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What do I think about abortion?

Life is a gift from God and women are the only ones
that can have the privilege of conceiving a life.
I totally disagree in the case that a woman wants an
abortion just because she didnt take any preventions
before sex, I mean, if a woman wants to have sex without
the idea of conceiving a life, she must take contraceptive
methods. An unborn child is a life inside of her, so that
woman should be responsible for her actions.
Nowadays is very easy and normal for a teenage
girl to have an abortion just because she didnt take any
preventions before sex, and those kind of women do not
want that kind of responsibility in their life, in the other
hand, there are a lot of women who want a child in their
life but they cant get pregnant. It is an injustice.
There are some cases I think an abortion can be
applied and I agree with that. Sometimes a woman is
under risk because of pregnancy, maybe the unborn child
comes with malformation. Rape victims should not have to
go through with an unwanted pregnancy and for me, in


my humble opinion, those cases are strong enough to

apply an abortion.

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