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 A night out in Tokyo is much the same as a night out in Milan these days, according to a survey about
socialising, conducted amongst 16 to 34-year-olds around the world. Whether you live in Korea or
Canada, Italy or Ireland, a typical night out is spent eating burgers, seeing American films or listening to
English-language music in clubs and bars. Individual differences do survive - the ballet is still particularly
popular amongst Russians, while more Japanese favour an evening of Karaoke - but American culture is

Differences in the social behaviour of the two sexes are also disappearing. The majority of respondents
world-wide felt that it was 'perfectly normal' for groups of young women to go out alone, that it was
'equally acceptable' for young women to smoke and drink, and that a couple should split the bill when
they go out together. For most young people these were the biggest differences between their own
generation and their parents'.

 Interestingly, however, the vast majority of the young people interviewed said that parents are still
stricter with daughters than sons about where they go and who they go with. Overall, only 10 per cent
thought that parents treat their sons and daughters equally, and almost no one thought parents were
stricter with their sons! In most countries, it was also agreed that such rules tend to be stricter outside the
big cities.

Important national differences did appear, however, when it came to time-keeping. In the Far East and
in Eastern Europe a night out starts - and finishes - much earlier: There seven o'clock was the average
time given for meeting up with friends. For many Southern Europeans and South Americans, on the other
hand, an evening out doesn't even start until ten or eleven o'clock, by which time many of their Korean
and Japanese counterparts are safely home in bed!

Parents' rules reflect this. Most Japanese parents expect their teenagers home by ten o'clock or even
earlier, whereas in Europe it is more likely to be eleven or twelve o'clock. The most surprising findings
here came from Argentina, however, where it is apparently quite normal for 15 and 16-year-olds to stay
out all night. But then perhaps this is because their parents have less to worry about -80 per cent of
Argentina youngsters claimed that they rarely or never drink alcohol!
Cutting the edge 2002(student’s book)
Ministry of Education and Training T: Mrs S.Dhaouadi
Grombalia Secondary School
Name:-------------------- Mar.2010
- -- - - - - - - /40 -- - - - - - - - - - /20


TASK (1) Tick  the right option: (2 mks)

 The text is a taken from:

a) A newspaper article  b) a diary  c) a geography book 

 The text is about:

a) People’s reactions to development  b) people’s hobbies  c) people’s differences and traditions 

TASK (2) What does the underlined words in the text refer to? (2mks)

They (paragraph 2) refers to: ------------------------------------

Where (paragraph 5 ) refers to: -----------------------------------------

TASK (3) Correct these false statements with details from the text. (4mks)

a) Many people reject the American lifestyle.


b) Generally most parents deal with their children in an equal way.


c) Japanese parents don’t mind to let their children stay late at night.
d) Socially nothing has changed between man and women through generations.

TASK (4) Find in the text words which mean nearly the same as: (3marks)

Findings of a research (paragraph 1): -------------------------------------------

Share (paragraph 2): -----------------------------------------------------------------
Maybe (paragraph 5): -----------------------------------------------------------------

TASK (5): Pick out from the text two details showing gender equality in these days. (2marks)

a) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
b) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
TASK (6) Why do Argentine parents let their children stay all night out? (1mk)

TASK (7) Do you think that it is important to treat your children equally? Justify your answer. (1mk)

LANGUAGE: (10mks)

TASK (1) Fill in the blanks with 8 words from the list below: (4 marks)

/ accused / guilty / resignation / abroad / suspect /reports / co-operate / spend / illegal /from /

Mr Tony Valentino, leader of the New Democratic Party, shocked his followers earlier today by his announcement.

He announced his -- - - - - - - - - - - - - He said he was retiring in order to - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - more time with his

family, and refused to comment on recent newspaper - - - - - - - - - - ------- about his financial affairs. Mr

Valentino is -- - ---- - - - - -- - - - of avoiding up to $10 million in taxes over the last five years, but has always

denied doing anything - - - - ---- - - - ---------- .Mr Valentino said he was happy for his financial affairs to be

investigated and was willing to - - - - ---- - - - - - - fully with the tax authorities as soon as he returns - - - - ---- - - - - a

four-week skiing holiday at secret location - - - - ---- - - - - - - .

TASK (2) Match the sentence parts in A with their appropriate completion in B to get a paragraph. Write
the answers in C (3mks)


1) All over the world, lotteries a) to wake up one day with more money than you 1+.........
2) But what is it actually like can imagine?
b) would do with the money. 2+.........
3) Nearly all of us have fantasized
4) We dream about what we c) Stop to think about it. 3+.......
d) create new millionaires every week.
5) But we rarely
e) about winning a big prize in a lottery. 4+........
6) There are many stories about people
f) who couldn’t learn how to be rich.
g) about the food in our holidays. 5+.......

TASK (3) circle the right option (3mks)

Maciej (polish) ‘for breakfast I have a kind of open sandwich with ham and cheese in (them/him/it). And then I

often go out for lunch. A (popularity/popular/unpopular) lunch is pierogi ruski, which are a bit like ravioli

except they’ve (get/got/getting) potatoes with cheese and onion in them. And (at/on/in) the evening... well in

Poland most people eat a (big/biggest/bigger) meal in the evening than in other places. For example, kotlet is a

(traditionary/traditional/tradition) dish, that’s meat fried in egg and breadcrumbs, often pork.
WRITING :( 15 mks)

TASK (1) you are going to write a letter to your chat mate, who is fat and who never practises sport or eat
healthy food, to advise him to consume healthy food. Use these notes to produce the letter. (5mks)

Vegetables /fruits:
rich in vitamins eg: C, B12,

Low in fat

Good /health/heart/eyes.....

Protection / energy......

Sport: important for many








TASK (2) you are going to write an article in which you show the importance of human rights nowadays.
You are going to identify people’s rights by giving examples and you are going to say how we would ensure
these rights all over the world. (10mks)













Adherence to task & Content Adequacy [ /3 ]– Lexical appropriacy& grammar accuracy [ /3 ] - Mechanical Accuracy (punctuation,
capitalisation& spelling) [ /2 ]

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