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Early Stage 1 - Kindergarten PE Gymnastic & Gross Motor

Term 4 2015
10 weeks duration
GYES1.10: Performs basic movement patterns to show actions of the whole body.
Balances along a bean and exiting correctly.
Performs basic types of gymnastic rolls technically correctly e.g. log rolls and egg rolls
Moves different body parts in different locomotive patterns
GSES1.8: Demonstrates fundamental movement skills while playing with and sharing equipment.
Uses different equipment in a variety of ways during rhythmic gymnastics
Identifies a variety of games and play equipment
Runs, skips and hops with equipment, e.g. rope, large balls
Catches, kicks and throws balls of various sizes
MOES1.4: Demonstrates a general awareness of how basic movement skills apply to play and other introductory movement
Explores and understands how the body moves during different activates, both familiar and new
INES1.3: Relates well to others in work and play situations
Participates safely and sensibly with other students during physical activity.
ALES1.6: Develops a repertoire of physical activities in which they can participate.
Takes part in different types of physical activity e.g. jumping, walking, hopping, skipping, running
Values and Attitudes:
V2 Respect the rights of others to hold different values and attitudes from their own
V5 Willingly participate in regular physical activity
V6 Commits to realising their full potential


Teaching and Learning Activities

Warm up
Run x 1 lap of the hall & stretch

1. Balance beam balance walk, mount & dismount (Teacher with this group)
2. Hurdles
3. Hula hoops
4. Throwing, catching & bouncing balls
5. Skipping ropes
Simple Dodgeball


Balance beams
Gymnastic mats
Hula hoops
Small balls
Skipping ropes

Soft balls

Mark out a circle with cones and select 5-6 Ss to be inside the circle. The remaining
players stand on the outside of the circle. Ss on the outside throw the ball at the Ss on
the inside of the circle. They must hit the players below the waist. If a player is hit they
must re-join the outer circle. The last S is in the winner.

Swimming lessons
PDH will be taught through integrated lessons.

Swimming lessons
PDH will be taught through integrated lessons.
Warm up
Run x 1 lap of the hall & stretch


1. Basic gymnastic rolls (Teacher with this group)
2. Skipping ropes
3. Throwing, catching & bouncing balls
4. Kicking, striking & dribbling a balls
5. Hula Hoops

Gymnastic mats
Soccer balls
Hula hoops
Small balls
Skipping ropes


Teepees and Indians:


Ss sit in a circle. Ss are paired off with the person next to them. One S in each pair stays
sitting on the ground, legs crossed and hands pressed together (indian). The other child
in each pair stands behind their indian with their hands together pointed up (tepee).
When the teacher calls tepee or indian the student called runs.
**Note: run around legs not through as girls in dresses.
Warm up
Run x 1 lap of the hall & stretch

1. Balance beam balance walk, mount & dismount (Teacher with this group)
2. Throwing, catching & bouncing balls
3. Kicking, striking & dribbling a balls
4. Skipping ropes
5. Hurdles
Tail Tag

Oztag belts

Ss wear a oztag belts. Ss are in two teams. In the allocated field students have a given
time to steal as many tags as they can from other plays, one tag at a time. When the T
sounds the whistle, all Ss freeze and return to their original team. They count how many
tags to team has in total and the team with the most wins.
Warm up
Run x 1 lap of the hall & stretch

Bouncy balls
Soccer balls
Skipping ropes
Gymnastic matts
Balance beam

1. Basic gymnastic rolls (Teacher with this group)
2. Throwing, catching & bouncing balls
3. Kicking, striking & dribbling a balls
4. Skipping ropes
5. Bean bag balance

Gymnastic mats
Bouncy balls
Soccer balls
Skipping ropes
Bean bags


Relay races


Ss stand in teams and complete relays of doing fundamental movement skills: hopping,
jumping, skipping, running, walking, etc.
Warm up
Run x 1 lap of the hall & stretch


1. Balance beam balance walk, mount & dismount (Teacher with this group)
2. Throwing, catching & bouncing balls
3. Kicking, striking & dribbling a balls
4. Skipping ropes
5. Hula Hoops
Simple Dodgeball

Balance beam
Gymnastic mats
Bouncy balls
Soccer balls
Skipping ropes
Hula hoops

Soft balls

Mark out a circle with cones and select 5-6 Ss to be inside the circle. The remaining
players stand on the outside of the circle. Ss on the outside throw the ball at the Ss on
the inside of the circle. They must hit the players below the waist. If a player is hit they
must re-join the outer circle. The last S is in the winner.
Warm up
Run x 1 lap of the hall & stretch
1. Basic gymnastic rolls (Teacher with this group)
2. Throwing, catching & bouncing balls
3. Hula Hoops
4. Skipping ropes
5. Bean bag balance

Gymnastic mats
Bouncy balls
Hula hoops
Skipping ropes
Bean bags

Tail Tag

Ss wear an oztag belts. Ss are in two teams. In the allocated field students have a given
time to steal as many tags as they can from other plays, one tag at a time. When the T
sounds the whistle, all Ss freeze and return to their original team. They count how many
tags to team has in total and the team with the most wins
Warm up
Run x 1 lap of the hall & stretch

1. Balance beam balance walk, mount & dismount (Teacher with this group)
2. Throwing, catching & bouncing balls
3. Kicking, striking & dribbling a balls
4. Skipping ropes
5. Hurdles
Relay races

Balance beam
Gymnastic mats
Bouncy balls
Soccer balls
Skipping ropes


Ss stand in teams and complete relays of doing fundamental movement skills: hopping,
jumping, skipping, running, walking, etc.
Warm up
Run x 1 lap of the hall & stretch


Oztag belts

1. Basic gymnastic rolls (Teacher with this group)
2. Throwing, catching & bouncing balls
3. Hula Hoops
4. Skipping ropes
5. Kicking, striking & dribbling a balls

Gymnastic matts
Bouncy balls
Hula hoops
Skipping ropes
Soccer balls

Teepees and Indians:


Ss sit in a circle. Ss are paired off with the person next to them. One S in each pair stays
sitting on the ground, legs crossed and hands pressed together (indian). The other child
in each pair stands behind their indian with their hands together pointed up (tepee).
When the teacher calls tepee or indian the student called runs.
**Note: run around legs not through as girls in dresses.

Assessment rubric

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