HSC Lesson Plan

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An Area of Study is the exploration of a concept that affects our perceptions of ourselves and our world. Students explore, analyse, question and articulate
the ways in which perceptions of this concept are shaped in and through a variety of texts.
Students responses to texts are supported by their own composition of, and experimentation with, imaginative and other texts. They explore ways of
representing events, experiences, ideas, values and processes, and consider the ways in which changes of form and language affect meaning.
The Area of Study is Discovery and students are required to explore the ways in which this concept is represented in and through texts. Discoveries can be
sudden and unexpected or can emerge from careful planning induced by curiosity, wonder or necessity. Discoveries can be physical, spiritual, emotional,
creative and intellectual. They can be confronting but also exhilarating and can offer new understandings and renewed perceptions of ourselves and others.
The HSC Standard English class will be introduced to the concept of Discovery and will Study a Prescribed Text form Module B: Wilfred Owen: War
Poems. As this is the 100 year anniversary of the ANZAC Legend the students would have seen many multimodal documentaries and will have the
opportunity to engage in the Discovery of another side of World War 1 through the prescribed text and a related text All Quite on the Western Front E.M.

Lesson Plan Format

Class: HSC Standard English


Time: Start: 9.10
Finish: 10.10

Key Learning Area: English

Lesson Topic: Introduction to HSC Area of Study Discovery with Prescribed Text: Wilfred Owen:
War Poems

Recent Prior Experience (specific relevant concepts, skills and values the school students have experienced prior to this lesson):

Syllabus Outcome(s):
(One or two only. Please note the syllabus
reference number AND write out in full).

Indicators of Learning for this lesson:

Behaviours that contribute toward achievement of
Quote syllabus numbers. Must be clear, specific, observable.
Curriculum Content Strands may be used as headings.

Strategies which will be used to assess
learners attainment of learning outcomes.
Should be linked to each learning indicator.

demonstrates By the end of this lesson, the students will:
- Quality of students verbal and written
understanding of how relationships
1. Students learn about the ways meaning results responses to introductory activities.
between composer, responder, text and
from relationships between composers, responder,
- worksheets
context shape meaning.
text and context by:
-350 word response required after analysis
of Dulce Et Decorum Est.
1.1 identifying features of context and describing their
effects on meaning in and through particular texts
understanding of relations among texts.

1.2 comparing and contrasting texts in terms of their


2. Students learn about the relationships among texts

2.1 Comparing and contrasting the forms and
features of texts
2.2 Describing and explaining the connections
between texts
Any safety issues to be considered:


Manage Classroom Environment

NSW Board of Studies Stage 6 Syllabus

Poetry of Wilfred Owen

Lesson Sequence
Lesson Content / Indicators of Timing Teaching Strategies / Learning Experiences:
Learning (What is Taught):
(How it is taught)
Note key skills, concepts and
Write detailed steps showing what the teacher
(T) will do and what students (Ss) will do.
addressed in each section. Link
to your Indicators of Learning.

Resources and Organisation:

Concept of Discovery


(T) Provides an Overview of the Unit IWB

Discovery and the requirements set out by Mobile computer trolley
the Board of Studies.
Wilfred Owen: War Poems booklet
(T) instructs (Ss) to collect a laptop and
together they will review by mind mapping the Worksheets
concept of Discovery and record and save
information for future reference.

(T) introduces the (Ss) to the Poetry of

Wilfred Owen, and hands out a booklet of the
Prescribed text, that has been printed in the
order of teaching.

(T) explains the meaning of Dulce Et

Decorum Est.
(T) reads the first poem Dulce Et Decorum Est
out loud to the (Ss) x 2
(T) requests a (Ss) to read the poem

(T) hands out worksheet See, Think, Wonder
and instructs students to complete the top


(T) shows Youtube clip of animation of Dulce

Et Decorum Est.
(T) instructs (Ss) to complete the bottom
section of the worksheet See, Think, Wonder
and paste in books.

(T) starts class discussion on the concept of

Discovery with the Question,
What did Wilfred Owen really mean by the

(T scribes responses on WB)and (Ss) record in

their work books.

Students will be required to choose one of the

following questions and write a 350 response:
1) Owens poems present the reader with a
powerful exploration of the impact of
human cruelty on individuals. How
does Owen achieve this?

2) How does Owens portrayal of the

relationship between youth and war

move us to a deeper understanding of


Students will be informed that the same lesson

format will be applied to the remaining 5
poems in the prescribed text, and that they
must be present if they wish to gain every
advantage of the HSC exam as successfully as
they possibly could.

Concept of


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