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Healthy eating
A healthy eating plan can be followed from the age of five years and older.Remember to eat
regulary,all foods are healthy,only unhealthy eating habits exist.Ensure to eat a variety of
food as each food group perform a unique function.

Starchy food should be the basis of all meals as some are high in fibre and limit the
absorbtion of fat.Examples of high starchy foods are rice,potatoes,vegetables and fruit with
skin.Do not add fatty foods to starchy meals as it makes people gain weight.Drink enough
water and drink alcoholic drinks sensibly.

Choose sweet foods that are high in fibre such as bran muffins,wholewheat rusks and
crackers.Eat sweet foods less often and in smaller amounts and choose those that do not
contain fat such as marshmallows over those that do contain fat such as chocolates.

Steer clear of fats because they result in weight gain and increases the risk of chronic
diseases of lifestyle such as heart disease.Fats can be found in butter and full cream milk.

Salt should also be used sparingly.Salt is not only found in table salt but also in soup and
gravy powders,stock cubes and seasoning.Eat less foods that are high in salt such as biltong
and some tinned food.

Eat a variety of vegetables and fruit every day.Care should be taken when preparing
vegetables.Do not overcook or add too much fat to when preparing or eating them.In
addition add fresh vegetables as a salad to a meal.

Enjoy dried beans ,soya,lentils and peas at least once a week.They are high in protein and
fibre but low in fat.

Eat white meat and diary products daily.Remove fat from white meat before preparing it
and use diary products that are low in fat.

Drink enough water and fresh fruit juices diluted with water.Drink alcohol in moderation.

Choose snacks that are high in fibre such as fresh fruit and bran muffins to eat between
meals.Avoid snacks such as biscuits and crisp.

Microwave,grill,steam,bake and stew instead of frying food.

What should pupils learn from the internet resources.

Making the correct choices concerning which foods and drinks to eat.In addition to prepare
these foods and drinks in a healthy manner.

Information on what is healthy and unhealthy food and drinks.

Values and attitudes

To accept that healthy eating is a lifestyle.

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