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Chapter One

A.N. This book is not for those who are easily offended.
I do not own Harry Potter or any of the characters created by J.K. Rowling
therefore I do not receive nor accept payment for these works.
Lavender Brown looked up as her boss swept into the office. Percy Weasley had quit the
Ministry before the fall of Voldemort but after the war was over he had returned to work under
his father in the Muggle Relations Department. She knew there was a slight strain between him
and his family, she had been working for Rons brother as his Personal Assistant for the past nine
months and other than the slight discomfort she detected in him whenever one of his family
members were nearby, he was a completely different man from the stuck-up boy he used to be.
The one thing she was sure about was that she was head over heels in love with Percy Weasley,
the arrogant git that no one could stand at Hogwarts - except for Penelope Clearwater - whose
affections he was currently trying to win back. Grrrr!
Good Morning Mr Weasley, she said rising from her desk, Your father was here earlier
looking for you. He left a note on your desk. Perkins handed in that report you requested and
here is your tea and scones, she concluded by flourishing her wand and conjuring his breakfast.
Thank you Miss Brown. Copy the report on that talking Rolls-Royce and take the original to my
father as soon as you are finished. That is all.
Yes Mr Weasley, Lavender replied and strolled out the room recognizing that she had been


Lavender sat on the park bench eating her lunch, under one of the oak trees in the park belonging
to the Ministry of Magic, which was added after the war to help the workers unwind. She sat
alone at the bench, the few other workers about stayed away from her. She sighed and took a sip
of her pumpkin juice; she had become used to this treatment but she just never could get used to

the utter loneliness shed experienced after the war. She never liked to think about the war but it
was inescapable as she constantly had recurring nightmares of Greyback attacking her, sinking
his teeth into the soft flesh between her neck and shoulder, the tearing.the pain. She dragged
her mind from that memory with a shudder and reached up to touch the scar there. It was slightly
raised but smooth and almost blended into her natural skin tone but it would always be a
Thank the Gods Greyback had been in his human form so she would never turn, but she
would always crave meat in her food, she was stronger than normal and could see in the dark
and everyone who she had ever called a friend or family had abandoned her. Parvati her best
friend at Hogwarts, the one she had counted on to always be there for her, went on to
University and never looked back. When her mother had come to visit her at St. Mungos
shed thought it was to collect her, instead Mrs Brown had disowned her and told her to never
come back home. Shed been devastated, turning to those she had thought were her friends
Parvarti, Padma, Seamus and Dean (she just couldnt face Ron or his friend Harry and
Hermione, who had never liked her). None of them wanted to tarnish their name by
associating with a part Werewolf she guessed. She wasnt dangerous as far as she knew and
everyone still liked Bill Weasley so why was she continuously being persecuted? For a year
and a half she did odd jobs, when she could get them, so that she could pay her rent. Older
students, men who remembered her before they left Hogwarts, propositioned her but she
denied them, holding out on the hope that she would be able to piece together her life one day.
The odd jobs became fewer and far between and when the time came for her to choose
between eating or paying rent she decided to owl her last hope, Neville Longbottom who though they were never friends - would have helped her but she had been kicked out of her
small, dingy apartment in Knockturn Alley during winter and never got his reply. Terrified
and freezing, she wandered for two weeks, sleeping in the gutters and dead-ends on
Knockturn Alley using her wand to keep warm and drink water. At first she begged for work,
then for knuts and sickles until finally, begging for food, for she could never resort to stealing
she had tried to Accio an apple from a street vendor but shed felt so guilty she put it back and
ran. She had tried to hold out, hoping to see Neville coming to help but she knew deep down
he would never come to Knockturn Alley on his own. Tears blurred her eyes as her last hope

disappeared, then with one last spark of Gryffindor defiance, she knocked and called at every
door until one finally opened. Unfortunately or maybe not it was the door of Madam
Mias; Knockturn Alleys only brothel.
Lavender spent almost six months working for Madam Mia but the first month was the
hardest part as she had no choice but to sell her body to survive. Then one day, one of the
other girls noticed that Lavender was good with charms for her own hair, clothes and makeup and asked her for help. That was the last time Lavender had sex unwillingly or for money.
She convinced Madam Mia to pay her to beautify and improve her girls which she did
skilfully. This encouraged two of the other girls: Ivy to train them to walk with good posture
and Mitzi to teach them to converse eloquently; creating an upsurge in respectable gentlemen
callers which allowed Madam Mia to rename her brothel Mias Escort Agency, moving out of
Knockturn Alley into Freywall Lane the aristocratic side street of Diagon Alley. The three
worked collectively, allowing Madam Mia to bask in the glory while they willingly worked
anonymously steadily building their individual wealth which would allow them to one day
leave and start over their lives.
Then one day Percy and two of his brothers Charlie and George came into the agency while
she was having an impromptu meeting in the reception area with Ivy and Mitzi with Madam
Mia looking on; learning what she could like the rest of her girls. These three were meant for
bigger and better things and she was proud of them. Lavender spotted George first and ducked
under the desk unaware that Percy had already seen her. Ivy and Mitzi immediately took over,
ushering George and Charlie to the Ladies Lounge while Percy was ushered to the waiting
room by Madam Mia who instantly left for lunch forgetting Lavender was hiding under the
reception desk. She had been crawling on her hands and knees to go to their private lounge
area in the room behind the reception desk when she heard a voice behind her.
Its Lavender isnt itLavender Brown?
Embarrassed to be caught in such a position she slowly rose from the floor and turned and
there stood Percy with a quizzical look on his face.
You were Rons girlfriend at Hogwarts if Im not mistaken?

No, youre not. Youre Percy Weasley right?

