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The Author of this document is Elizabeth Cady Stanton, she is the pioneer of

womens rights and championed the right to vote, property rights and demanded
law reforms. She was against the Cult of Domesticity and believed that women had
little rights in the 1800 and that the rights they were given were restrictive to the
point that they were slaves to their husbands.
Her Declaration of Sentiments parallels the Declaration of Independence because
the original declaration was drafted because citizen of America felt their rights were
striped from them by the British government and where colonist did not have
equality with the British. The Declaration of Independence in turn was draft
because colonist wanted to free themselves from the oppression of the British
government. Stantons Declaration draws parallels to gain favor in the eyes of the
colonists, this helps people relate to the oppression that was faced when they
immigrated to North America. In practice this helps people understand womens
rights and why they have to be amended to create fairness and equality. Parallels
also reminds citizens how it felt to be under British control and the hardships they
had to overcome to become independent. The Declaration of Sentiments in drawing
parallels helps it be more impactful to the audience and aids in relating to rights of
The major demand in this documentation was equal rights for both men and women
as citizens of America. Womens rights and liberties were very imbalanced at this
time in society and were not given equal rights to be independent part of society
and were governed by their husbands. Women did not have essential basic rights
that most men had at the time and Stanton saw in inequality of society. Stantons
major demand was the right to vote, civil equalities, property rights, equal wages,
and rights to an education.
People fought and rejected the ideals in this document because they were stuck in
their ways. In the textbook Nathaniel Hawthorne an American author warns against
perfectionism and had views of the world as being imperfect, which he states that
perfection was just a dream. This is an example of why womens rights movements
were being held back. People who accepted the way things where and viewed
change as bad held back women in many ways. Men like this felt threatened from
changes because society up to this point deemed men superior.
This document is important to our society and changed womens rights because it
made us take a hard look and the oppression women were suffering by drawing
parallels to the Declaration of independence. It was just the beginning of creating
equality among women and would change our future outlook of what women can
accomplish independently without a man. Stanton in many was empowered women
and forced society took look at women in a different light. This document showed
that a women did not need a main and craved independence and equal rights.

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