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Holy anargyroi Greek Orthodox Church

703 W. Center Street, Rochester, MN (507) 282-1529 Rev. Fr. Mark Muñoz, Proistamenos

Ἐξ ὕψους κατῆλθες ὁ εὔσπλαγχνος, ταφὴν καταδέξω τριήμερον, ἵνα ἡμᾶς ἐλευθερώσῃς τῶν παθῶν·
ἡ ζωὴ καὶ ἡ ἀνάστασις ἡμῶν, Κύριε δόξα σοι.
From the heights did You descend, O most Merciful One, and You did endure the three-day burial, to
free us from our passions. O Lord, our life and resurrection, glory to you.
Εν σοί Μήτερ ακριβώς διεσώθη τό κατ' εικόνα, λαβούσα γάρ τόν Σταυρόν, ηκολούθησας τώ
Χριστώ, καί πράττουσα εδίδασκες υπεροράν μέν σαρκός παρέρχεται γάρ, επιμελείσθαι δέ ψυχής,
πράγματος αθανάτου, διό καί μετά Αγγέλων συναγάλλεται Οσία Μαρία τό πνεύμά σου.
In thee the image was preserved with exactness, O Mother; for taking up thy cross, thou didst follow
Christ, and by thy deeds thou didst teach us to overlook the flesh, for it passeth away, but to attend to
the soul since it is immortal. Wherefore, O righteous Mary, thy spirit rejoiceth with the Angels.


Ti ypermacho stratigo ta nikitiria, os lytrotheisa ton deinon efharistia, anagrafo si e polis sou Theotoke,
all’os ehousa to kratos aprosmahiton, ek pantinon me kyndinon eletheroson, ina krazo si, Here nymfi

O Champion Leader, we your faithful inscribe to you the prize of victory as gratitude for being rescued
from calamity, O Theotokos. But since you have invincible power, free us from all kinds of perils so that
we may cry out to you: Rejoice, O Bride unwedded.

Sunday of st. mary the egyptian

St. James the Confessor, St. Thomas I Patriarch of Constantinople
March 21st, 2010

╬ Strict Fast ╬
Today’s scripture readings

Epistle reading
Hebrews 9:11-14
BRETHREN, when Christ appeared as a high priest of the good things that have come,
then through the greater and more perfect tent (not made with hands, that is, not of this
creation) he entered once for all into the Holy Place, taking not the blood of goats and
calves but his own blood, thus securing an eternal redemption. For if the sprinkling of
defiled persons with the blood of goats and bulls and with the ashes of a heifer
sanctifies for the purification of the flesh, how much more shall the blood of Christ, who
through the eternal Spirit offered himself without blemish to God, purify your
conscience from dead works to serve the living God.

Gospel pericope
Mark 10:32-45
At that time, Jesus taking the twelve again, he began to tell them what was to happen to him,
saying, "Behold, we are going up to Jerusalem; and the Son of man will be delivered to the chief
priests and the scribes, and they will condemn him to death, and deliver him to the Gentiles;
and they will mock him, and spit upon him, and scourge him, and kill him; and after three days
he will rise." And James and John, the sons of Zebedee, came forward to him, and said to him,
"Teacher, we want you to do for us whatever we ask of you." And he said to them, "What do
you want me to do for you?" And they said to him, "Grant us to sit, one at your right hand and
one at your left, in your glory." But Jesus said to them, "You do not know what you are asking.
Are you able to drink the cup that I drink, or to be baptized with the baptism with which I am
baptized?" And they said to him, "We are able." And Jesus said to them, "The cup that I drink
you will drink; and with the baptism with which I am baptized, you will be baptized; but to sit
at my right hand or at my left is not mine to grant, but it is for those for whom it has been
prepared." And when the ten heard it, they began to be indignant of James and John. And Jesus
called them to him and said to them, "You know that those who are supposed to rule over the
Gentiles lord it over them, and their great men exercise authority over them. But it shall not be
so among you; but whoever would be great among you must be your servant, and whoever
would be first among you must be slave of all. For the Son of man also came not to be served
but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many."
I believe and confess, Lord, that You are truly the Christ, the Son of
the living God, Who came into the world to save sinners, of whom I
am the first. I also believe that this is truly Your pure Body and that
this is truly Your precious Blood. Therefore, I pray to You. Have
mercy upon me, and forgive my transgressions, voluntary and
involuntary, in word and deed, known and unknown. And make me
worthy without condemnation to partake of Your pure Mysteries for
the forgiveness of sins and life eternal. Amen.