Correct in one, he replied with a smile, so this is where youve been hiding. Ive been
looking for you since the war ended.
Youyouve been looking for me, really? she asked disbelief written on her face, Why?
Everyone Ive known has been avoiding me
At her words he lost his smile, a look that seemed like concern flashed over his face, I wanted
to thank you. Thank you for saving my brothers life that day.
What do you mean? she asked, confused I fought just like everyone else
Do you remember what happened before he trailed off and glanced at her neck then
quickly looked away.
No, she replied softly, No one ever told me how I fell off the battlements. I just remember
seeing Greybacks face coming toward me.
Aware of her discomfort he asked gently, Is there somewhere we can talk privately?
Sure, she caught sight of Ivy and Mitzi returning, Great timing guys, do you mind holding
the fort while I have a chat with Mr Weasley in the lounge?
Go on honey, weve got this. You hardly take breaks anyway, Ivy answered while Mitzi
nodded in agreement.
When they were seated comfortably Lavender summoned one of the house-elves, Dom
A male house-elf wearing a black tea towel with the agencys logo appeared; Miss Brown
called Dom he intoned in an unusually deep voice for a house-elf.
Yes, bring us some drinks have Sub prepare my usual snack please,
At once Miss Brown, he replied before he vanished.
Lavender turned to Percy who looked like he wanted to ask about the house-elfs voice and
their names but visibly shook himself and she bit back a smile.

Before they could continue their conversation Dom returned with their drinks.
Sub has placed Miss Browns snack in her room under a stasis charm.
Thank you Dom and tell Sub I said thanks as well
Yes Miss Brown, Dom replied before he returned to watching over the girls in the field at
the back.
I know I didnt ask what you drink, Lavender stated as she poured drinks into two glasses,
but I hope you dont mind elf made wine.
Thats acceptable to me, Percy replied, humbly accepting his glass and taking a sip, waiting
for Lavender to relax beside him on the sofa. This was a very different version of Percy to the
Head-boy she remembered at Hogwarts. She took a few sips of her wine before turning in her
seat toward him.
Why are you here Miss Brown, how did you get here?
Her eyes widened as she looked at him, shaken by his directness. She hadnt been expecting
that question yet. She placed her drink on the coffee table and turned back to him licking her
lips nervously. She didnt know where to start and she fidgeted a little but he was patient and
waited in silence. Finally working up the courage she took a deep breath and began.
When I left St. Mungos I tried to move on with my life. Everyone I had trusted had
abandoned me. I wont go into details, so in short; I became part werewolf, a dangerous half
breed. I couldnt get or keep a job, I was thrown out of the room I was renting and I ended up
at Madam Mias brothel in Knockturn Alley. She took hold of her drink and sipped, elf made
wine usually helped to keep her calm. She knew her eyes were undoubtedly emanating a glow
of molten gold. She peeped at Percy through her reddish-blonde tresses uncertainly but he
looked back at her with a slight smile of understanding.
Bill. His only comment as he sipped at his drink.
Ive never realized just how hard it was for Professor Lupin, she continued softly, and Im
only part werewolf, I dont even change on the full moon.

You and I were never friends Miss Brown but you were my brothers girlfriend, why didnt
you contact him?
Ron and I arent friends anymore. Not since we broke up in our sixth year. In fact we never
really tried to get to know one another to be friends, she ended hesitantly, her cheeks
Oh, he exclaimed softly, I understand.
Mr Weasley, she looked into the glass she held on her lap, why did you say I saved your
Because you did Miss Brown, Percy replied, placing his empty glass on the coffee table and
turning to face her, It was a few minutes afterafter Fred died. Rookwood had been the
one who cast the explosion curse that caused his death. I went after him, he was heading for
the great hall and he started to taunt me, saying that he was going to kill the other one. I knew
he meant George, so I cut him off and forced him toward the battlements instead. He paused
and leaned forward to balance his arms on his knees, clasping his hands together.
When I finally thought I had him another Death Eater, I cant remember who, distracted me
but not before I saw George. He was fighting along with you, Miss Patil and Professor
Trelawney. You were casting spells over the battlements. Rookwood was close enough to cast
his spell and I yelled out to George, he didnt hear me but you did. You turned and saw
Rookwood aiming at George the same time I took care of the other Death Eater I was fighting.
You pushed George out of the way, I cast a stunning spell at Rookwood but his exploding
curse hit the floor in front of you. I only realised you were blown off the battlement when the
dust settled. You saved my brothers life Miss Brown, I owe you everything. I love my brothers
and my family had already lost Fred, I couldnt let them lose George too not after everything I
put them through. They didnt deserve that and I know this is not enough but thank you Miss
Brown, thank you so much.
Lavender looked at Percy as he cleared his throat, staring resolutely at his hands wringing
together in front of him.

No, Mr Weasley, she paused as she waited for him to look at her, thank you, she
whispered, her voice quivering as her eyes glistened with tears.
Why are you thanking me? he asked, perplexed.
Ever since I woke up in St. Mungos Ive felt like I was just an unwanted burden andaa
victim. Yesa victim. No one has ever thanked me for my part in the war before. Not that I
was expecting it. I wasnt fighting for the thank you or the medals. But I have felt like a
victim for so long, it feels great to have someone appreciate the small part I played. So thank
you Mr Weasley.
Tears running freely down her face, she leaned over and kissed him lightly on his reddening


From that point on her life had changed. She left her job on good terms with offers to return by
Madam Mia at the agency when Percy offered her a job working for him as his Personal
Assistant which would require her to be at the Ministry with him. There were a few who tried to
prevent her employment but Percy stuck with her through it all and even had the Minister
Kingsley Shacklebolt intervene on her behalf. They quickly became good friends and maintained
a comfortable working relationship.
Lavender brushed lightly at a few crumbs on her muggle work clothes. She and Percy had agreed
to show their enthusiasm for muggle culture and decided to wear muggle clothing to work on
weekends and when they were going into the field to make contact with muggles. She found she
loved muggle clothing as much as, maybe even more, than the cloaks and robes of their world.
Today she chose to wear a cream coloured blouse, tucked into a high-waist, black pencil skirt
that reached just above her knees with a cream coloured belt fitted below her ample breasts. On
her feet she wore cream coloured pumps with a black bow on each toe. She knew it might be
considered a bit too sexy for work but she was Lavender Brown. These past few months with

