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Health Lesson Plan 2


Year level

Lesson Duration


Week 3 Lesson 6

Year 9

60 Minutes

Local Gym

Lesson Title
Burning Calories

Learning Outcome
Students will understand the intensity and time it takes to burn calories doing certain

Lesson Aims

The students will understand the effect of exercise intensity on the body.
Students will be able to identify what macronutrients their body is utilising to complete
certain aspects of exercise.

Links to AusVELS
Strand: Physical, Personal and Social Learning.
Domain: Health and Physical Education.
Dimension: Select and use appropriate equipment, including digital technologies, to systematically
and accurately collect and record data (ACSIS166).

Analyse a range of influences on personal and family food selection, and identify major
nutritional needs for growth and activity.
Analyse and evaluate the factors that affect food consumption in Australia.
Demonstrate proficiency in understanding the importance of exercise in maintaining a
healthy lifestyle.

Classroom Management Strategy

Students to adhere to the already established classroom rules.

Students behaviour appropriately for being in an environment outside of the

school grounds.
Student behaviours will be monitored.
Students follow Fitness Centre rules.

Key Vocabulary
Fat burning zone
Energy systems
Materials Required

Fitness centre
Appropriate gym gear and shoes
Water bottle and towel
Pens and worksheets


Lesson Introduction:
Connecting, Engaging & Modelling Inquiry

Time Allocation

30 minutes

Students to undertake a spin class. Whilst the students

are completing this the teacher is to question all aspects
of the exercise. Asking questions where students are
predicting the answer from their previous knowledge like:
What energy system are you utilising? What is your body
using for fuel? What training zone are you in? (Elaborate)
Understanding Applying
All students are to be participating in the exercise,
encourage those students that are finding it difficult to
keep up with the instructor

Lesson Main Body:

Guiding Inquiry & Practice
20 minutes

Students have free time in the main fitness area to use

machines, free weights and cardio machines.

Students will need to complete their worksheets and

record the exercises they did, how many sets and how
many reps
Students to be aware of what energy system they are
using with each exercise, be able to tell you what
macronutrients their body will be utilising to fuel their
body, predict what kind of effect this exercise is having
on their body and finally students should be able to
identify what training zone they are working in with each
exercise. (Elaborate)

Lesson Conclusion:
Sharing, Explaining and Receiving Inquiry

10 minutes

Class discussion: Talking about all the aspects and key

vocabulary used throughout the session. (Explain)
Each student will then say one new thing that they have
learnt during the session.
Answer any remaining questions.

Assessment of Student Learning

General discussion throughout the session and answers to questioning supplied

by the teacher (Evaluate)
Overall class discussion. (Evaluate)

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