Behold, my Maker, I approach Holy Communion. Burn me not as I partake, for You are fire
which burns the unworthy, but cleanse me from every stain.

Receive me today, Son of God, as a partaker of Your mystical Supper. I will not reveal Your
mystery to Your enemies, nor will I give You a kiss as did Judas. But as the thief I confess to
You: Lord, remember me in Your kingdom.

Seeing the Divine Blood, have fear, O man, for it is coal that burns the unworthy. It is God’s
Body that deifies and nourishes me; it deifies the spirit and nourishes the mind mystically.

You have smitten me with yearning, O Christ, and with Your divine love You have changed me.
Burn away my sins with spiritual fire and make me worthy to be filled with Your joy, that
rejoicing in Your goodness, I may magnify Your two Comings.

How shall I, who am unworthy, enter into the splendor of Your saints? If I dare to enter the
bridal chamber, my clothing will accuse me, since it is not a wedding garment; and being bound
up, I shall be cast out by the angels. In Your love, Lord, cleanse the vileness of my soul and save

Loving Master, Lord Jesus Christ, my God, let not these holy Gifts be to my condemnation
because of my unworthiness, but for the cleansing and sanctification of soul and body and the
pledge of the future life and kingdom. It is good for me to cling to God and to place in Him the
hope of my salvation.

Receive me today, Son of God, as a partaker of Your mystical Supper. I will not reveal Your
mystery to Your enemies. Nor will I give You a kiss as did Judas. But as the thief I confess to
You: Lord remember me in Your kingdom.
Liturgical/Program Schedule:
TODAY: Luncheon in honor of Annunciation and Greek Independence Day sponsored by AHEPA
Wed. March 24th: Great Vespers for Feast of Annunciation, 6pm
Wed. March 24th: JOY Faith Night, attend Vespers and lesson will begin after service.
Thurs. March 25th: Feast day of the Annunciation, Orthros/Liturgy 8:30am **fish allowed**
Sat. March 27th: Saturday of Lazarus, Orthros/Liturgy 8:30am **Cleaning after service**
Sat. March 27th: Great Vespers of Palm Sunday, 6pm
Sun. March 28th: Palm Sunday with Plaki Luncheon sponsored by Philoptochos.

Lenten Lucheon: sponsored by the AHEPA will be shared after this morning’s Liturgy in honor
of the upcoming Feast of the Annunciation and Greek Independence day. Please plan on
enjoying great food and brief presentation by Mr. Constantinos Vangelatos.

Paschal Lambades For Sale: our parish is offering beautifully hand-crafted and decorated
lambades made by the nuns at St. John Chrysostom Monastery for Pascha. They make the
perfect gift for your godchildren, children, and family members. Stop by the display in the
narthex and make your purchases as there is a limited supply!

No Catechetical School: next Sunday to allow the children to participate in the procession with
the palms.

Project Mexico Icon Raffle: the PM participants are auctioning a beautiful icon of the
Resurrection made by the nuns at St. John Chrysostom Monastery in Kenosha, WI. Tickets will
be sold after Liturgy in the Narthex where the icon will also be on display. Please support this
important Project Mexico fundraiser!

Epitaphio Floral Collection: Philoptochos members will be accepting donations for the flowers
that will be used to decorate the kouvouklion and epitaphio. As always, your contributions are
greatly appreciated.