Percy she had regained her confidence and fell in love with a great man. Hermione Granger
might have been the so called Gryffindor Princess and Know-it-all but she Lavender Brown
was the Diva of Gryffindor and whatever she did; she was sensual, vocalized and felt fabulous
doing it. Everything she did was done with poise and panache. Watch out Percy Adelaide
Weasley, soon youre going to say Penelope who? because Lavender Persephone Brown was

Chapter Two

It was the end of the work day and Lavender was neatening up her desk when Arthur Weasley
came through the door.
Hullo there Miss Brown, Percys in his office still?
Hi Mr Weasley, yes he is. I think hes expecting you.
She continued to clear her desk when Arthur entered Percys office shutting the door behind him.
They were almost certainly discussing the gathering the Weasleys started holding after Arthurs
ascent in ranks at the Ministry. Percy wanted Arthur to invite the Clearwaters and their daughter
Penelope so he could persuade her to take him back.
After his father had left Percy exited his office looking agitated.
Is everything alright Percy? They were usually on first name basis in private.
Not really, he replied giving her a thoughtful look, Lets go home where theres more privacy.
You might even be able to help me.


You want me to what?! Lavender shrieked, staring crossly at Percy.

Please, pleaseplease Lavender. Just for a few days or weeks until she agrees to take me
Percy, how does my pretending to be in love with you help you to get Penelope?

Its one of the things I noticed during our sixth year at Hogwarts. She had thought that
Hermione Granger, Luna Lovegood and a few of her Ravenclaw friends had liked me and in
some twisted way that inspired her to want a relationship with me.
Hermione had a crush on you? Lavender asked with a smirk.
Of course not, he scoffed, none of the others either. I dont even know where she got that
idea; girls dont usually pay attention to me.
Lavender was thrown for a moment at his comment. He sounded confused at the fact that
Penelope thought girls liked him, in other words he expected girls to ignore him. Wow, this
this was amazing, Percy Weasley had no idea that he was one gorgeous mother
Anyway, back to our original topic. Will you come to the gathering and pretend to be in love
with me? he asked again.
I dont know Percy. Im not too fond of the idea of hanging all over you while you ignore me
for someone else, Lavender replied with a pout.
It wont be like that, I promise. This will be more like a date where well both pay attention to
each other but I just need you to go just a little bit further. What do you think? he begged with
big round puppy dog eyes.
Lavender rolled her eyes and chuckled, Fine, but Ill be the one to choose what we wear and Ill
be giving you a complete make-over. If I have to look gaga over you then you need a new
Thanks Lavender, he gushed, relieved, well go to Twilfitt and Tattings tomorrow,
Well be going into muggle London as well, Lavender cut in, when I said a complete makeover Percy I meant it.
Excited about their plan for Penelope, Percy grabbed her shoulder and kissed her on her cheek,
See you in the morning Lavender, and rushed into his room to banish most of his clothes to his
trunk at the Burrow. Lavender left, to enter her apartment across from his, a smirk of triumph on
her face.


At Twilfitt and Tattings, Lavender chose different cloaks and robes that flattered his new frame.
After the war Percy had started walking and swimming (added to his training with the Order) to
build his stamina, resulting in not only newfound energy but in a lean muscular build. He was
not as built as Charlie but with all the physical activities and his new muscular frame, his stride
and overall faade seemed almost sensual and feline whereas Charlie was just a sexy hulk.
In a muggle shopping mall she chose new dark denim jeans, t-shirts, dress shirts, aviator jackets
trousers, fitted suits (navy, charcoal and grey), oxfords, loafers, monk-straps and boots. She also
picked out two everyday wrist watches a metal and leather, a weekend watch, shock and water
resistant, and finally a sophisticated watch made of rose gold to interchange according to his
dress code.
Percy was currently paying for his items while Lavender stood silently waiting. She was
completely gobsmacked, he looked so utterly delicious in muggle clothing she made him agree
to them wearing muggle clothing for the gathering, a soft growl of appreciation actually rumbled
through her when he tried on the last outfit. She couldnt wait for the gathering when she would
have the chance to throw herself at him, at his request of course. She couldnt understand what
he saw in Penelope, she was plain, prissy and snobbish. A small part of her said, maybe thats
what he likes, but she pushed the thought away. She loved Percy; he treated her like a lady, cared
about her well-being and most of all he cared about his family. A man who cares for his family is
a man worth keeping; if Percy gave them a chance at a romantic relationship she would fight any
womanor man to keep him.
She was pulled from her thoughts at his voice calling to her.
So is there anything else Ill need to get?
There are just two things left, first well need to visit my stylist.


The stylist gave Percy a short shag haircut. He (the stylist) said the cut was achieved by using a
haircutting razor to create movement and texture in Percys hair. The perimeter of the cut was
finished with a shattered effect (rather than blunt cut with shears) giving it a lean, casual look.
The point and angle of the sideburns enhanced his strong cheek bone, with a bit of facial scruff,
which created a unique look on him. As far as Lavender was concerned it looked like a perfectly
cut bang, brushed slightly diagonal.Whatever.She couldnt keep her eyes off of him as they
walked to an apparition point, unaware of the stares they attracted at the picture-perfect look they
made as a couple.


They were sitting on his sofa sipping on cold pumpkin juice when Percy turns to her, puzzled.
I thought you said there were two other things I had to get. The haircut was one, what was the
Practice, for both of us actually. Were going out as a couple tonight; you need to practice
looking at me affectionately in front of a crowd. Were meeting Ivy, Mitzi and their dates for
seven oclock at The Mysty Haze so we have time to get ready.


