October 24 2015

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Sai Inspires from Prasanthi Nilayam October 24, 2015

What is the minimum qualification for receiving the Grace of the Lord?
Bhagawan explains and gives us a few tips we can follow.
Just as you prescribe minimum qualifications for every profession, the
minimum qualification for grace is surrender of egoism, control over
senses and regulated food and recreation (ahara and vihara). A
person is made or marred by the company kept. A bad person who
falls into good company is able to shed their evil quickly and shine
forth in virtue. A good person falling into evil company is overcome by
the subtle influence and slides down into evil. The lesser is
overpowered by the greater. A drop of sour curd transforms milk,
curdling it, separating the butter and turning it into whey. Sacred
books are also equally valuable for this transmuting process, but they
have to be read and pondered upon, and their lessons have to be put
into daily practice. The Gayatri Mantra is a Vedic prayer to the
Supreme Intelligence that is immanent in the Universe to kindle the
intelligence of the supplicant.
- Divine Discourse, Sep 27, 1965.

Reining in your senses is the growing in wisdom. Baba

24 AkqUbr,2015
sweI ieMnspwier dw pMjwbI tRWslySn
pRSn: Bgvwn qoN AwSIrvwd lYx leI,iG`toN-G`t ,ikhVI is`iKAw hoxI cwhIdI hY?Bgvwn,A`j swnUM,ku`J FMg dsdy
hn ijnHW nUM,swnUM Apxwauxw cwhIdw hY[
au`qr: ijs qrHW hr nOkrI hwsl krn leI,koeI nw koeI ,G`toN-G`t pVHweI hoxI zrUrI hY,ausI qrHW Bgvwn dw
AwSIrvwd lYx leI,mnu`K nUM cwhIdw hY ik auh Bgvwn nUM,Awpxw hMkwr Arpx kry,AwpxIAW ieMdRIAW au`qy kwbU
pwey Aqy smyN isr Awhwr-ivhwr kry[iksy mnu`K dI qr`kI hovy gI jW aus dw ivnwS hovy gw,ies gl qy inrBr
krdw hY ik aus dI sMgq,iks qrHW dI hY[iek burw ienswn,ijhVw cMgI sMgq iv`c Swiml ho jWdw hY,auh jldI hI
AwpxI burweI C`f ky cMgy gux hwsl kr lYNdw hY[iek cMgw mnu`K,ijhVw burI sMgq iv`c swiml ho jWdw hY,ah
AwpxI A`CweI hOlI-hOlI C`fdw hY Aqy burweI iv`c P`s jWdw hy[iksy kmzor mnu`K au`qy hI ,zordwr mnu`K dw bolbwlw huMdw hY[jd du`D iv`c,dhI dw iek qupkw,iml jWdw hY qW auh du`D,dhI iv`c bdl jWdw hY ijs nUM irVkn qy
m`Kx Aqy l`sI bxdI hY[Dwrimk ikqwbW vI bhu`q mu`lvwn huMdIAW hn pr aunHW nUM pVHn qoN bwd,mnu`K nUM ,aunHW au`qy
roz dI izMdgI iv`c Aml krnw zrUrI hY qW hI auh Dwrimk ikqwbW dw lwB hY[mnu`Kqw dI bu`DI nUM jwigRq krn
leI,gwieXqRI dw mMqr,auh vYidk pRwrQnw hY ijs nwl qIbr bu`DI pRwpq huMdI hY[(27 sqMbr,1965 dy idvX
bu`DImqw iv`c qW hI bVHOqRI huMdI hY jd mnu`K,AwpxIAW ieMdRIAW au`qy kwbU pw lYNdw hY[(bwbw)[

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