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Religion: We are practicing our prayer manners

each day. We are learning a special prayer
praising God for all that He has created.
Reading: We read the first story in our reading
textbook. As we were reading the story, we made
predictions about what would happen next. We
began working with the sounds of ch, sh, and
tch. In our new reading workbooks, we are using
super secret readers to find hidden pictures and
words on many pages of the book.
Math: We completed the first chapter about using
addition strategies. We used counters to solve
addition problems up to 10. We wrote and read
addition sentences vertically and horizontally.
Science: We used the magazine pictures to create
2 large posters that show living and nonliving
things. We also drew pictures of living things and
nonliving things. Students shared their senses
booklet in class.

Mrs. Harris
September 18, 2015

*We will be going to the 8:15
morning mass on Wednesday,
Sept. 23.
We will not have gym that day.
*Library books must be returned
on Monday of each week.

*No school on Friday, Sept. 25.

It is a teacher institute day.
*Save those box tops!

Social Studies: We are reading about school days

in our text. We are using picture clues to find out
details. We began talking about the groups we
belong to: family, friends, classmates, teammates,
and many others.

Star Student

Executive Function Program

Everyone is getting into the routine of using the
planner book, take home folder, Spanish folder
and school folder daily. Most students
are completing homework assignments on
on time. We will continue to stress good
study habits daily.

The schedule was sent home

on Thursday. We will celebrate
each student with their own
special day beginning on
Monday. Please let me know if
you need a poster for your child
to decorate.

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