15 6 15 - PVN

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Pont Valley Network

Minutes of the meeting held at Dipton Club on 15th June 2015

In attendance B Bell, S Bell, J Billewicz, M Briggs J Cason, S Cowley, M Harbinson,
M Jones, MW Jones, D Marrs, R Mason, L Morton, E Morton, J Rhind, J Stoddard.
Apologies for absence were received from C Rocke.
Amendment to previous minutes 40 given to Treasurer was made up of 20 PVN and 20 from
Dipton Club.
DM opened the meeting, signed the minutes as a true record, noting the amendments.
DM told the group that it is his understanding that Durham CC do not intend to challenge the
Inquiry decision. Steve Leary of Earth Campaign contacted and states they are willing to pick it up
on our behalf as we are unable to challenge the decision. Steve is to contact their senior member
and has also issued a press release about the valley. The decision on Restoration is noted by Land
of Oak and Iron to see if it happens. It would be to an advantage to link up the woods in the whole
of the valley to one site stopping further applications for extraction of coal. Stopping would entail
joining up with central key to access wagon-ways. They will push on our behalf. Woodland Trust
are selling land in the valley and they may be able to buy tracts of land. The project HLF is a three
year project to establish geological protection hopefully this can be accelerated from 1-3 years;
interest to try to stop if happening again. Local interest outweighs National. DM said that he feels
that it may not be a viable project taking into account the expenses for travel, restoration of land,
transport and road changes, when the cost of coal is 30 per ton. The restoration money of 3.5 will
be detained by Durham CC until the land is restored. JS asked who would the developer be and DM
said that there were pre conditions with Durham CC for any developer with no alternatives. JC
asked the time period DM said 27 months to extract coal. RM added that planning was amended if
not done in three years it could be stopped or extended. Friends of the Earth could be an advantage
if contacted. MH said that he thought we should take further advice by listing all the whys and
wherefores. BB reminded the group that other constituancies may be in the same position. Mandy
K has posted on the website that if you are so upset about the UK decision then why didn't you
support us in the Inquiry.
The stripping of trees is causing quite a lot of concern in the village, we are informed that the owner
of the land has a five year management plan with the Forestry Commission. Local interest
outweighs National. MH raised concern for Red Kites and other endangered species living in the
area as it is not the right time to carry out this work. Birds and animals are nesting. Photographs
have been taken of the area and concern raised about the amount of stripped wood that is strewn
across the public pathways. A particular problem for Derwent Valley Trail runners and the
forthcoming Red Kite Run in July. The members of Wildfowl Trust attending the meeting are to
contact Gary Hayley in an effort to safeguard Red Kites. They also encouraged PVN to send
emails to him to highten the concern we have for these and other species. DM handed the card he
had been given when introduced to Gary, who seemed to be very concerned about the situation.
It is legal, but not recommended at this time of year to cull the trees. JR said they were to replant
deciduous trees. EM said that there are grants given if managed so giving land owner more
EM Barrett have applied for building permission at Hamsterley Hall. RM said they would not be
affordable homes. MH added that there would have to be a new road created. EM said there is an
informal hearing to be held at Burnopfield CC on 30th June. Please attend if you can to fill the room
Residents need your support.

A lot of people are complaining about the fence, the gates inappropriate for wheelchair access and
mostly about the horses that are roaming on the plot. Stuart Priestley of Durham CC sees no
problem, It is suggested that anyone who has a grumble or complaint about the horses that they
should contact him directly at Stuart.priestley@ durham.gov.uk It has been noted that MWJ has
been blamed for not telling residents about what is happening, He has done a very good job in
managing the project and has worked- hard with the two departments carrying out the work but is
not responsible for what they have carried out. Originally it was Exmoor ponies grazing in certain
areas not large horses. There are mounds of contaminated soil from the old railway line which it is
thought will be spread out over good soil. This is not acceptable. The PVN Project was to improve
the routes, clear up the ponds and try to raise ownership for local people. Trees were planted by
children with approval of Durham County Council, which were subsequently regarded as being
inappropriate. Funding has paid for the work with a lot of help from PVN and local helpers.
Planting of flowers by the children was put back and no date notified as yet. The H& S issue of the
horses during the time the children would be planting has been notified to Stuart Priestly. The
paths need completion. Volunteers needed on Saturday, 20th June at 11am. RM to use land rover
after gravel is bagged. Further work is needed on the pond and PVN will have completed their
project. Saturday 20th June there is to be litter picking but no further details known.
BB and SB to publish the newsletter in the absence of CR. An explanation about the ponds and the
problems will be written. Other items PVN 4th July, 5th July Red Kite Run, 5th July Party at the Pond
is not known other articles as raised by DVP e.g. Dipton Manor, Schools will also be updated.
PVN banner, Three one sided banners have been approved at the cost of 135.
5th July Red Kite Run
Dawn has everything in place now and says to date there are 72 entrants. A Masseuse will be
attending at the end of the run should anyone be interested. There may be a small donation charge
to go to PVN. First aiders are agreed and DM will marshal gate 1 and S Cowley Gate 2. Dawn said
she had experienced problems with one person at Lintz Hall Farm. RM and herself are to pay a visit
to sort out liaise with the owners.
Any other business
EM National Trust shown an interest in the ecology of the valley in particular the historic church
and chapels. This would bring even more visitors to the valley.
Dipton Club
RM advised the group that the Club is changing all its programmes with Bingo on Monday nights
Buskers on Thursday night and live acts for Saturdays. It is hoped to bring in more people.
Domino cards are 1 not 50P as in the past, the extra 50p is to go towards children's Christmas party
and trips.
Post Hearing
S. Leary asks about party, or wake? No dates agreed.
As there was no further business the meeting closed at 9.30 pm.
Agenda for next meeting
Updates and final details for 4th and 5th July
Any further news on Ponds
AGM date
New projects?

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