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Brandon Minter

Forgiveness is an important aspect to society. As many other principles from basic

biblical beliefs, society would crumble without true aspects of the Christians’ beliefs on true

forgiveness. The simple example of Christ’s forgiveness for mankind is the reason why the

world hasn’t already torn itself apart. Forgiveness of one’s self, the forgiveness of one another,

and the forgiveness of the world’s sins through Christ are the reasons why the world continues to

contain some kind of peace.

When a person does something that they know is wrong, they feel guilt for it. The first

way they can get rid of this guilt is to forgive themselves. Before a person can accept

forgiveness from anyone else, they have to be able to forgive themselves. Without this self-

forgiveness, a person would lose their mind and not be able to continue on with their life.

The ability to forgive others is the reason the world has some harmony. Without this type

of forgiveness, every human on this earth would spend all of their time getting back at one

another. Because we have the ability to forgive others relationships are mended, people are

given another chance at something, and both parties in the dispute can be relieved of worries.

Most important of all, the sins of all mankind can be forgiven by the grace of God. The

ultimate act of forgiveness was that of Christ coming down from His throne in heaven, humbling

Himself as a man, and dying a horrible death that He could have easily escaped. This

forgiveness is the kind that keeps the entire human race from being destroyed forever and having

no chance at salvation and eternal life. The one thing that is different about his forgiveness
compared to the others is that it is offered to everyone, it never leaves those who accept it, and it

is the one thing that all people need more than anything that the world could ever offer.

Forgiving one’s self is important for people to do to rid themselves of guilt. Forgiving

other is important so that the world won’t destroy itself. The forgiveness of God through His

grace is most important because it is the only necessary forgiveness. To show forgiveness is to

love, and God is love.

Brandon Minter

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