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Chapter One

It was two years after the Battle of Hogwarts and he was finally a happy man. He
was still a sarcastic bastard, but a happily married sarcastic bastard. Who would have
thought that the insufferable-know-it-all Hermione Granger would be the one to snag
tame the greasy haired git and snarky bat of the dungeons, Severus Snape.
They were perfect for each other; both loved reading and thrived on discussing
complex magical theories. Anyone who knew them could see that they were meant for
Unaware of being observed, Severus pulled his love close to him and kissed her
deeply before disapparating away with her. Finally, he was happy!
Xhara Dyah dropped to her knees sobbing. She was grateful that at least the
tears streaming down her face had blurred her vision of the sight of her soul mate
touching and kissing another woman. She would never forgive them, the OAm. They
had stolen her life.
One day she was awoken by the caresses of her husband before he thoroughly
made love to her; making breakfast for him and their son Soren ( as they were all at
from Hogwarts for the christmas holidays) then taking a trip to Diagon Alley to purchase
baby stuff as she had been six months pregnant with a baby girl.
The next morning she awoke in her old cottage in The Realm. There was no sign
her husband or their son, but the panic really set in when she realised that she was no
longer pregnant. She was about to disapparate to their home when an Elder appeared
before her.
Be at ease daughter.
Elder Cassandra, what is happening; where is my husband and son my
The Elder did not respond, instead she gestured for Xhara to walk with her.
Trying to keep calm but reeling inside, Xhara followed the Elder and fell into step
with her as they walked among the trees. The beauty of The Realm did not
enthrall her as it use to.
Elder please where is my family?
Daughter, it is time for you to take your place as the Oracii. A husband and
children would only hinder you from your ultimate duty to The Realm
Xhara was already shaking her head in denial,No, I was promised! You
said that I could have my family as long as I fulfilled my duties to The Realm. I
have never failed in my duties!

Child, do you not see? Severus Snape was never meant for you. That
timeline and its reality has already returned to normal. We allowed you to have all
that you wanted so that when the time came for you to take your place as the
Oracii you would be contented.
You changed his fate didnt you? Xhara whispered, dread masking her
features, I risked everything to save his life and now youre letting him die for
selfish reasons. There was no need, Severus never deserved to die!
Can you say that your reasons werent selfish Xhara? Not bothering to
wait for a reply the Elder continued, Besides, your childish attempt to learn
reality we left him in is blatantly obvious. I will tell you though that I convinced
the others to let him live as a favour to you. Lets just say that you were not his
Elder Cassandra was about to walk away but turned back with a warning,
Do not attempt to search for him or change his fate again Xhara, it will not end
for you. Severus Snape is dead and gone in most of the realities and completely
happy without you in others. He was never meant for you.
Anger was churning inside her now and Xhara clenched her fists, fighting
need to Curse her favourite Elder to pieces,
You lied to me Elder, she grated through her teeth, and I will never be
your Oracii, even WHEN my husband and children are returned to me. Stalking
toward the Elder, eerily, Snape-like, she sneered evilly, Send any warlocks after
me and I will do whatever it takes to destroy this Realm. Once she saw the
unease in the Elders eyes she disapparated away. Severus would have been so
She had been to to hundreds of different realms in the past few weeks, or was it
months, she couldnt tell anymore. She was luckier than her mother had been when
through time as it only had her nauseated but she didnt want to take the chance. She
to find the correct reality first before going back in time and starting all over again with
Severus. She did it once before, she could do it again. She would do it again for her
She curled up on the bed in a spare room upstairs the Leaky Cauldron and
herself to relax and get some sleep but her mind kept returning to some of the realities

had been to.

She had actually found one reality where she existed and it was probably the
only one. Shed had barely any powers, almost a squib and a Hufflepuff head over heels
in love with Severus and unafraid to show it. Surprisingly to some, but not to Xhara,
Severus loved his Hufflepuff-Xhara; he provided for her happily and protected her
ruthlessly. Xhara couldnt find it in herself to change their fate, plus there was no soul
mate draw, she left the lucky Hufflepuff with her Severus.
The reality after that had been terrible, there, Severus had all the pureblood
prejudices and some muggle ones too. The way he sneered with disdain as he
Kingsley Shacklebolt, Professor Aurora Sinistra, Angelina Johnson and a few others
disturbed her greatly. That was NOT her Severus! Her husband loved her mocha
coloured skin tone, as he always gazed lovingly at the blending of their ebony and ivory
colours when they made love.
This last reality though was the most painful and she was positive it was the
one. Almost everything had been familiar especially Severus, she had felt it this time,
tug that said this was her soul mate.
The only difference in this reality had been Hermione Granger staying back in the
Shrieking Shack and saving Severus life, then finally winning his love. Hermione was
Oracle or Seer though and so far Xhara was unsure if Hermione and Severus claimed
be soul mates. They shouldnt be, after all, shed felt the draw to him but after
that kiss she had needed to get away and recuperate.
She sat up in the bed and conjured a glass of water. After quenching her thirst
rechecked her wards, as she couldnt See if a warlock was hunting her, and settled
She stubbornly closed her eyes, cleared her mind and willed sleep to come to her. She
liked Hermione Granger but she loved her husband and children. Tomorrow, time was
going to change.

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