Holy Week Liturgical Books: Have finally arrived! This comprehensive book, compiled by Fr.
Pappadeas, will be used exclusively for all the liturgical celebrations from Palm Sunday evening
through the Agapi Vespers on Pascha. Each book is $25.
HOW TO RECEIVE HOLY COMMUNION—Orthodox Christians in good standing are encouraged to
receive Holy Communion frequently, provided they have prepared themselves spiritually, mentally and physically.
They must be on time for the Divine Liturgy, and be in a Christ-like, humble state of mind. They should be in a
confession relationship with their priest or spiritual father, have observed the fasts of the Church, and they should
have self-examined their conscience. On the day of receiving Holy Communion, it is not proper to eat or drink
anything before coming to church. When you approach to receive Holy Communion, state your Christian
(baptismal) name clearly, and hold the red communion cloth to your chin. After receiving, wipe your lips on the
cloth, step back carefully, hand the cloth to the next person and make the sign of the Cross as you step away.
Please do not be in a rush while communing! Please take special care not to bump the Holy Chalice.

Spring Cleanin’ Time!

It’s time to get ready for Pascha, and we’re asking for volunteers to
clean the nave of the Church, and help out on the following days:

Saturday of Lazarus, March 27th – thorough cleaning – after services

Palm Sunday, March 28th – after luncheon remove palms decorate for Holy Week.

Holy Saturday, April 3rd – after Liturgy, light cleaning and decorate for Pascha

Palm Sunday Plaki Dinner

Fish Plaki, rice, salad, dessert, drinks
Adults: $12 Children 12 & under: $6
All Proceeds to Benefit Holy Cross Seminary in Boston!
Sponsored by the Philoptochos Society

“He who relies on theoretical knowledge alone is not yet a faithful servant: a faithful servant
is one who expresses his faith in Christ through obedience to Hs commandments
-St. Mark the Ascetic
Today’s liturgical commemorations

St James, Bishop and Confessor.

Neither his birthplace nor the place of his episcopate are known. It is known only that he
fulfilled the Law of Christ, living in strict asceticism, in fasting and prayer and that, in the time
of Copronymos, he endured much hardship and suffering at the hands of the iconoclasts:
hunger, imprisonment and ridicule of every sort. He finally gave his soul to God, whom he
had faithfully served in this life. He lived and suffered in the eighth century.

St Thomas, Patriarch of Constantinople.

He lived in the reigns of the Emperors Maurice and Phocas, and in the time of the Patriarchs
John the Faster and Cyriac. Singled-out by St John for his great devotion and zeal, he was
made patriarchal vicar by that saint, and after the death of Cyriac, was chosen as Patriarch.
In his time an unusual event occurred: once when there was a procession with crosses
carried, they began to sway and to hit against each other. The people marvelled at this; and
when the Patriarch heard it attested, he asked Theodore the Sykeote, a famous ascetic and
seer, to explain what it forebode. Theodore prayed to God and revealed to the Patriarch that
it indicated a great misfortune that would come on the Church and on the Greek state
through internal religious and political discord. Christians would fight and would exterminate
each other. And all this came quickly to pass. Thomas begged Theodore to pray to God for
him, that God would take him before this happened. 'Do you command me to come to you,
or shall we meet in the other world before God?' So wrote Theodore to the Patriarch
Indication by this that both he and the Patriarch would die soon. And that same day the
Patriarch fell ill and died, and St Theodore died very soon after. St Thomas died and went to
the Lord in 610.

Our Holy Father Serapion.

A companion of St Antony the Great, he lived in the Nitrian desert, in charge of the
monastery of Arsina which contained 11,000 monks. Palladius and Sozomenes gave him
the title 'the Great'. He entered into rest in about 366. St Serapion wrote: 'Do not think that
sickness is grave; only sin is grave... sickness leads us only to the tomb, but sin follows the
sinner beyond it'.
St. Mary the Egyptian,
Icon of Repentance
Our holy mother Mary was born in Egypt. She had left her
parents at the age of twelve to go to Alexandria, where
she spent the next seventeen years in debauchery and the
greatest profligacy. Living on charity and linen-weaving,
she nevertheless offered her body to any man, not being
forced to it by dire necessity as were so many poor
women, but as though she were consumed by the fire of a
desire that nothing was able to appease.

