Launch and Use Oracle Tools 1.connect To Your Oracle Database. 2.simple SQL Commands

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Launch and Use Oracle Tools

1. Connect to your Oracle database.
2. Simple SQL Commands.

Connect Database:
1.Download and install putty.exe.
2.Connect to
Note: Enter Host Name:

Click on open button.

Login with your userID and password.
Execute bellow 3 commands:
i. Step 1: bash
ii. Step 2: source /home0/bashrc

Step 3: sqlplus

After executing above 3 commands enter oracle username: CS457_studentID

Password: changeme
Use command as per below screen shot:

Simple SQL Commands:

1. Create Table:

Syntax: create table table_name (column_name1 datatype1, column_name2,datatype2,......)

2.INSERT Into:
Syntax: Insert into Table_name Values (value1,value2,.....)
The SELECT is used to query the database and retrieve data from table.
Syntax: SELECT column1 [, column2, ...] FROM tablename WHERE condition

The conditional clause can include these operators

= Equal
> Greater than
< Less than
>= Greater than or equal
<= Less than or equal
<> Not equal to
SELECT * FROM tablename
returns all the data from the table.
1) Create a table employee with follow columns:
Create table emp(empno number,ename varchar2(15),job varchar2(15),mgr number,hiredate date,
sal number,comm number,deptno number)
2) Display the structure of the employee table(Hint: Use desc)
3) Insert at least two employee records into employee table.
Hint: Insert into emp values (7934,miller,clerk,7782,23-jan-82,1300,10)
4) Write a query to display just the employee names. (Hint: Select statement)
5) Write a query to display only empno, ename and job of the employees.

6) Write a query to display the employee table(Hint: Use *)

7) Create a table department with the following columns:
deptno, dname, loc
8) Insert at least two records into department table.

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