Lavender! Over here! Mitzi called to her as they entered the nightclub and they weaved their
way through a group of dancing witches and wizards Lavender swore she saw Draco Malfoy
and Blaise Zabini toward the circular seating her friends occupied. As soon as they had
apparated in front of The Mysty Haze, Percy had grabbed her hand, entwined their fingers and

gave her conspiratorial grin. He looked so gorgeous in a long-sleeved grey, v-necked jumper and
black denim jeans, parting the crowd with his panther-like stride. Now as they got closer to the
table she watched as Ivy and Mitzi grinned openly at their joined hands. When they sat down Ivy
launched into an immediate interrogation.
Please introduce us to your extremely sexy date Lavender, nice get-up she purred ignoring
Percys blush, whats his name? Where does he live? How much does he earn? They ordered
Firewhiskey Ogdens finest, Does he have two brothers? One for me, he must dig stunning
black witches, and the other for Mitzi as you can see shes a gorgeous Asian who also wants
the answers to those questions. She clapped her hand once and pointed at them, go! She and
Mitzi propped their chins on their hands and waited with wide grins.
Ivy, Mitzi, this is Percy Weasley. My best friend, my boss and my date tonight, she paused and
raised an eyebrow mockingly, he has a plethora of brothers, she paid no attention to Percy as
he snorted into his drink, all extremely fetching and single except for Ron of course, and Bill
has been widowed since the war. I thought you guys brought dates?
Mitzi gestured with her hands, Look around honey, loads of potential dates just waiting to
introduce themselves.
The night passed amiably with Percy paying special attention to Lavender. Setting off the girls to
sigh and comment on his gallantry. An upbeat tune was playing and all three girls dragged him to
dance teasing and tormenting him playfully. Eventually the girls were taken away by two
charming males, leaving Percy and Lavender to slow dance, blatantly flirting after consuming so
much alcohol. The only glitch for the night was when a witch Lavender didnt know tried to cut
in and dance with Percy, causing her to growl at the bitch and hurling her into the group of
dancers where she had seen Draco and Blaise. Percy, unaffected in his drunken state, grinned at
her and pulled her body flush against his as they continued their dance.
They were both pleasantly tipsy by the time they apparated to their apartments.
Thank you so much for making me look doable Lavender, Percy slurred as he fumbled with his
wand to take down the wards over his door, I had a great time tonight. Lavender giggled as she

removed hers as well, being part werewolf, she wasnt as drunk as Percy; she would have had to
drink more.
Thank you for making me feel like a lady tonight, she turned to him as she heard him exclaim
after successfully removing his wards.
As my final exploit tonight, he slurred as he staggered over to her, his hair falling into his
eyes, theres one last thing I must do to make my practice session complete my lady, Without
warning he pushed her against her apartment door and at her gasp of surprise, kissed her open
Hours, days, or was it months passed as she was subjected to the most passionate kiss she had
ever received. He fervently devoured her lips, searing them and she moaned as their tongues
twisted erotically. As the kiss slowed he nibbled her bottom lip before slowly backing away. An
emotion flashed in his eyes but was gone before she could read it. His lips tilted up in a tiny
smile as he looked at her with hooded eyes walking backward to his open door.
I guess we know for sure now that everyone will be fooled into thinking were intimate or that
you even love someone like me. Goodnight Lavender.
As he closed the door silently, Lavender who was still pressed against the wall let the tears
she had been fighting fall. Her lips were still tingling from his kisses. She never noticed that as
he had walked backward, he never staggered once.

Chapter Three
A.N. This book is not for those who are easily offended. Forgive my Latin if theyre
incorrect. I used a site to translate.

Damn chick, you look fine! her mirror commented, now turn around let me see
that ass, Lavender rolled her eyes and turned. Thats what I get for letting Ivy
charm my mirror.
Not bad, but you should really do something about your face, it looks jacked up.
Do you mind? I havent put on my make-up yet and Ive been crying my eyes out
all night, Lavender replied flinging her hands up in frustration.
Im just sayin
Whatever! Wait until I put my make-up on then you can comment on my face.
Ignoring her mirrors mutterings, she looked at the muggle dress she chose to wear.
It was off white, strapless and floor length. The top of the dress cupped her breasts
while the skirt was cinched just below her breasts and fell in loose waves to pool
on the floor. Her jewellery was white diamond stud earrings, a platinum diamond
studded choker and a broad diamond studded bracelet to match. Her high-heeled
shoes were silver and open-toed, the horizontal band holding her toes were studded
as well and they only showed when she walked.
She charmed make-up onto her face to a much better! from her mirror. She used
Cadent Solveris and Laevis fluctui charms on her hair to fall loosely away from
her face in soft glossy waves to her waist.

Just perfect as always honey, her mirror stated with an exaggerated sigh.
Yeah, too bad Percy doesnt want this kind of perfect, she mumbled sadly as she
tucked her wand into an invisible holster on her arm.
With one last look at her appearance, she took a deep breath and walked out of her
apartment, warded her door and knocked on Percys.


They arrived at the burrow for the gathering, immediately turning heads; men
gazed lustfully at Lavender, who looked stunning in her muggle evening dress. The
younger ladies stared longingly at Percy; who was dressed in a fitted black suit
with a cream dress shirt underneath and one of his new pairs of monk-straps.
When she had knocked on his door earlier, he had opened it looking frustrated,
instantly pulling her through the door and asking her to help him dress. At first she
had been awkward and shy but when it appeared that he didnt remember their kiss
the night before, she relaxed and picked out a suit that would complement her
Lavender had decided that night as she sobbed into her pillow, that when Percy
proposed to Penelope, she would return to The Agency. She couldnt deal with the
thought of working with Percy, loving him, and watching him move on and love
another woman. So tonight she would not pretend to love him. Tonight, she was
going to show Percy Weasley what he would be walking away from, she would
show how much she loved him whether he was aware or not.