One day, seeing a crowd of Lybians and Egyptians

moving towards the port, she followed them and set sail
with them for Jerusalem, offering her body to pay her fare. When they arrived in the Holy City, she
followed the crowd that was thronging towards the Church of the Resurrection, it being the day of the
Exaltation of the Cross. But, when she reached the threshold of the church, an invisible force prevented
her entering in spite of repeated efforts on her part, although the other pilgrims were able to go in without
hindrance. Left alone in a corner of the narthex, she began to realize that it was the impurity of her life
that was preventing her approaching the holy Wood. She burst into tears and smote her breast and, seeing
an icon of the Mother of God, made this prayer to her: "O Sovereign Lady, who didst bear God in the
flesh, I know that I should not dare to look upon thine icon, thou who are pure in soul and body, because,
debauched as I am, I must fill thee with disgust. But, as the God born of thee became man in order to call
sinners to repentance, come to my aid! Allow me to go into the church and prostrate before His Cross.
And, as soon as I have seen the Cross, I promise that I will renounce the world and all pleasures, and
follow the path of salvation that thou willest to show me."

She felt herself suddenly freed from the power that had held her and was able to enter the church. There
she fervently venerated the Holy Cross and then, returning to the icon of the Mother of God, declared
herself ready to follow the path that the Virgin would show her. A voice replied to her from on high: "If
you cross the Jordan, you will find rest." The next morning, she crossed the river and lived from that time
on in the desert, remaining there for forty-seven years without ever encountering either another human
being or any animal. During the first seventeen years, her clothes soon having fallen into rags, burning
with heat by day and shivering with cold by night, she fed on herbs and wild roots. But more than the
physical trials, she had to face violent assaults from the passions and the memory of her sins and,
throwing herself on the ground, she implored the Mother of God to come to her aid. Protected by God,
who desires nothing but that the sinner should turn to Him and live, she uprooted all the passions from her
heart by means of this extraordinary ascesis, and was able to turn the fire of carnal desire into a flame of
divine love that made it possible for her to endure the implacable desert with joy, as though she were not
in the flesh. After all these years, a holy elder called Zosimas (April 4), who, following the tradition
instituted by Saint Euthymios, had gone into the desert across the Jordan for the period of the Great Fast,
saw one day a human form with a body blackened by the sun and with hair white as bleached linen to its
shoulders. He ran after this apparition that fled before him, begging it to give him its blessing and some
saving words. When he came within ear-shot, Mary, calling by name him whom she had never seen,
revealed to him that she was a woman and asked him to throw her his cloak that she might cover her

At the urging of the monk, who was transported at having at last met a God-bearing being who had
attained the perfection of monastic life, the Saint recounted to him with tears the story of her life and
conversion. Then, having finished her account, she begged him to come the following year to the bank of
the Jordan with Holy Communion.

When the day arrived, Zosimas saw Mary appearing on the further bank of the river. She made the sign of
the Cross and crossed the Jordan, walking on the water. Having received Holy Communion weeping, she
said: "Lord, now lettest Thou Thy servant depart in peace according to Thy word; for mine eyes have seen
Thy salvation" (Luke 2:29). She then took leave of Zosimas, asking him to meet her the following year in
the place where they had first met.

When the year was past, Zosimas, going to the agreed spot, found the Saint's body stretched on the
ground, her arms crossed and her face turned towards the East. His tearful emotion prevented him from
noticing at once an inscription traced on the ground by the Saint, which read: "Abba Zosimas, bury here
the body of the humble Mary; give what is of dust to dust, after having prayed for me. I died on the first
day of April, the very night of the Passion of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, after having partaken in
the Holy Eucharist." Consoled in his grief by having learned the Saint's name, Zosimas was amazed to
discover that she had, in several hours, covered a distance of more than twenty days' march.

After having vainly tried to break up the earth with a stick, he suddenly saw a lion approaching Mary's
body and licking her feet. On the orders of the Elder, the beast dug a hole with its claws, in which
Zosimas devoutly placed the Saint's body.

On his return to the monastery, he recounted the marvels that God had wrought for those who turn away
from sin and move towards Him with all their hearts. From the hardened sinner that she had been, Mary
has, for a great many souls crushed under the burden of sin, become a source of hope and a model of
conversion. This is why the Holy Fathers have placed the celebration of her memory at the end of the
Great Fast as an encouragement for all who have neglected their salvation, proclaiming that repentance
can bring them back to God even at the eleventh hour.

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