Mechanics of Dreaming A Spectrum of Colors in Bristly Sunlight, Lucid in The Umbra

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Mechanics Of Dreaming A Spectrum Of Colors

In Bristly Sunlight, Lucid In The Umbra

Dreaming, parsec-ray, crystal maze, parallax, polarize, cerebral beacon, brain,
Whist one is on the move vis-a-vis a cosmic-eye view, the sun rays bristly-millipede walking the
earth on the roll the daylight energy fading in the penumbra. The eye of our supraliminal-volition peers

along the parsec-ray and in the axis of parallax anchored as earth spins in orbit. Beginning a lagging
bio rhythmic chronology which keeps organs waking. Reaching the umbra the cerebral beacon of light
and sight in a stifling light the flame dies. Extinct, the mind goes to rest waking in its latex rubber doll
organ of the skin on the sealed spirit from escape. A drinking straw's drawn by the vacuum of space,
and a wash out of light pollution from the brain. A deep sleep effect, the skin organ dies to a porous
texture, the conscious mind and spiritual avatar escapes. Along a conscious journey, when the
fascination of an astral projection on the umbilical cord one's body. Kicking fright, in believe of a non
return trip, sparks a return.
In the penumbra first light crawls in. turning the effect around, as one's proper emergency flash light
reflector, and our cerebral beacon of light and sight. Volition peers in a constant pursuit picking the
crosshairs, an ambulance on the move, whisking wisps of blue light, evanescent and dispelling through
the pitch black of the night. Therefore, the pillow where I lay my head, is a laboratory of my mind .
In a nightly trance I got up and stepped out the room, childish excited finding the gift of a new toy in
the amazing journeys of my mind. Imagining flipping up my laptop screen and typing away a few
screen lengths of notes. I failed to interact with my memory, sentient of a cognitive trailing drain as I
left the room pressing my way through a nightly awaking fresh air. Invasive cooling and wiping off my
memory. At lost of the relevant story for my journal about the mind. I paused my hopes on the
transcendent moving images, and rose from behind my laptop, thought for a moment for an astute
My mind sniffled back through the reigning atmosphere, sentient of a cooling hollow in my slept
warmth dissipated in the bedroom. I crawled into bed, and lay my head down grabbing the few pillows
as they were waking up.

Fetch back my dream

In fight at the speed of a jet, a global positioning parsec-ray in the parallax anchored on a cerebral
beacon to receive signals from a cosmic space station with a jet lag delay. I lay still on my pillow,
fetching the penumbra begin of the vehicular light targeting the crosshairs of my cerebral beacon time
in an ardent upcoming sun light bringing down filling to mind confetti sailing colors with a first light
the mood of a new day, like a storefront window, the reflection of its tapestry.
In my earlier barrier break I dozed off. Entering a trance. Sentient of the balloon room, in a
prolonged soft incandescent glow heating the cerebral beacon in my head. My memory flashed a first
activated trail. Taking in amplitude and flashing images. An and emergent upcoming latex balloon
valve at gun point to my temple. Closed eyes, I perceived a vortex in the room, sucking flying objects
to my head, which flashed increasing rapid images to mind. Until, in a smack the bubble room size
latex catapulted a popping bubble gum in my face, to vanish quiescent in my head. I concentrated on
pulling interactive strings, distinctive images leading up to me, instinctive trailing off deeper at
capturing the context of the dream taking shape. The cause of an impatience breaking my proper rules.
I rose from bed, dressed, and stepped into the living, in preparation. Walked down the street to the
baker, and onto the distant supermarket. Returned, making an Espresso, and from a breakfast break, felt
ready to see through, a light permeating concept, labeling interactive vision through a cabinet drawer
cauliflower florets filing to memory.

Catastrophic, my divorce became an eye opener at the health of my mind. Ever since a few devoting
myself to a psychologist, on the third session I got grip and for three decades tended to live by an
ongoing self-psychoanalytic search for these polluted filters on the brink of induce the disease of the
mind. Warping and distorting vision, rendering dreams message ineffective in its utility. The crystal
labyrinth, though the brain goes through a cognitive altering, volition doesn't falter us.
On the trail of my dreams, writing is my backup file to memory. By enlarge, bushwhacking my way
to the story, the forest overgrowth to leaves always a trace of working my way deeper, rehearsing a
dream before getting out of bed, and out typing the context and as much interactive details at the keys
of my laptops. Many of my computers have broken down, and a lot of my work lost. Reading back my
notes, sure, brings me back to moments, and over a lifetime since my infancy, amazed by outer body

Technically abstract
Dreaming by nature transcendent, and sheer telepathic soap bubble effect interactive cosmic and arc
of parallax traced by our and more people's parsec-raysi. In a tall glass the reflections through ice
cubes, in a cosmic perspective, diamond tipped variable head sliced by a solar compact disk of the
moment a blue-ray lens reading the iridescent colors coded shutters embedded codes. At the end of
our supraliminal-volition puppeteering through the parsec-ray the cerebral-beacon quantum driving the
beaming of light and sightii. In extreme clean conditions of the mind, telepathic conjugated will, the
notion of thoughts picked up in the supraliminal knowledge bank, sketches a silk, colored screening an
atmospheric designing. In front of one's eyes the prints against an azure sky, wavering a karmic veil the
tapestry to mind.
In other words, the supraliminal-volition recruits the bristly sun energy in a rescue operation with a
survival tool kit. Or, a colloquial messenger whispering angelic intuitive, with tools as variable and vast
we are able to reflect sought out for a purpose, a career for the fate of our in life.

The solar disk of the moment, a spiral staircase in a changing spectrum of colors through time, leads
from one year into the next, as earth orbit along the edge of a virtual Compact Disk. Each life form
present, we stroll through a bubbly zoological garden of the sky. As the object of parallax, and standing
on the brim of one's proper cosmic glass bubble that outlines the bowl. Contrary to visions, a storefront
window in a changing light. Mirrors a satellite dish arc of parallax of a greater perspective. Illustrated,
straddled on the parsec-ray the crystal shards tubed, access to the cerebral beacon constraints by a
crystal labyrinth to the mind.

Proper terms in the abstract: chapter are dedicated for further reading.

Video in conjunction with my work: YouTube 2:2 Video The Code: Horizon of Infinity
Books available from the publisher:
Book available at Amazon:
Why not read 47 pages on: Google Books
View the pictures in a sequence of evolution: Flickr


the ray of light and sight, which anchors our being with the supraliminal.
this is extreme difficult to explain here, can be studied in my book, The Code: Horizon of Infinity.

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