Mu101 Final Unit Project

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Luz Renteria Gomez

Table of Contents

School Assignment for Unit Plan. p.3

Music Goals and Objectives. p.4

Lesson 1: Teaching a Song....p. 5

Lesson 2: Concept of Loud/Soft...p. 7
Lesson 3: Concept of High/Lowp. 8
Lesson4: Concept of short notesp. 10
Lesson 5: Concept of Tempo (Andante)p. 11
Lesson 6:Concept of Tempo (Allegro)...p. 12
Handouts/Materials needed ...p. 13


My perfect school assignment could be one of two things. I would love to be
either a reading specialist in an elementary school or an elementary school
classroom teacherany grade is fine. For this project, I will go with being a
classroom teacher in a 1st grade classroom. In the ideal situation, I would be in an
elementary school in the school district of Beloit. This would also mean it would

be a public school environment. In a perfect school, the teachers would all be

working together well with each other and with the administration.
My ideal class size would be somewhere between 15 and 20 students. In my
classroom, I would have a lot of things available to the students at all times and
also enough room to keep the things that I would be rotating in and out of the
classroom. Inside of the classroom, I would have a literacy corner full of books,
writing materials, and a nice reading area. Somewhere else in the room, I would
like to have a row of desktop computers to use when necessary in class. An art area
would be nice as well. In this area, I would love to have a few easels for painting,
and a lot of buckets with different art materials for personal or class projects. The
art area would also include costumes and props for the possible dramatic play that
could be done in the classroom.
In the music area, I would love to have a CD player available with a lot of
different CDs for the students to listen to either during work time as background
music, or during activities. Depending on the use of the music, there should be
music of all different genres available to listen to and maybe even discuss as a
class. Also in the music area, I would like to have instruments available to use
during lessons and music class. It would be nice to have shakers, triangles,
ukuleles and maybe even xylophones. In my ideal classroom, I would integrate
music, movement, and art into as many of my lessons as possible through arts
The goals and objectives for my music class during this short unit would be simple.
Since it is a first grade class, I would mostly be focusing on getting the basics of
music down.

By the end of this unit, my students will have learned:


How to learn a new song

The concepts of high/low
The concepts of loud/soft
How music can help us with reading
The concept of Tempo (Andante and Allegro)

Those are the goals for the end of this unit. The students will be able to
demonstrate throughout the rest of the year that they understand these core parts of

LESSON #1: Teaching a Song

Song Title: The Wheels on the Bus
Skill/skills being taught:
1. Experimenting with lyricschanging lyrics to an original tune
2. Practicing poetry using sound words and descriptive words


1. Sing the full song from beginning to end.

a. If students dont know the song, have them listen and look for words
that they think would be sound words (Doing movements along with
the song)
i. Then teach the song. Showing just the first verse as the first one
and then showing separate parts.
(Have picture cares for each new part. Ex: a wheel and a hand
turn motion, car wipers and a swishing hand motion)
b. If students know the song, have them sing along with movements and
listen for sound words as they sing.
i. SOUND WORDS: written sounds (swish, beep, squeak, waa, sh)

2. All students (if there is a larger group) sing together with the motions
3. Show all students a blank template with The ______in the _____go_____
4. Pose the question, What kind of song do you think we could write if we
only talks about and movements in this classroom?
a. If in a large group: each student writes one sentence and then teacher
joins them all together to make one large poem/song
i. if there is extra time, come up with movements for each line

The assessing in this lesson will mostly be done through observation.
The only real criterion to meet is coming up with descriptive words or
sound words.
The main goal is to see if the students have a hard time memorizing the
simple lyrics or finding descriptive words to use in their songs.

Lesson Adaptation for student

with physical disability:

For the movements in the song, have student do movements to best of his/her
ability. If there is a problem with writing, have another student write instead.
with mental disability(slow processing):
Send home a copy of the song ahead of time if possible.
Give students all written copy of the song. Either everyone can get a copy with
pictures on it, or just that student.

Lyrics sheet with other handouts in back of unit plan (HANDOUT#1)

Lesson #2: Teaching concept of Loud/Soft

Song Title: The Wheels on the Bus
Skill/skills being taught:
1. Concept of loud/soft
1. Reestablish that they have heard the song before Last time, we learned the
song go through one verse together once

2. State the lesson objective: Today were going to sing the same song but a
little bit different to make it more fun. Were going to sing it loudly, and
softly. Can someone show me what soft and loud sound like?
3. Give examples of soft and loud by talking and tapping on a table. (Mention
that you arent going faster or slower when you change your volume)
4. Have students sing the song again doing each verse loudly or softly as
specified on the sheet.

The assessing in this lesson will mostly be done through observation.
The only real criterion to meet is the students singing along with me in
the specified volume

Lyrics sheet with other handouts in back of unit plan. (HANDOUT#2)

Lesson #3: Teaching concept of High/Low

Song Title: Nocturne B Flat minor, op 9 No 1
Skill/skills being taught:
1. Concept of high/low
1. Listen to The Best of Chopin (12:45-13:30)

2. So in that one small part of a song, there were a lot of different pitches. The
song went really high and also really low. Does anyone know what I mean
when I say high and low? What do those words mean when were talking
about music?
3. I will give you some examples
a. Have two instruments to show high sound (bells,___) and two
instruments to show low sound (drum and ___)
b. This is a high/low sound: use instrument.
4. Play second high and low instruments without saying what each one is
(Name them #1 and #2)
a. Ask: Which one is making a high sound, and which one is making a
low sound?
i. If you think its #1, put your hand on your head
ii. If you think its #2, put your hand in the air
5. Now Im going to replay the song two more times.
This first time, just listen to it and see if you can find some places where
there are high and low notes.
6. You probably heard that a lot of the song in this part is pretty low.
So I want you all to put your hand in the air when you hear high notes. If it
gets higher, put your hand up higher in the air.
I will evaluate through the response that the students give to the
instrument question as well as to the song activity.

