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Goals for My First Professional Semester

1. My first goal is to maintain a composed, confident and

authoritative presence in the classroom.
Action statements: I will work to establish mutual trust and
respect with students.
I will clearly define expectations about behaviour throughout
my lessons.
I will monitor and supervise students as regularly as
I will respond to behaviour issues promptly and
2. My second goal is to communicate clearly while
Action statements: I will use a clear voice.
I will demonstrate passion and enthusiasm.
I will be honest with students if I dont know something or
need to think about something for a second.

I will communicate to students how they will be assessed

and what my expectations are for their assessment pieces.
I will strive to give honest and helpful feedback to students
throughout my lessons.
3. My third goal is to gain skills in incorporating
differentiation into the classroom.
Action statements: I will observe how my teacher associate
incorporates differentiation into their instruction.
I will plan for differentiation in many of my lessons, and will
observe and reflect upon how effective my methods of
differentiation were.
4. I will learn how to effectively time a lesson.
Action statements: I will observe how my teacher associate
conducts lessons, paying close attention to timing and
I will ask my teacher associate how long students typically
take to complete various types of tasks.
I will plan out timing in my lessons with great care and
I will work on explaining content in a concise and direct way
to avoid taking up extra time with long, redundant
I will reflect on whether or not the timing I planned was
appropriate after each lesson.
5. I will gain skills in effective assessment.
Action statements: I will observe how my teacher associate
incorporates formative assessment into the classroom, and
how he/she prepares students for summative assessment,
I will incorporate at least three methods of assessment into
each of my lessons.
I will adjust my instructional plans based on the results of
formative assessments.
I will record the various formative assessment strategies I
apply throughout my practicum, along with reflections on
how well the various strategies worked and what I would or
wouldnt change if I was going to incorporate them into the
classroom again.

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