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Tool for Useing ICT in Education;

There are a variety of tools that can be used to support ICT. Thes tools onece ise Some
suggested options are described SWOT analysis In using any of this tool, the quality of
information obtained will be significantly influenced by the process of information collection.
In this regard, the effective use of participatory planning method and group facilitation tool
can help ensure that the views and perspectives of different groups are adequately represented
and understood.

SWOT analysis
SWOT analysis (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats) is used to analyse the
internal strengths and weaknesses of an organization and the external opportunities and
threats that it faces. It can be used either as a tool for general analysis, or to look at how an
organization might address a specific problem or challenge. The quality of information
derived from using this tool depends (as ever) on who is involved and how the process is
managed – it basically just provides a structure and focus for discussion.
SWOT is undertaken in three main stages, namely:
1. Ideas are generated about the internal strengths and weaknesses of a group or
organization, and the external opportunities and threats;
2. The situation is analysed by looking for ways in which the group/organisation’s
strengths can be built on to overcome identified weaknesses, and opportunities can be taken to
minimize threats; and
3. A strategy for making improvements is formulated (and then subsequently
developed using a number of additional analytical planning tools).
An Example of a SWOT Matrix;
(Useing of ICT Into The Teaching-Learning Process)

Strengths, Weaknesses,

Opportunities Threats

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