As it was done in pureblood wizarding circles, Percy had his arm out, palm down
as her hand rested lightly atop it, keeping his hand free in case he needed to grab
his wand quickly. They circled the room a great ballroom had been added when
the burrow was renovated greeting those they met and conversing warmly.
They were both sipping on elf made wine and talking together softly, making
blatant (as blatant as pureblood society would allow) displays of affection, when
Lavender noticed Ron, Hermione and a few other Gryffindors she recognized from
her school days, glaring at them stonily. On closer inspection, she realised that it
was her they were glaring at.
Turning her back on them she said to Percy, It could be it wasnt such a good idea
that I be the lady on your arm tonight Percy. It seems that your brother and his wife
dont agree with your choice, she paused for a moment then said quietly, Perhaps
you should let them know that you really love Penelope.
Great Lavender! Just fucking great! Why dont you dig your grave a little deeper?
Shut the hell up!
Penelope can wait; my brother and his wife have no say in whom I wish to court
and you are my only focus tonight Lavender. Percy stated heatedly. The
Moonlight Sonata began to play and Percy took her hand, may I have this dance
my lady?
With a wary mien she accepted his hand and he guided her slowly around the area
cleared for dancing.
Why arent you smiling at me Lavender? he asked softly, you promised you
would shower me with love and affection tonight. I must admit I was eagerly
looking forward to it.

Her breath caught in her throat at his remark. Was he serious or was this part of the
game? Whatever it was, it made her heart soar. Percy really was paying perfect
attention to her tonight, so whatever this was she was going to bask in every
moment of it.
She looked up into his face beaming, Well I definitely won't disappoint you now.
After all, I really am enjoying your attentions Mr Weasley. He chuckled softly in
response, drawing her closer and they continued their slow rotations.


After bringing her a fresh drink and a small plate of appetizers, Percy left her to
speak with his father and the minister about work matters. She sat at a small table
that was cut off from the others; she was tired of everyone staring at her, especially
those who undoubtedly thought she would transform and maul them. Idiots!
What the hell do you think youre doing here Lavender? Ron appeared at her
table with an ugly sneer, I hope you dont think you can fool Percy into thinking
youre a lady. We both know youre not.
What I do with or to Percy is none of your business Ron, she replied
disdainfully, and you know nothing about me.
Oh yeah, I suppose you really werent a whore on Knockturn Alley then, he
replied scathingly as he leered at her. Hermione interrupted just then, Ronald what
are you oh, hello Lavender. She intoned starchily.

Hello Hermione, how are you? she asked politely. If she thought Hermione
would have better comportment, she was wrong. How could she forget that
Hermione had never liked her?
I dont know what you think youre doing here with Percy Lav-Lav, but Ill
have you know as of a few minutes ago youre no longer relevant to him,
Hermione said nastily, Did you really think you could compare with Penelope
Lavender sat in shock as Hermione continued with her spiteful tirade.
You never cared about Ronald and you dont care about Percy. All youve ever
cared about was yourself. I suppose now that the Weasleys are advancing in the
ministry you thought you could snare yourself an affluent wizard. Forget it LavLav, why dont you go back to your so called Agency and leave my husband and
his brothers alone.
By the end of Hermiones outburst Lavender eyes were glowing eerily. For the first
time since she was mauled, she battled a murderous rage. She wanted to rip this
bitches head from her shoulders and make Ron watch. Vaguely aware of Ron
dragging Hermione out of her reach and pulling his wand, she rose from the table
and went in search of Percy.
She stood in a quiet hallway breathing deeply and evenly. When she was sure she
was in control she resumed her quest to find Percy. It was by chance really, that the
first door she pushed open would be the one leading to a view of Percy and
Penelope locked in an embrace, kissing gently.
She must have made a sound because Percy looked up somewhat startled. His
mouth opened and closed, but she didnt wait to hear if he managed to speak. She

couldnt take anymore rejection, not today. She turned and flew out of the house,
tears hindering her vision.

Chapter Four
Tears were blurring her vision as she ran from the burrow. She heard someone call
her name but didnt look back. Her arm was grabbed from behind, she turned
hoping to see Percy but was taken aback to see Neville Longbottom gazing
worriedly at her.
Lavender, whats wrong? he asked concerned, are you alright?
She shook her head mutely, fighting her sobs as tears fell.
Always a gentleman Neville held his arm out to her, Allow me escort you home
Grateful for his kindness she took his arm and both disapparated from the burrow.


Neville held her as she cried her heart out when they got back to her apartment. He
didnt say anything and he didnt throw a barrage of questions at her. When her
crying slowed to shuddering gasps he gently put a handkerchief in her hand.
Do you want to talk about it? he asked softly
She didnt need much more encouragement than that. She started from the day
Percy came into the Agency, the things he said, the way he treated her compared to
everyone else and how her feelings for him had developed into love.

It doesnt matter anyway; he loves her, Penelope Clearwater. What does she have
that I dont? Ive had lessons with Ivy and Mitzi and Ive started studying again
because I wanted to be able to keep up with him. I wanted him to notice me, she
cried miserably, I guess Ron and Hermione were right, what would he possibly
see in me? Once a whore, always a whore, she ended, quietly resolute.
Listen Lavender, I know weve never really been friends but I can honestly say
that Ive never seen you that way, Neville replied pouring her a glass of Ogdens
she left on her coffee table for visitors.
I do wish I was able to get to Knockturn Alley sooner, but when I realised you
hadnt replied to my letter gran got really sick and I had to take her to St.
You came to find me? Lavender asked, dazed.
Of course I did, were Gryffindors! We need to stick together and look out for one
I wish youd found me too, she whispered as she burst into tears once again,
brooding on how cruel fate could be sometimes.
It was close to midnight when Neville rose to leave. Lavender walked him to the
door, extremely grateful to him. He had stayed and made sure she was better,
making her laugh as he relayed some of his days at Hogwarts and how many
cauldrons he exploded in Professor Snapes class.
At the door she placed a hand on his arm, Thanks so much for making me feel
better Neville. Please owl me whenever you wish if you need anything. You took
really great care of me tonight I must repay you.

