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Minutes of the meeting held at Dipton Club on 29th June 2015

In attendance S Bell, J Billewicz, M Briggs, J Carson, S Cowley, I Jewell, D Marrs,
C Mason, R Mason, C Rocke, P Wilson.
Apologies for absence D Metcalfe, M Jones, MW Jones, J Stoddart, and B Bell.
The chair opened the meeting and asked if there were any amendments to the last minutes, as there were
none the minutes were signed as a true record.
Ponds Project
DM thanked all those who attended to complete the gravelling of the paths and in particular C Mason for
driving the land rover and D Logan, partner and boys, The paths were completed in about an hour and a
half. There is still the ecologist visit and report, the ponds to clean in September then the PVN project will
be completed. On the 5th July there will be a ponds day activity and Kath would appreciate a little help with
activities and refreshments.
DM confirmed that Durham CC do not intend to challenge the inquiry decision. Nothing has been heard
from Steve Leary of Friends of the Earth whose legal team are checking all details of the inquiry. Time is
running out with only one and a half weeks before application for a judicial inquiry. PW said hopefully UK
may hold out to start at 2016. DM advised there are only 27 months for the coaling period and it seems not
to be cost effective. CR read out email re appeal. The matter was discussed and DM then said that it was
agreed that the cost would be too big of a risk. JC asked why the site was called Bradley when it is clearly
the Bilingside site. It was noted that the company change names to suit themselves. DM whilst the inquiry
procedure went well the outcome was very poor. As PVN have no money to go to judicial no challenge
means NOTT campaign ended. SC queried the reclamation of land after coal extraction. DM advised that
when UK Coal sell the rights the new owners would be responsible for the renovation, but, they may attempt
to change the conditions. RM explained that as it is an asset U.K. Coal will sell. DM agreed to attempt to
populate the liaison committee. SC asked was there any feedback from other site, to which DM replied that
no contact had been received from Steve Leary. He went on the explain that there are three or four
geological faults in the valley that could make extraction awkward for UK or any other company.
Woodland Trust
The Trust are buying Cow close Wood. D Logan wanted to buy wood but new owners wont agree.
Woodland Trust are keen to increase their holding in the valley. DM to keep in contact with Gary Hailey.
Mr Ashby sold his part of the woods and the new buyer is clearing out.
PW remarked that Lord Gorts estate had been sold off in bits and pieces.
Hamsterly Hall
DM informed the group that the two day hearing was 30th and 1st July at Burnopfield Community Centre
starting at 10 a.m. Mr McCoy the inspector will hear both sides and there will be a discussion where
interested parties may give their comments on the second day. Technical support from Derwent Valley
Protection Society valley law experts. DM said it is a finely drawn case against emerging proposals for
green belt status. Discussion with Inspectorate and Durham CC as to unsustainable development.
PW As it is a listed building a decision should be made within three months from the days after the hearing.
It must be stressed the importance of the valley. This scheme is of no public benefit.
4th July
Posters are put out in prominent places. The banners are to be displayed at each end of the village and the
Community Centre. Setting up Friday 8pm and Saturday 8am.
5th July
Dawn and Robert med Mr Tulip and a ten point plan has been drawn up. Runners will avoid the field of
horses by running through the stables and round the corner. RM advised that there are 98 runners booked
and that it is capped at 100, though, some people may turn up on the day. Prize giving is 12 noon and the
press are to be approached to cover the end of the event. Runners are coming from far and wide.
After the race at approximately 12.30 the Fun Day on the natures reserve takes place. Hopefully there will
be help available for Kath with the pond dipping and refreshments etc.


RM told the group that the right hand side of the path was also to come out down to the bridge. Hardwoods
are to be thinned, softwoods coming out along tud line to Mary pit. The plan has been in consultation with
various agencies. Chip and branches are sent to power stations for fuel IJ remarked that anything left would
become natural habitat.
SC brought up the subject of the piles of rubble at the ponds. DM
said that Laura Tedstone is to ask volunteers to level it out, it is considered that there is no risk to humans. IJ
add that if complied with ecologists then there is no law broken. DM said that the fence is good but the
contractor should have dumped the rubble onto the railway line not on a nature reserve.
Any other
IJ read out the statistics of accidents recorded at High Stables which do not match with the accidents
occurred. The Council had in the part added and adhesion to the road and they are to check to see if that is
still ok. Speed conforms to National Guidelines and it is difficult to strike a balance. JC and IJ to request
warning signs. DM queries had been made years ago regarding speeding and the extending of boundaries.
No further news. Highways boundaries are hard to move. IJ remarked upon the bad driving speeds of
traffic travelling to Dipton from Leadgate
The War Memorial possible funding
Dipton Club
The club concert room is to be redecorate in the next few weeks. Entertainment is changing soon at the
moment turns are on Sundays but from end of August they will be Saturday night.
Details of all turns coming to the club can be found on the website.
There being no further business the meeting closed at 9.50pm.
Date of next meeting 13th July 2015
Feedback from 4th July
Feedback from 5th July Red Kite Race and Ponds party.
AGM September?
Any other business

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