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Autonomous Car

Presented By
Vichitra Joon

What is an Autonomous Car

Computer controlled car that drives Itself

Driverless Car or Robot Car

What we loosing?

According to Goos, 1.3 million road deaths occur

worldwide per year.
There are 3,500 deaths a day, Nearly 3 people
every minuite.
50 million people are seriously injured.
More than 90% of road accident are due to
human error.

Evolution of Autonomous Car

Experiments have been conducted since late

DARPA Grand Challenge-1 in 2004 called
attention to the autonomous car race.
Grand Challenge-2 in 2005 was the great
success. (Out of 195 teams, Stanley won the $2
million prize)
Urban Challenge in 2007. The 96 Km course
was completed in less than 6h.

Google Driverless Car

In 2009, Google started the

self-driving car project.
In 2014, Google construct
its own prototype vehicle.
Over 1 million miles testing
already has been done

Other than Google

Audi Has Already Built 3

Self-Driving Prototypes
Ford Announces Plan To
Auto Vehicles
Honda Receives Approval
To Test Autonomous Cars
Nissan/Renault Says Its
Technology Will Be Ready
By 2020


Advantage of Autonomous Car

Fewer Accidents- The Eno study found if 10% of

all cars are self-driving, 211,000 accidents would
be prevented annually
Lower Fuel Consumption- can be saved 2.9
billion gallons of fuel annually.
Improved Mobility For Children, The Elderly, And
The Disabled

Future Prediction

They'll free up as much as 50 minutes per day

per user, globally 1 billion free hours per day
AVs do not require open-door space when
parked, allowing them to occupy parking spaces
that are 15 percent tighter


The biggest obstacle in the way of driverless car

is ourselves.
According to survey of University of
Michigan(505 drivers)
Column 1




No Self Driving Capability

Semi Autonomous
Fully Autonomous

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