Payment is never needed between friends, Neville scoffed with a smile, besides,
it was my pleasure.
Her eyes were full of gratitude as she stood on tip-toe and kissed his cheek, Thank
you anyway. Good night Neville.
Good night Lavender, he replied as he disapparated.
She almost jumped out of her skin when Percy appeared suddenly, having removed
a Disillusionment Charm.
So Longbottom took really good care of you tonight did he? he jeered, his face
contorted in resentment, Did you go back to your old job without telling me
She gaped at him for a moment, hurt warring with anger, without a word to him
she slammed the door in his face.


Percy apologized the next morning blaming his ire on a bottle of firewhiskey he
shared with his brothers.
I know thats no excuse and Im really sorry Lavender. Will you forgive me?
He looked so pathetic his hair sticking up at odd angles like he had been up all
night puking his stomach inside out, that she forgave him. Unfortunately the
damage had already been done and they parted that Sunday morning in a tense
silence; Lavender to prepare a lunch for Ivy and Mitzi who were coming over and
Percy to survive the after effects of drinking himself into oblivion.

It was past noon when the girls arrived for their lunch date. They were halfway
through lunch when Mitzi jumped up alarmed.
Damn it! I forgot the butterbeers. You guys finish up, Ill be right back. Without
waiting for a reply she left the apartment to disapparate.
Ivy helped Lavender to clean the dishes with magic as soon as they were finished.
When they settled on the sofa she turned to her in concern, Okay honey, youve
been quieter than normal. Whats wrong? Did you and that delicious man of yours
have a fight?
Hes not my man Ivy, he never was. In fact hes with someone else, Lavender
replied softly, I was just helping him to win her back and now he has.
There was a moment of silence then,
What the fuck is wrong with you? Ivy intoned slowly, her eyebrows arched in
disbelief, where the hell is the Lavender Brown I caught a glimpse of that night at
the club? Here I was thinking this bitch is the shit! and you let Him GO!
I tried! Lavender cried in frustration, He doesnt want someone like me Ivy! He
wants prim, proper and pasty and Im not like that, he wants Penelope. He always
wanted her, she whispered in defeat, I love him Ivy. I cantI cant continue to
work with him now that I know theyre back together.
She didnt think she had anymore tears to cry but there they were rolling down her
Ivy inched closer and wrapped her arms around her, well you can always come
back to Mias Agency; we miss you anyway, she said finally, as soon as Mitzi
gets back well get drunk off those butterbeers.

Butterbeer isnt strong enough for us to get drunk, Lavender sniggered

Thats okay honey, well pretend and were going to sing the house down. Didnt
you say Percy was nursing a hangover? Ivy replied naughtily, whats wrong with
him? Doesnt he know there are sober-up potions for that?
Lavender shrugged innocently, I may have forgotten to put it in his coffee this
They were still laughing when Mitzi returned with the butterbeers.
Whats so funny? she asked, out of breath, but didnt wait for a reply as she sat
on the other side of Lavender, whos the pasty looking chick I saw going into your
mans apartment Lavender?
The rest of the evening would have been a bust if Ivy hadnt wheedled Lavender
into letting go her frustration in song. Using the Sonorus charm Ivy started with
Baby Come to Me by Regina Belle, Mitzi was next with I Still Believe by Mariah
Carey but Lavender was finally pissed off at Percy so she went with Id Rather
Be Alone by Karyn White. Finally there was the grand finale which all three sang,
Who Do You Love by Deborah Cox.
How could you walk away from me?
Baby you promised youd never leave
Slept alone since youve been gone
The greatest pain Ive ever known
The racket they made, amplified by the sonorus charm, caused Percy to leave his
apartment and pound on her door.

What the fuck is all that CATERWAULING?! he yelled, sounding extremely

annoyed. It was the first Lavender had ever heard him curse out loud.
LAVENDER, open this damned door!
All three girls were cackling loudly, as Lavender opened the door, she instantly
glared at him.
Is there a problem Mr Weasley?
Yes theres a problem, Im trying to have a conversation and I cant hear myself
think. He hissed in displeasure, looking around at them.
Were sorry Percy, they lied in a well versed chorus.
Im really sorry, not, that we interrupted youruh, conversation, Lavender said
meanly, her eyes narrowed in restrained anger.
Giving her a final glare he stormed out, slamming the door as he went.


Later that night, after a long soak in her bath, she settled on her bed to read a new
muggle paranormal romance that Mitzi had loaned her when Percys ocelot
patronus soared into the room,
We need to talk. Come over immediately, its important.
Heaving a sigh she grabbed a robe, pulling it on. Percy only sent his patronus when
it concerned work. Taking up her wand, she left her apartment, warding her door
before she entered Percys.

He was pacing when she entered his sitting room.

Yesterday, when you saw me with Penelope you seemed upset. Did my brother
say something unpleasant to you?
His casual mention of Penelope got her hackles up,
Ron and his wife are pretentious assholes and what they said is none of your
business! she uttered bitterly.
Lavender, as my employee and friend, you are my business. If my family has
disrespected you it is my job to enlighten them of their error, he said slowly in the
guise of speaking to a child.
Enlighten them! How about I enlighten you Percy? You talk about you family as
if theyre so perfect, but Ive seen first-hand how they disrespect you and you do
nothing! she yelled, her eyes glowing, I know you think you should have been
the one to die instead of Fred, because everybody loves Fred right.
Dont talk about Fred that way! Percy grated through his teeth.
But Lavender had had enough, You go around kissing their asses and they dont
deserve it. Instead of being happy, you make yourself miserable, searching in
terrible places for love when its staring you in the face! Fred died with a smile on
his face, he was happy! Why would you want to tarnish that, why would anyone?
When he grabbed her upper arms she realised shed gone too far. His breathing was
harsh as he glared down into her face, Im searching in terrible places for love
what about you Lavender? Tell mewhat did Nev-Nev do to take care of you last

