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5) Hydro test of body, seat leak test and performance test is excluded from QAP, by L&T

power on15/01/2015.
6) Hydro test of the filter body and performance test is excluded from QAP, by L&T power
7) Hydro test of body, seat leak test and performance (functioning and relieving test) test is
excluded from QAP by L&T power on15/01/2015.
8) Hydro test excluded from QAP by L&T Tpower on15/01/2015.
10) performance (disc- rupture one per lot) excluded from QAP by L&T power on15/01/2015.
11) COC from Wallace and tiernan, Their factory procedure will be submitted. Witness in ref
QAP changed to Review by L&T power on15/01/2015.
21) Dynamic balancing, DP on impeller after machining, UT on shaft for diameter greater
than 50 mm. hydraulic, performance test has been excluded from QAP by L&T power on
22) Dynamic balancing, DP on impeller after machining, UT on shaft for diameter greater
than 50 mm. hydraulic, performance test has been excluded from QAP by L&T power on
24) Viscosity, Acid Value, Mass per unit area, Moisture Content check Finish, Hydro ( Water Fill Up)
test excluded from QAP by L&T power on 15/01/2015.
28) Pneumatic test excluded from QAP. by L&T power on 15/01/2015.
29) pneumatic test excluded. In case of rubber lining: shore hardness, operating life certificate for
diaphragm also excluded from QAP. by L&T power on 15/01/2015.
30) pneumatic test excluded. In case of rubber lining: shore hardness, operating life certificate for
diaphragm also excluded from QAP.
31) Hydraulic, pneumatic tests. 3rd party inspection under L&T 'S Scope. by L&T power on
32) hydraulic and pressure drop test In case of FRP/Rubber lining: shore hardness check excluded from
QAP. by L&T power on 15/01/2015.
35) hydraulic test & Rubber lining: shore hardness excluded from QAP, by L&T power on
36) Witnessed by L&T/TPIA changed to Review by L&T power on 15/01/2015.

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