October 23 2015

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Sai Inspires from Prasanthi Nilayam October 23, 2015

What is the most significant malnutrition we must eradicate? Bhagawan

directs us lovingly today.
When the mind of a person is unattached to the ups
and downs of life, but is able to maintain equanimity
under all circumstances, then even physical health can
be assured. The mental firmament must be like the sky,
which bears no mark of the passage through it of birds
or planes or clouds. Illness is caused more by
malnutrition of the mind than of the body. Doctors
speak of vitamin deficiency; I will call it the deficiency of
Vitamin G, and I will recommend the repetition of the
Name of God, with accompanying contemplation of the
glory and grace of God. This Vitamin G is the medicine
that is needed. Regulated life and habits are two-thirds
of the treatment, while the medicine is just one-third.
You must reveal the divine qualities of love, humility,
detachment and contentment. Else, you could become
worse than a beast and in fact more deadly.
- Divine Discourse, Sep 27, 1965.

To secure the grace of God one must adhere to right conduct and observe purity in thought,
word and deed. Baba
23 AkqUbr,2015
sweI ieMnspwier dw pMjwbI tRWslySn
pRSn: mn Aqy SrIr nUM,mwVI l`gx vwlI auh ikhVI cIz hY ijhVI swnUM,C`fxI cwhIdI hY?Bgvwn,Aj swnUM,ipAwr
nwl smJwauNdy hn[
au`qr:jd mnu`K dy mn au`qy,izMdgI dy auqwr - cVHwau dw koeI Asr nhIN huMdw Aqy auh hr hwlwqW dw iekswrqw
nwl mukwblw krdw hY qW mnu`K dw SwrIirk qOr qy TIk hoxw vI kwPI hY[mwnisk qOr qy TIk hoxw,aus Awsmwn dI
qrHW hY ijhdy iv`c auVn vwly pMCIAW,auVn vwly jhwjW jW cl rhy b`dlW dw koeI inSwn nhIN rihMdw[mnu`K,bhuqw
ibmwr aus vyly huMdw hY jd aus dw mn ,SrIr dy mukwbly izAwdw ivcilq huMdw hY[fwktr lok,ies ibmwrI dw
kwrx,ivtwmn dI Gwt dsdy hn pr mYN ies nUM,ivtwmn jI dI Gwt khW gw[mYN, quhwnUM swirAW nUM ieh slwh dvW
gw ik qusIN swry,Bgvwn dy nW dw lgwqwr jwp kro Aqy aunHW dI squqI Aqy mihmw dw gux-gwx kro[hr iek nUM
,ivtwimn jI dI dvweI cwhIdI hY[mnu`K nUM jIx leI,inXmq izMdgI Aqy AwdqW,do-iqhweI Aqy dvweI
kyvl,iek-iqhweI hI,ielwz leI cwhIdIAW hn[quhwfy hr iek iv`c,ipAwr,mnu`Kqw,ivrwg Aqy mn dI qs`lI dy
idvX gux cwhIdy hn[jy ies qrHW nhIN huMdw qW iek mnu`K,jWvr qoN vI bdqr Aqy iek izMdw lwS dI qrHW hI huMdw
hY[(27 sqMbr,1965 dy idvX pRvcn)

Bgvwn dw AwSIrvwd pRwpq krn leI,hr mnu`K iv`c,mn,vcn Aqy krm dI Su`Dqw Aqy cMgw Awcrx cwhIdw

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