Without rational thought of her actions, she pulled roughly away and slapped him,
the sound echoed throughout the room.
His head was angled to the side from the force of her slap, the mark already
reddening. He turned slowly back to her straightening his glasses, his eyes glittered
with rage. Lavenders mind raced, she was part werewolf, she could take most
people in a fight; especially during a full moon, but she slowly stepped back as
Percy stalked toward her. He was bigger than her and he was all malemuscle, he
was all muscle. At the intense heat of his glare, self-preservation won out and she
turned and ran out his apartment.
She would have escaped but shed forgotten she had stupidly put up her wards.
There was no time to get a hold of her wand as Percy pulled her around, bent
slightly and tossed her over his shoulder; taking her back into his apartment.
What thegods, this is turning me on. Go to the bedroom, please the bedroom.
He head for his bedroom, kicked open the door and she yelped as he carelessly
dropped her on the bed, his breathing uneven. Her body had a mind of its own as it
tried desperately to crawl away.
Where the hell are you going?
He seized one of her legs, pulled her toward him, flipped her to her back and
hovered over her. Completely purposely-by-accident forgetting her wand, she tried
to fight him off with her fists. Thumping and pushing at his chest, slapping him
again and finally nipping his arm.

With a growl of frustration Percy dropped all his weight on her and grasped her
arms, holding them over her head in a locked fist. Both were gasping harshly by
now and Lavender whimpered in defeat.
He makes me feel so weak!
At this thought a hot flood of liquid gushed between her legs.
What the hell is wrong with me?
Her eyes widened as she stared in wonder at him, silently willing him to do more.
She gasped at the look of savage pleasure in his eyes at her surrender, before he
lowered his head and hungrily devoured her lips.
His cock strained against his trousers at her soft, mewling cries as his mouth trailed
hot kisses to her neck and throat, which shed exposed as she tilted her head back.
He trailed lower but was hampered by her clothing. Assured of her cooperation, he
released her arms and grabbed his wand; he flicked it twice vanishing their
Lavender remained as hed left her, with her arms thrown carelessly above her
head and now gloriously naked. Her naturally tanned body was completely free of
hair. It shone with a healthy glow from the soft lighting which originated from a
single lumos orb hovering near the bed.
Her eyes were glued to his body, which was perfectly defined and she savoured her
first look. He really was all muscle. Her eyes trailed from his well-formed and sexy
pectorals to his tight abs and slim waist. Then they were stuck for a while at the
definition of those pussy-tingling lines that formed his pelvis and made her want to

I hope Im not really drooling.

She licked her lips, nope, no drool, but the sight of her reaction to his body
encouraged him to return to the bed and crawl to hover over her.
His look was possessive as he stared down at her, his blue eyes flickering with
anticipation behind his glasses. He watched as she licked her lips eagerly as he
lowered his face to hers. Grabbing a handful of her silken tresses, he tightened his
hold to ensure she looked into his eyes. He wanted no misunderstandings,
After tonight, he whispered against her lips, the only man wholl be taking care
of you is me, and he crushed his lips against hers, silencing her weak

Chapter Five

Lavender wanted to refuse his claim on her, he was back with Penelope after all,
but she couldnt help but feel a little thrilled.
Is he using me before he commits himself to her?
Alas, his skilful hands and lips robbed her of any other coherent thought. Her body
shuddered and trembled as he stroked her bare flesh, tugging a taut, pink nipple
into his hot mouth. Her fingers twisted in his hair as his head shifted lower, his lips
tracing a scorching route over her stomach, her breaths coming in short gasps.
Percy glanced up at Lavender as she gasped and moaned. He wanted to slip his
cock between those lips but there was time enough for that later, much later. This
moment was for her and to show her that she belonged only to him; his research on
female werewolves revealed that a strong female would select a strong alpha and
he wanted, nohe needed to be that for her. No Longbottom, no Ron! She was
His hands were possessive as he grasped her legs, and pushing them open he
buried his tongue into her wet hole. He moaned in pleasure at the taste of her, it
was as intoxicating as elf made wine.
Percy! Lavender screamed and her hips bucked under him, her fingers tugging at
his hair but he ruthlessly grabbed her butt cheeks pulling her into his sucking lips
and tongue and nibbling teeth. Her moans became sobs of ecstasy as her orgasm

She was still coming when he flipped her over onto her knees and slammed his
cock into her, sinking balls deep.
Oh fuck Lavender! his yell was hoarse as his head was thrown back. He ground
himself into her relishing the feel of her pussy walls tightening around him.
Lavender revelled in the sensation of his thick cock buried inside her to the hilt.
His fingers were twisted into her hair now as he pounded into her, grunting harshly.
She enjoyed the possessive way he was taking her. She never liked it this way
before but with Percy it felt right, so right. He was leaning over her now, panting
loudly in her ear as he continued to slam into her from behind, gripping her hips
You belong to me, mine, and no one else all mine!
A light switched on in her head.
Enough of this!
In a surprising show of strength, she flipped him to his back and instantly sank
onto his pulsing cock. She drove her hips into his as she bounced up and down.
Fuck baby yes, he gritted through his teeth and as Lavender continued to bounce
above him, he muttered obscenities senselessly.
They were close to the edge now and Lavender, her eyes glowing, leaned forward,
clenching her muscles around him as she rode him unrelentingly.
After tonight, she breathed, once theres no more Penelope, Im all yours!

Oh godswhawho? his hips were slamming up into her and they panted and
groaned and they ground against each other. With loud echoing cries they came
As Lavender slumped beside him, he pulled her back into his arms and as she laid
her head on his chest she fell asleep with a sigh of satisfaction.


They made lusty-love all night. Lavender didnt know what else to call it. It had
been so intense. At one point she had even returned the favour and woke him with
his cock deep in her throat. She chuckled softly as she made the coffee,
remembering his stunned but happy face. She jumped as Percy slipped up behind
her squeezing her against him.
Share the joke, he ordered as he kissed her neck.
Nothing to share she replied easily, are you ready for your coffee Mr Weasley?
A frown marred his forehead as he tuned her in his arms to get a good look at her
Whats with the Mr Weasley stuff?
Lavender schooled her features into an innocent wide eyed look.
Well Im still your Personal Assistant arent I, or dont I have a job anymore?
Percy scoffed, fixing his glasses on his face.

