCSO planned several events for the fall semester. On Native American Day, the club will have an outdoors
adventure day where they plan to visit state park. On Oct. 14, HCSO is organizing a Random Acts of Kindness
night to spread the word and encourage students to take part in the Brookings United Ways Random Acts of
Kindness campaign during the month of October and beyond. The Honors Hobo Week Kickoff will take place on


the Sunday night before Hobo Week. At this event, students can come eat Hobo Stew and socialize.

A few other events planned by HCSO this year include a Rake Day project in conjunction with Sigma Phi Epsilon
Oct. 17, student tailgating at football games and the HCSO Christmas Party Dec. 2. Borg also mentioned some
spring activities in the works.

In the spring, we have a few more events including the annual Honors talent show, the Honors Semi-Formal and
the End of the Year Party. Other academic events we have planned include Study Abroad and Getting Involved
information nights, how to reflect honors in your interview and resume night, and an upperclassmen dinner, Borg

Aside from the events, HCSO offers multiple volunteer opportunities as well.

A couple times throughout the semester we are going to be volunteering with Brookings Backpack Project and the
Harvest Table in the Brookings community. There is also a campus cleanup service project in the works as well,
Ailts said.

The club has about 40 dues paying members. However, members are not require students to pay dues to partake
in events.

At some of our small events, we may get between 10 and 20 students and at larger events, we have had between
150-200 students in attendance, Ailts said.

Borg said students who join HCSO will gain a broader understanding of the Honors College while interacting with
other honors students.

The events are a fun way to network and get to know other students in the Honors College you never would have
met before, Borg said.

For students interested in HCSO, plenty of opportunities are available to get involved.

We meet for HCSO related business about once a month, Ailts said. On average, between social, service and
personal development events, we have at least one event going on each week.

Borg believes students should get involved in HCSO because there is no other organization like it.

The Honors College Student Organization is a place where we embrace the awkward, we embrace the
opportunities and we embrace the future. Honors students can collaborate, explore idea, and take a break from
studying to enjoy an inclusive environment where everyone is unique, Borg said. My involvement in HCSO has
led to my involvement in many other activities on campus and I could not imagine what my college experience
would be like if I didn't begin with this organization.

HCSO meets on Wednesdays at 6 p.m. once or twice each month.




Posted in News on Wednesday, September 23, 2015 9:57 am.

Welcome to Mykonos, The Most Clothing-Optional Party on The Planet (GQ)
Road work reroutes Hobo Day parade (SDSU Collegian)


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