Hist Reflect 3

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For this assignment what I had to do was interpret a document within US history.

assignment was one that was important to me because it gave a more complete and thorough
picture of the injustices in early American society. In this document Elizabeth Cady Stanton
address people of the injustices women were facing in the US. She related her injustice with the
Declaration of Independence to help the audience relate to her subject matter. After reading this
document I realized that White men had absolute power in the early days of America. Even
white women were not free and were very restricted by men. This assignment aided me in my
analytical skills. It help me realize that this nation was very far from equal and in fact it was
filled with inequality. I had to analize this document and after reading this document I see the
masterpiece that was written by Stanton. She really helped convey her message and gave
relation to her plight. I developed my writing skills in this assignment because I feel that I was
able to clearly convey the meaning and connect the document to our history. It has definitely
helped me improve my academic skills because after 5 interpretations I felt at ease with this
assignment and I now fully understand why we are doing these interpretations. I feel that these
documents really help connect us to history and gives a highlight of the fights and stuggles we
had gone though in order to reach the point at which we are now. Although our society is still
not perfect in many ways, it has made progress into a more idyllic society. This assignment has
also benefitted me because it has aided me in studies for other classes. Through repetition and
constant exercises of document interpretations, I feel that I have better reading comprehension
for reading materials. Although some of the documents are hard to ready because it was written
in old English vocabulary I now feel more comfortable ready these historical documents and
understanding the language within. Assignment like these has helped me hone my analytical
skills, reading skills, and interpretations skills. In conclusion I have learned to like these

assignments and understand how it helps us understand history with further depth when compare
to just reading a textbook.

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