Of course youre still my Personal Assistant technically speaking, he droned,

reverting to his pompous-git persona, although after our, dare I say, vigorous
activities last night, I was under the assumption thatwhat is it, why are you
Lavender giggled uncontrollably, I cant believe I missed that! she gasped
through her chuckles. His face reddened as he realised what she was saying. She
lost her smile at the look on his face.
Percy, Im sorryI wasnt making fun of you.
No, I know, I just he paused as he guided her to the living room sofa, I just
realised what you meant about my brothers. The difference between you and them
is blatantly obvious. They would have told me to shut up by the word
Im sorry for what I said about Fred. It wasnt my place.
It wasit is your place, youre my best friend and you were right. I was feeling
guilty that I had lived when Fred died. No one would have missed me. I was a
stuck up bastard remember, he raised his hand to cut off her protests, I dont feel
that way anymore, not since I met you Lavender. You befriended me, cared for me
and listened to my ramblings when no one else bothered to.
Lavender sat quietly in awe as Percy continued speaking; her heart pounding
furiously in her chest.
Dont get me wrong, my family loves me and I love them, so I can understand
that they find me and my conversations too long-winded and time consuming when
they could be doing something fun. He paused as she leaned into his chest,
hugging him to her.

There are times though when I wished theyd take the time to understand me the
same way. They dont talk to me about quidditch and I love quidditch. I can be as
much fun as Fred and George if they would just pay attention, he said this so
softly and dejectedly, she felt her eyes tear up.
Percy, I know this may not mean much coming from me, but youre a great guy
and no offence but if you would just be yourself and stop kissing their asses, theyll
quicker sit up and pay attention, she wiped her eyes as she looked up into his face,
and even if they dont see what I see Percy it doesnt matter because I love you
just the way you are.
You love me? he asked as he stared at her intensely.
Lavender froze; did I say I love you? I love you just yeah I said it.
Do you know how long Ive waited to hear you say that?
Her world stopped; WHAT?
What are you talking about? Youve been trying to get back with Penelope, she
accused as she left his side on the sofa and crossed to the fireplace staring glumly
into it. You kissed her, she whispered.
Lavender, Penelope and I are just friends. She was actually the one helping me to
win you. Ever since we met at the agency Ive wanted you Lavender.
She turned to look at him, her eyes full of hurt and confusion, If you wanted me,
why did you kiss her?
I needed to know if you cared for me.
Ive been showing you that I cared since that night at The Mysty Haze, she
stated, flinging up her arms.

I know but we had said we were pretending and I needed proof.

So I guess my storming out of the burrow in tears was proof enough for you?
He had the grace to look ashamed, Yes it was and Im so sorry I hurt you
Lavender, he whispered gently and he pulled her close and wiped tears she hadnt
known were falling, from her eyes, I promise if you give me the chance, I will
never hurt you again, he paused as he pulled something from his pocket, staring
intently into her eyes, he dropped to one knee in front of her.
YES! Oh my god! Yes! she screamed, her hands fanning frantically in front her
Luckily, Percy was startled from his kneeling position, so he was standing when
she launched herself into his arms.
He chuckled as she kissed his face repeatedly, her arms wrapped tightly around his
So youll marry me right, Im just guessing here,
Yes, Ill marry you.
Just so you know, I love you Lavender Brown,
I love you too Percy Weasley. Now shut up already and kiss me!
He tossed her over his shoulder and strode into the bedroom before kissing her

A.N. Thank you to EmeraldStorm7 and Harrypotterfan66 for your reviews.
I really hope I didnt disappoint with this short story.

As it so happened Penelopes father had crafted their wedding bands and her
engagement ring. She had been delivering them that day she and the girls had put
on the Sonorus Concerto, as Percy liked to call it.
Ivy and Mitzi had of course been her maids of honour it would have been
detrimental to her if she had chosen between them at their wedding, while
Penelope stood for Percy.
At the reception while they danced, she looked across the room at Mitzi dancing
with Charlie and Ivy dancing with George. She frowned as she saw an
apprehensive look cross Ivy's face and following her gaze, she gasped at the
possessive gleam in Bill Weasley's eyes as they impaled Ivy. This was the first time
shed ever seen her confident friend soterrified. But she was unconcerned, Bill
would never hurt her.
Lavenders eyes fell on Ron and Hermione. It was almost a feeling of dj vu,
almost. Percy noted the direction of her glowing glare and said softly,
Dont fret love, they wouldnt dare make a scene, he scowled at them and they
hurriedly looked away.
I know but I cant help remembering the nasty things they said to me, she paused
at the roguish grin on Percys lips, what are you thinking Mr Weasley?

Percy chuckled, I was thinking Mrs Weasley, that if theyd started paying more
attention to me years ago instead of months ago, they would have known better
than to mess with you, his eyes took on a wicked gleam, thanks to your help
theyve seen exactly how much Fred and I had in common. Theyre afraid, theyre
very afraid.
Lavender giggled at his evil look. Personally, she thought he was worse that Fred.
Nobody EVER suspected or expected and prank from Percy.
He was closer to his family now than hed ever been, after hed taken his parents
aside, expressing his state of mind. After much tears and hugging and tears again
especially from Molly theyd started communicating more with their emotionally
neglected son.
When hed announced his engagement to Lavender there were genuine
congratulations - from all except Ron and Hermione - and a Weasley family gettogether to celebrate.
Lavender sighed as she laid her head on her husbands shoulder as they danced
slowly, Im so glad you found me Percy. I never thought Id have a family and
friends again, she said softly thinking of Neville and now Penelope who was
growing on her.
Im glad I saw you before you could escape to freedom behind that reception desk
too, he chuckled, and then he held her chin tilting her face as he stared lovingly
into her eyes, our family is whole now.
Lavender smiled a secret smile as she furtively rubbed her tummy. Not yet my love,
our family is just starting.

The End

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