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7th Grade Science: The Structure and Function of Living Things (Cells)

Unit Self-Assessment

Unit: Cells
Over the next couple weeks, well be studying the structure and functions of cells.
Essential Questions:
How do cells become specialized?
Rate your mastery of the learning target after each task.

1 = I dont get it yet.

2 = I think I got it.
3 = I got this!
Learning Target: The Learner Will(TLW):




I can recognize that all organisms are composed of cells, and

compare multicellular and unicellular organisms. This means that if
you are given samples of cells you can identify them as multicellular
and unicellular organisms. (L.OL.07.21)
I can explain how cells make up different body tissues, organs,
and organ systems. This means that you can match up specialized
cells and the functions they perform in a system. Ex blood, bone,
nerve; leaf, stem, root. (L.OL.07.22)
I can describe how cells in all multicellular organisms are
specialized to take in nutrients, which they use to provide
energy for the work that cells do and to make the materials
that a cell or organism needs. This means I can explain how
both plant and animal cells get the energy and nutrition they need
using diffusion, osmosis, active transport and passive transport.
(L.OL. 07.23)
I can recognize that cells function in a similar way in all
organisms. For example, this could mean you can infer that a nucleus
in a skin cell works the same way as the nucleus in a bone cell, blood
cell, etc. All nuclei have the same function. (L.OL.07.24)
I can use tools and equipment for scientific investigations. This
means I can use a microscope to compare and contrast plant and
animal cells. (S.IP.07.13)

Vocabulary to Master
active transport
Multicellular organism

organ system
specialized cell

specialized function
Unicellular organism

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