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Season ticket sales

Season ticket Pearson Correlation

% of game won

Number of alumni



% of game

Pearson Correlation





Number of




Sig. (2-tailed)

Pearson Correlation


Cannot be computed because at least one of the variables is constant.


Coefficient of Correlation between seasons ticket sales and percentage of game won is 0.119 which

indicates that there is low correlation between sales and the percentage of game won i.e. there is weak
association between season ticket sales and percentage game won. However, the coefficient of correlation
between season ticket sales and number of alumni and also coefficient of correlation between percentage of
game won and number of alumni cannot be determine due to the missing data on number of alumni.

b. Regression analysis between seasons ticket sales and percentage of game won can be done by
incorporating the following model
Seasons ticket sales = a+bPGW+Ut
Where PGW is percentage of game won
a is intercept of the model
b is coefficient of PGW
Ut is error term

Estimation of the above model gave the following results

Seasons ticket sales =

-338.55 + .11 9PWG

The above results show that there is positive relationship between PWG and seasons ticket sales. It reveals that
1% increase in game won will increase seasons ticket sales by 0.119 units.

However, the regression analysis between seasons ticket sales and number of active alumni is not possible due
missing data on number of active alumni

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