Lesson #4: Concept of short notes

Book Title: Caps for Sale by Esphyr Slobodkina
Skill/skills being taught:
1. Beginning understanding of short notes (quarter notes)
2. Music being used with literacy
1. Should have already read Caps for Sale at least once in the past as a class
a. Hand out instruments to students. (Preferably a small bell or triangle)
2. Explain: Throughout the book, whenever the peddleror anyone elselists
things off, like his different hats, then you are going to give a little ding
between each thing.
a. Explain that each ding is the length of a quarter note (one beat).
3. Explain why we are doing this: When we read lists, we pause at the commas
usually for the length of a ding.
4. Practice together once by teacher making a list off the top of her/his head
5. Read through the whole story and have students do the dings.

I will evaluate throughout the reading whether students are doing the
dinging on time or not.

Lesson #5: Concept of Tempo (Andante)

Song Title: Pick a Bale of Cotton
Skill/skills being taught:
1. Tempo (Andante)
1. Teach the song Pick a Bale of Cotton
2. Explain to students: We are going to learn about tempo. Tempo has to do
with how fast or slow the music goes. There are a lot of different tempo
terms that tell the performer how fast to play the music. We are going to
learn about two. Today, we are going to learn about Andante.
a. Andante is an Italian word which means walking speed.
3. Have all of the students spread around the room and face the teacher.
a. Make sure there is enough walking space for everyone
4. Play instrumental to song at Andante speed and have students walk around
the room and sing the song
5. Then have students do movements throughout the day at an Andante speed
to solidify the idea of walking speed


I will evaluate the whole class mostly through observation during this
I will have students that I am unsure if they are going the right speed help
me with my demonstration if I have to repeat it.
Lyrics sheet with other handouts in back of unit plan. (HANDOUT#3)

Lesson #6: Concept of Tempo (Allegro)

Song Title: Pick a Bale of Cotton
Skill/skills being taught:
1. Tempo (Allegro)
1. This is a continuation of the last lesson on tempo, so make sure students

know that we are still learning about tempo.

Explain: Today, we are going to learn about Allegro
a. Allegro is an Italian word which means fast
Have students all spread around the room and face the teacher
a. Make sure there is enough space to walk quickly
Have students walk very fast and sing the song very fast at the same time.
During some parts of the day, have students do things at an Allegro speed to
solidify the idea that Allegro means fast



I will evaluate the whole class mostly through observation during this
I will have students that I am unsure if they are going the right speed help
me with my demonstration if I have to repeat it.

Lyrics sheet with other handouts in back of unit plan. (HANDOUT#4)


HANDOUT #1 for Lesson 1.p. 14

HANDOUT #2 for Lesson 2.p. 15

HANDOUT #3 for Lessons 5 and 6..p.16




The wheels on the bus go round and round,
Round and round, round and round
The wheels on the bus go round and round, All through the town
The wipers on the bus go swish, swish, swish,
Swish, swish, swish. Swish, swish, swish
The wipers on the bus go swish, swish, swish, All through the town
The horn on the bus goes beep, beep, beep
Beep, beep, beep. Beep, beep, beep,
The horn on the bus goes beep, beep, beep, All through the town
The seats on the bus go squeak, squeak, squeak
Squeak, squeak, squeak. Squeak, squeak, squeak.
The seats on the bus go squeak, squeak, squeak, All through the town
The babies on the bus go waa, waa, waa

Waa, waa, waa. Waa, waa, waa.

The babies on the bus go waa, waa, waa, All through the town
The parents on the bus go sh, sh, sh
Sh, sh, sh. Sh, sh, sh.
The parents on the bus go sh, sh, sh, All through the town



The wheels on the bus go round and round,

Round and round, round and round

The wheels on the bus go round and round, All through the town
The wipers on the bus go swish, swish, swish,


Swish, swish, swish. Swish, swish, swish

The wipers on the bus go swish, swish, swish, All through the town
The horn on the bus goes beep, beep, beep
Beep, beep, beep. Beep, beep, beep,

The horn on the bus goes beep, beep, beep, All through the town


The seats on the bus go squeak, squeak, squeak

Squeak, squeak, squeak. Squeak, squeak, squeak.

The seats on the bus go squeak, squeak, squeak, All through the town
The babies on the bus go waa, waa, waa


Waa, waa, waa. Waa, waa, waa.

The babies on the bus go waa, waa, waa, All through the town
The parents on the bus go sh, sh, sh
Sh, sh, sh. Sh, sh, sh.


The parents on the bus go sh, sh, sh, All through the town




The Wheels on the Bus

Nocturne B Flat minor, op 9 No 1
The Best of Chopin (12:45-13:30)

Pick a Bale of Cotton


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